Can the mainland's five cents hinder the country to build a united front? wash and sleep

Those who talk about Mao Xuan must not know that Mao Xuan has a so-called "editing team". Only money, people, and guns are the deciding factors. The weapon of criticism is no match for the criticism of weapons. Without arms and bases, it would be even more difficult to pull people by the head. The team is big, and there is no shortage of speculators.

The Communist Party is not Mao Zedong's party, which is evident in the "Cultural Revolution" launched after Mao Babe. The Cultural Revolution aimed to hit the bureaucracy and bring back the power that Mao Barou lost. Chen Yun, Zhou Enlai and others are among the long-term leaders of the CCP (Techco). The struggle within the CCP is so cruel and ruthless. Not to mention foreign policy. The Red Group has actually mastered China, which is equivalent to the seat of Liangshan, and the Mao Baumu family has completely lost power. If it were not for the South African pilots, we would be a large version of the North Korean Kim Dynasty today. Therefore, those most capable of subverting Xi Jinping's regime must not be liberals or democrats overseas or at home. It is a Communist Party member with the same identity and background as Xi Jinping, a red family.

 China's organizational model has a strong duality. From a macro perspective, the bureaucratic structure modeled after the Western model is very tightly stacked, but on a micro level, it lacks a clear design of responsibilities and rights. Greed, fear, hatred; reward, punishment and creating hostile targets. For example: China's sales team building consists of three parts, rewarding the advanced, humiliating the backward, and creating hatred. (The same goes for Matt City Wumao.) All three sections have matching rituals to drive people into madness. This type of organization is characterized by short-sightedness, aggressiveness (such as Sino-Vietnamese split, Sino-Soviet split, Sino-US split. The United States rarely turns against its allies), lacks long-term vision, and is difficult to fight head-on, but sugar-coated cannonballs are accurate. Taking advantage of the shortsightedness and rashness of the members, the ruler can perfectly brainwash and manipulate the lower level, and the ruler himself, because of the shortsightedness and rashness of the entire group, is involved in an uncontrollable chain reaction. The fatal flaw of an organization based on rational design is the finiteness of reason and the infiniteness of the game state space. If you face such an organization head-on, it is equivalent to compressing the game state space to a very narrow level, and the animal instinct of the organization can be easily stimulated to burst into amazing endurance and combat power. The characteristics of animal instinct drive will lead to the fact that even the solutions that can be found by bounded rationality cannot be implemented because they cannot conform to animal instincts. If by creating multiple images and multiple game paths in the game space, we can force the animal instinct to drive the organization to do the rational analysis work that it is not good at and reorganize the system according to rationality. The dullness and fragility of this organization are exposed.

Exaggerating the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves and exaggerating the value of the united front is unacceptable. In many cases, people at the bottom are forced to choose. Of course, a political party has to consider who is an enemy and who is a friend. For example, as mentioned in the Communist Manifesto, the ultimate goal of communism is to eliminate capitalism. "Capitalism" coexists for a long time. This reality forced the Communist Party scholars to explain new statements, showing that the game of groups has never been based on dogma. Action and Reaction. Natural enemies and potential threats. Groups have never been a unity. These things are all empty expressions that can no longer be empty.

Liu Zhongjing: We should note that the Communist Party is not a single person, it does not make decisions according to the way of a single person, it is an organization, and it mainly judges problems according to the relationship between organizations. For example, if the same soldier has an urban hukou, he must arrange a job; if he has a rural hukou, then he will go back to farming. The same nurse is a person with a staff, so you should give him some kind of reward; if there is no staff, then you go back and continue to work. Everything is like this. It is of course handled in this way in Hong Kong. Some people are organized, the pan-democrats are organized, and they have formal identities within the SAR system, so the United Front strategy applies to them. "Mob" is not, "mob" has no source, there is no way to tell who they are. Also, the underground party didn't do its job well, and if it did it well, it wouldn't be what it is now. Who they are, where they come from, and who they are is not clear. For them, only chaotic and violent repression can be used. According to the language of the organization, they do not have corresponding identities, so they can be treated arbitrarily for them, that is to say, they are fighting. I don't know what the result is, and I don't need to take any responsibility.

I am reminded of a stock market joke. For example, there are thousands of netizens on a certain forum, and one person posts that a small stock will rise, so hurry up and buy a lot. If the forum people are buying, the stock rose. Everyone thinks they are gods. In fact, in the final analysis, it is only caused by the large number of purchases by this group of netizens. Gathering sand into a tower, nothing is necessarily correct. Today, Chinese people generally believe that the Communist Party is good. It is futile to say anything like we say. The hatred of liberals surpasses the Communist Party. enough.

The people at the bottom of China have common characteristics, greed, violence, ignorance, and cowardice. Even this year, I have been scammed, even violently, by the Chinese. Forgive them because they don't know what they are doing, sorry I can't.

Imagine that you are eating at a restaurant, just because you discussed politics and said a few good things about the United States, your usually kind-hearted colleagues suddenly became furious and beat you; imagine the world's five cents, pink, The Communist Party, relying on its permanent resident status, can wantonly beat BNO, a Hong Konger who has just immigrated, and rallies to disturb other democrats.

50 cents make a fuss in New York

Every Chinese has several faces, and I am no exception. In the human society, even if many parents are corrupt officials, they will come out and complain about the ending of raiding their homes and going to jail. Qu Wanting is an example. If you were a friend of Wanting Qu, would you cut off the banquet with your friends for the sake of netizens on the Internet? Such is the complexity of reality. Unless this person has made you lose a few times, you will not take him as a friend at all.

For me, being in China is a process of being deceived and even violently treated. Ask what else can be done. There is no choice but to treat violence with violence. This society is weird, when everyone knows you're a good guy, you're a good guy, you don't get angry after all, you always forgive. When everyone knows that you are not easy to mess with, they will weigh it, and what trouble will you get when they mess with you. Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot, because these butchers are far more lethal than the masses, and it is fair to exchange interests for force.

Why is the social status of the elderly in China low, because they do not have the ability to be financially independent. They are in the workplace, even if employers are willing to hire them, the Industry and Commerce Bureau will continue to warn them. This is the reality of China. Everyone is a human flesh battery, and all the Chinese people except the red family are just caged animals. Today is like a certain day in a certain year. Ups and downs, life is short, years are ruthless, right and wrong are not so important anymore.

Therefore, in China, only a thorough Machiavellian can understand that the jungle society must constantly use others and sacrifice everyone to ensure their own status and power.

Mao Zedong, Yuan Shikai, Xi Jinping, these careerists, who did not appear harmless to humans and animals before coming to power, but their temperament changed drastically after taking power. In fact, they have always been like this, but when they were not in power, they hid more deeply, and everyone who knew the inside story was killed by them. Mao Zedong had no power or power in his early years, he did not win over the Communist Party, and advocated Hunan independence; he did not control Taiwan, and supported the Communist riots in Taiwan. Grind the donkey and slaughter these former "progressive youth, revolutionary partners".

If you need the China Democratic League, the People's Revolutionary Committee, etc., you should pretend to be members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The real counter-revolutionaries have always been the guests of the Communist Party. If you don't believe me, everyone will look up.

This is the United Front. First, you are asked to serve this organization; second, you have to show it to others. If there is no DPP today, how can the Kuomintang get the funds of the Communist Party's united front.

I think Liu Zhongjing (forensic doctor) saw this and chose to leave Xinjiang, a place of right and wrong. Although he is likely involved in activities such as learning about live harvesting.

For the Communist Party, it has only one enemy, and whoever influences it to govern is its enemy, why should it be foreign forces or democratic parties. Wu Mao and Little Pink are its potential enemies. The Communist Party is an organization organized by people, and whoever listens to whoever is in the center, that is to say, members of the Communist Party naturally have to guard against outsiders, as well as "our own people". To Hua Guofeng, Hu Yaobang, Bo Xilai. There are no so-called friends and enemies. Everyone is a friend and everyone is an enemy. It is evident that Jiang Zemin could give up Huang Ju of his own faction in order to become a permanent member.

Therefore, I would say that the organization that is most reluctant to unify the two sides of the strait is the ARATS, which is also a subordinate organization of the Communist Party, but millions of workers depend on food and clothing. These are real. They do not have the ability to invade Taiwan, and they cannot guarantee that they will surely get more benefits. So maintaining the status quo is the best option for these bureaucrats.

As for being both popular and professional, the party-state says that whoever loves the party loves the party, and the party-state says that whoever hates the party hates the party, just like Mao Zedong abolished the college entrance examination system and let the children of the second generation of the popular criticize their parents. During the Cultural Revolution, both the rebels (the rebels were justified) and the royalists fought with the red book. Did they all love Mao Zedong? Who loves the party today? Who hates the party? Do people who are familiar with the party constitution love the party? For the ruler, whoever can help him kill someone and sit in the country is a person who loves the party. Wang Lijun and Fu Zhenghua are all cruel officials. Even Wang invented the "brain stem death collider", a tool that can only be used to kill people.

Wang Lijun
Old Revolutionary Wang Lijun

An evil organization like the Communist Party has never been short of slaves. What they lack is those who dare to kill, not so-called supporters. What can supporters do? A bullet costs two or three dollars, a shell is five or sixty thousand, and fighting a war means making money. The police dispatched the police, and the petrol money, car and horse expenses, travel expenses, food and lodging were all money. The money is either taxed or copied from those they killed (like Gong Gangmo, the richest man in Chongqing)

This is the reality, and the Communist Party has always done this. The so-called united front, the workers and peasants, are all lies. The workers and peasants were allocated land, the property of the landlords was communist, and their children were gang-raped. Then did these workers and peasants not pay rent?

Do you know how the farm tax was repealed? In the Fengcheng incident, the farmers who protested against the handover and public grain uprising, they buried local officials alive, and were brutally suppressed by the armed police sent by the Communist Party. There were many such peasant uprisings in the Mao Zedong era. I have said it many times, but there are these Mao leftists who think Mao Zedong is their god.

I hate Liu Xiaobo's saying "I have no enemies". Blood debts are repaid, kill me one, and I will kill you a pair. The Chinese people are bloody, and they overthrew the Communist Party a long time ago. Those who gossip here and propaganda for the bandits are either stupid or bad. If you love the country so much, then China will not produce Chen Sheng Wu Guang at all, and will not change dynasties.

Just like pressure, like a volcanic eruption, this hostile energy exists between heaven and earth, and it cannot, cannot, and cannot be dispelled. Today, the cost of maintaining stability in the mainland is already astronomical. In order to fight against a democrat, the Communist Party will add an Internet police officer and some security guards. For some temporary workers, the money naturally comes from the common people.

Today the Communist Party is the enemy of the whole world, are they afraid? Why is 50 cents, Mao Zuo thinks that he represents 1.4 billion people, and the liberals are speechless and scared. A few days to live?

Organization versus organization, system versus system. It is omnipotent, the rightless fifty cents are the lowest voter on this earth, they have no political rights, and they do not understand the source of the legitimacy of power. The soldiers of the Communist Party surrendered like the Viet Cong in Vietnam, and surrendered to the United Nations in South Korea. How can they kill themselves and sacrifice their lives for righteousness, which is extremely hypocritical.

reporter recalls

How does the Communist Party deal with us? There are elderly people in the family, and the hospital even cut off the medicine for the elderly; there are children in the family, and they even deprive the children of the opportunity to go to school; they are cruel to your lover, children. this is the truth. The mentally handicapped people who can easily take 1.4 billion people out to shout slogans, you can try, organize ten, twenty, thirty, or even a hundred people, you will understand that without money, guns, and organizations, they will disintegrate on their own. . What about a united front? The so-called united front is sugar-coated cannonballs. These benefits were originally snatched from the landlords, not the wealth accumulated by the Communist Party. Of course, they don’t care, and they can also harvest a batch of brainless fans from the process. When they made a country, the land was immediately recovered. If you dare to resist and refuse to pay grain at this time, you are "counter-revolutionaries", "persecuting socialist construction", and "rich peasants, petty-bourgeois ideology". And then mercilessly kill you. Humans have two skins. Does your behavior matter? Even the right to survive is being pinched by others. How about loyalty?

The student movement before 1949 was praised by the Communist Party, and the student movement after 1949 was suppressed by the Communist Party; the worker strikes before 1949 were praised by the Communist Party, and the worker strikes after 1949 were suppressed by the Communist Party...

There are actually mentally handicapped kneeling and licking bacon. I really don't know that the 30 million peasants who starved to death because of the great famine, their wretched souls are looking at you and your descendants. Of course, there is no retribution in this world, good people do not live long, and disasters are left for thousands of years. Senior Communist Party officials with high-end medical care can naturally rely on blood exchange and organ replacement to survive. It's not that they live long, but that they use their privileges to maintain their dirty lives.

This is "serving the people". Minions are also worthy of talking about veteran cadres?

Just because of the abolition of universities, whoever is loyal to Mao Zedong can be recommended to go to university (worker, peasant, soldier, and college students), and whoever can become an official. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether you love Mao Zedong or not, the important thing is to show your love for Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong, on the other hand, used his fame and fortune to drive these Red Guards to attack his political enemies.

Romanticized Cultural Revolution TV Series

Anyone who has watched "Blood Romance" knows that the children of high officials can still fall in love during sports. They were also the first to return to the city when they went to the countryside. Immediately set up a job, put up a dry enlistment. And the real poor peasant families, the working class, make a living by rolling briquettes. He was beaten to death, and the police didn't come to catch the culprit. It is better to have a good father if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well. This is the origin of the hero of Lao Tzu.

As for today, Wu Mao and Mao Zuo are also equal to the provincial and municipal party secretaries of the Communist Party of China, and are also worthy of participating in government affairs? When did Jiangshan become yours, you are nothing but servants of the Zhao family. When Bo Xilai entered Qincheng, can his family still attend the "Communist Party Celebrating the 100th Anniversary Conference".

As shown

Even an old dog like Zhong Nanshan, whose parents died at the hands of the CCP, can still vassalize the CCP with peace of mind. Such "patriots" are rare in the history of the Han people, not to mention the history of mankind, who made peace with the enemy who killed his father and killed his mother. , are rare. Such people, they patriotic?

red keyboard warrior

Yu Rock with his throat cut

That’s why I said that as long as the democratic parties can master certain resources, they can be on an equal footing with the CCP, and even the CCP can clean up its own internals. . The Four Great Kings Wu Faxian, Huang Yongsheng, Li Zuopeng, and Qiu Huizuo. The day before, you can be a member of the Politburo, and you can preside over the work of the People's Liberation Army and enjoy the love of the "people of the whole country."

Therefore, it is very foolish and ignorant to recognize that one is an enemy or a friend, but to carry out various political work only by this.

An organization like the Communist Party is too big in China, and there is no other organization in the country that can be "united front". Even today's CPPCC has a large number of people who "secretly join the Party". It's nothing more than a change of vest. Talking about united front, it's all one's own.

The junior officers of the People's Liberation Army very much hope that war will bring about their class migration. But the more people talk about fighting against Taiwan's PLA generals, the less they get promoted. Even the professors of the National Defense University are not given this kind of idleness. Many people stop at the university and fail to go further.


Under this kind of system, if the higher-ups don't want to fight, it's useless for you, a minion, to jump on your feet. Taiwanese still eat delicious and spicy food, you can only stare blankly. Because the CCP does not serve you, the CCP does not exist for your interests, and the CCP is not formed for public opinion. In the West, liberals can be on an equal footing with CCP proxy organizations (such as CGTN), but you can only act as domestic slaves, and you have to "ask for instructions early and report later" to the organization.

Mao Zedong's long-term senior superior, Zhou Enlai, and Zhang Shenfu's status declined not because they were not qualified, but because they lost power in the CCP's brutal intra-party struggle. Mao had his own team (relying on the Jinggangshan bandits Wang Zuo, Yuan Wencai, etc.), and he did not understand Zhou Enlai's spy work for a long time, so he didn't let off his guard until the death of Zhou Eunuch in his later years.

He Long, Mao Zedong's dog
Minister Tuogu himself launched the "Huairentang coup".

Just like how the 50 cents are yelling at the liberals now, but those who really have the strength to win the Central Plains are often hidden inside the Communist Party. Although Chu has three households, Qin must be killed by Chu. These three families are noble families like Xiang Yan, and there are countless private family members, so they can naturally respond to every call, and the three families mobilize enough people to fight a war of considerable scale. On the other hand, many liberals are naturalized overseas. If they get to a certain stage overseas, there is no need to get their hands dirty. Their children are no longer "Chinese". There's absolutely no need to work hard. Whether there are any anti-Xi forces in the party today is what the Communist Party is worried about. As for the slogan of democracy and freedom, it is completely possible to win the support of the West. Within a few years of Chongqing's singing of red and black, the common people forgot what the model opera looked like.

Once you live the life of a human being, you will not be able to return to the life of being a cow and a horse in the past. I don't believe that the Chinese people would submit to this level of Taiwan after the city was locked down for a year. Otherwise, there would not be so many mass incidents. It has nothing to do with any doctrine, eat when you are hungry, add clothes when it is cold, and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages are the memory engraved in the genes of every creature.

I admire this gentleman @friddle for his work and professional ability. There is no first place in the text. There are different opinions on the social science level, but the historical level should be discussed seriously based on the archives. @friddle's conclusion is entirely due to his ignorance of the truth of history, party history. As well as exaggerating the historical role of the Communist Party and the situation at that time. The Communist Party's seizure of power was entirely the result of the Soviet Union's strong support. The Communist Party did have anti-Japanese actions and espionage infiltration activities. But the decisive factor was the collapse of the Kuomintang economy and the loss of external blood transfusions. As for the so-called anti-imperialist and working class, it is all nonsense to deceive the world.

Taking the propaganda of the Communist Party to tell history, such as the Communist Party's resistance to Japan, Chiang Kai-shek's not resistance to Japan is a deceptive statement. According to your logic, the important city of Sevastopol in the Soviet Union was taken down because Stalin was passively resisting Germany? The same logic, the Volunteer Army was recaptured by the U.S. military in Seoul (Seoul), is it a crime of war (the U.S. military has the advantage of weapons), and the Kuomintang army faced the strong Japanese army with heavy casualties and passive resistance?

There are many similar logics, such as "Mao Xuan" that Wu Mao often talks about, but completely ignores the historical facts, takes the dogma in the book as the truth, and calls it "bookism" in Mao's words.

Isn't it ridiculous that the 110-year-old Republic of China was scolded for splitting by the 72-year-old China!
As shown

Relying on the so-called "tunnel warfare" and "mine warfare" instead of regular positional warfare, there is nothing to talk about resisting Japan. Even the Battle of the Hundred Regiments was criticized by Mao Bacon as "premature exposure of strength". Not to mention the fact that the new Japanese army exclusively attacked the national army and was annihilated in disobedience to the orders of the war zone chief.

CCP Articles

The growth of the communist army in North China is largely not because the CCP mobilized the masses to win the hearts of the people, but the Japanese army in the Pacific War and the long-term war of attrition with the national government, the national strength declined and the economy collapsed.

Among the top ten marshals of the CCP, only "Xu Xiangqian" is a northerner, and most of the generals are also southerners. Why are the CCP's main four field soldiers from the north, but the generals from the south? That's pretty telling. At least the team in North China was not brought out originally, but the Japanese army in the security station, constantly sweeping, creating hatred, forcing the common people to join the "Eighth Road"; another reason is to capture the strong. Yes, the Communist Party is also good at catching the strong. The peasants are all wives and children who are on the kang head, divided up the land, divided the house, divided the livestock, you ask him to go to war again, is it possible? Personally, he would not like it. In early 1948, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China gave an instruction to the Northeast Bureau, asking the Northeast Bureau to form 100 regiments of second-line corps to supplement the Northeast Field Army within half a year, because Lin Biao and Chen Yi's situation were different. Before the Liaoshen campaign, the Northeast had not fought a big battle, nor had many Kuomintang soldiers been captured, so Mao Zedong ordered Lin Biao to organize 100 regiments of recruits. Where did these 100 regiments come from? From the turned peasants. Lin Biao gave an instruction at the time, calling on cadres from all over the world to become revolutionary soldiers. How to conscript? At that time, the recruitment target was set down to each county and each village. In this village, more than a dozen soldiers had to be recruited. The village party secretary and the village chief called the young people of school age together to educate them. People kept burning the kang, and the kang was so hot that he couldn't sit still, and finally one jumped up. Well, this counts as a sign up, and as a result, they all jumped up one by one, and went on horseback to wear flowers as a soldier. Zhang Zhenglong's "Snow White and Blood Red" has a special chapter "Becoming a Revolutionary Soldier", which is the same as what I wrote, indicating that this is not fake. The same goes for the strong men, why do the soldiers of the Communist Party dare to fight on the battlefield? The more the PLA wins a few more battles, the more courageous these recruits become, and they become veterans. People are trained in this way. (from Phoenix Network)

The weapons of the communist army captured by the national army and the aid of the Soviet Union were also conjured by the "workers and peasants" in the mouth of the fifty cents?
The main force of the Japanese army fights against the government
The Japanese army aimed to overthrow Chiang Kai-shek's government and end the mainland operations

Human nature is to seek advantage and avoid disadvantage. Speaking of breaking the sky, the CCP’s Github has an impact on many code farmers. This is dependent on external blood transfusion maintenance. There is a limit to the scale that different groups can strive for. Even the Wumao group has various small circles. Like Huanghan, it advocates the "Han standard" but cannot avoid some practical problems. In the end, it can only be superficial.

The advantages of the West are reflected in many aspects. To put it bluntly, the West leaving China and China leaving the West, who will have the least impact?

The export center and consumption center of civilization and order are two concepts. Even an organization like the Communist Party must learn from the management methods of Western political parties. rather than indigenous ideas. If you can't figure this out, it is ridiculous to judge whether you are an enemy or a friend.

There are no permanent enemies, no permanent friends, only permanent interests. Friends are not necessarily incapable of becoming enemies, and enemies are not necessarily incapable of becoming friends. The Communist Party organization is full of blood debt, they have no friends, they are the cancer on this earth.

The three magic weapons of bacon are "party building, united front, and armed struggle". The decisive factor is not the united front, but the armed struggle.

Everyone is talking about united front and united front, but the Communist Party is like this about united front.

Combine secondary enemies to fight primary enemies. After hitting the main enemy, also destroy the secondary enemy. In other words, you can unite the front and destroy what you cannot.

According to this gentleman's understanding, there is no need to engage in armed forces. Wouldn't it be better, more convenient, and gentler to directly use resources to unite the front? As this gentleman said, "Conservative Party" is a collective term for opposition parties, so you may not know how the "Democratic Progressive Party" rose in Taiwan.

The DPP, the Communist Party are living examples. Promoting communism and democracy is the ultimate goal, not the goal at the beginning of the organization. Of course, the purpose is clear, that is, to hit the ruling party. It's an obvious thing to do. Just like the company, with the influx of external funds in the future, it will be a matter of the future to adjust its business strategy. But at the beginning, the purpose must be clear, such as what product I want to make. Modern politics is not without room, and a decent exit is an important sign of modern politics, rather than throwing opponents into Qincheng.

late Qing power

The road protection movement was speculators who destroyed the Qing Dynasty under the guise of "nationalism". Before that, the power of the imperial court could not control the place, and the expansion of the power of the governor in the late Qing Dynasty lasted for decades, and the revolutionary party could not instigate the Manchus to oppose Manchuria anyway. The Manchurian army (eight banners, green camps, bannermen armed) was exhausted in various wars (the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom), and that was the reason for the New Deal and the rise of the Han bureaucracy (local governors). For example, in the case of Yang Naiwu and Xiao cabbage, Cixi took the opportunity to attack the forces of the Hunan army. Han Chinese who entered official careers due to military exploits occupied half of the Qing Dynasty.

On the surface, Yuan Shikai's peace with the revolutionary party was the two ends of the first rat, and he was scheming. In fact, it was the distrust of the entire Han bureaucracy for the Manchus (the royal cabinet). (Beiyang Group), such as Tang Caichang's self-supporting army, usually relies on the Qing court for food and salaries, but at critical moments (uprising) can no longer obtain follow-up supplies. This is the stark reality. Therefore, it is not so much a compromise of the revolutionary party as it is the revolutionary party that has dragged the local gentry class into the water. It is more the revolutionary party who picks the peaches than the revolutionary party who has worked so hard to conquer the country and give it to the bureaucracy. Those who tend to be revolutionary but still serve as officials in the Qing court, such as the crash courses of many Japanese military academies in Yunnan, return to the country and confer military employment. This is significantly different from a revolutionary party like Sun Wen, who did not rely on the Qing court at all. (the foundation is different)

Even Mao Zedong often hid gold and other property privately in the Soviet period, in order to return to Hunan to serve as the Hunan Army in case of failure in the future. The famous Chief of Staff of the 115th Division, Zhou Kun, even went missing with military pay.

Li Yuanhong is a good example, he holds Lijin. Also familiar with the military situation. The so-called united front is nothing more than capturing internal contradictions. In the future, Mao Bacon broke with Khrushchev of the Soviet Union and competed for the "leadership of the communist world", which led to even greater disasters. Of course, Mao Bacon's own life will not be affected. For example, for his special "Mao Porcelain", a set of porcelain can be manufactured for hundreds of people for a year. (If there are any flaws in the burn, they throw it away and burn it again.) The CCP is the son of the Soviet Union, and the Red Party elements are the most thorough.

The CCP mainly relies on the support of the Soviet Union rather than the "worker and peasant revolution".

who are friends. who is the enemy. This theme idea was set by the Soviet Union. So there was a serious problem. Even with new ideas. The well-organized Communist Party is not the same as Chiang Kai-shek, a warlord like Chiang Kai-shek, who cleans up the Party and cleans it up. (Doesn't this just mean that your Communist Party's "United Front" is useless. The real deciding factor will never be the "United Front" in your mouth)

Borodin and Chiang Kai-shek
Mao Zedong at the Kuomintang Party

Sun Wen's "even Russia and the Communist Party" does not mean that he supports the Communist Party to seize power. The Whampoa Military Academy was established with the support of the Soviets, but in fact the Soviets installed a large number of Communist Party spies. It is entirely the credit of the Soviets. (recommend)

Soviet Instructors and Huangpu Army's Northern Expedition

People who don't understand the history of the party always think that Mao Zedong's united front is of great use, and that the workers and peasants started their business with the Communist Party. If it were not for imperialism, there would be no place for the Communist Party at all. The Soviet Union obviously had its own considerations in supporting Sun Yat-sen, in order to digest its own interests in Manchuria (the Middle East Road incident broke out with Zhang Xueliang in 1929, the Communist Party openly shouted the slogan of "armed defense of the Soviet Union", recognized the thief as the father, and claimed that whoever opposed the Soviet Union was the revolutionary The enemy; in 1931 September 18, the Soviet Union's influence in Manchuria still existed, this is a history that the Communist Party does not mention), for the independence of Mongolia to create a fait accompli (the Beiyang government intervened in the Soviet Union, one of the fourteen countries that intervened in the Soviet Union by armed forces), Therefore, supporting an obedient political party and guaranteeing the interests of the Soviet Union in China led to the cooperation between the Soviet Union and Sun Wen.

Zhang Tailei

Zhang Tailei mutinied in Guangzhou, and was in a blatant chaos. He was killed in a car with the German Heinz Neumann.

As for the Nanchang Mutiny, the CCP was not at all so-called uniting the "workers and peasants" to launch an armed uprising. It was a military coup. Zhu De, He Long, Gong Chu and others obviously did not rely on the so-called workers and peasants, but played a decisive role. For example, "The Chief of Police" "People like "Fire Chief", such as the Communist Party mob who set fire in the city, the fire chief slowly refused to go to disaster relief. Take down a city.

If we talk about relying on workers and peasants, it is very simple. The soldiers trained by the Kuomintang and the workers and peasants without military training can know who is stronger and who is weaker than the blind. The CCP's propaganda is completely different from the facts. For example, Jiang Guangnai, a member of the Communist Party, felt that there was no future for him to mix with the Communist Party, so he returned to the embrace of the Nationalist government and played a role in the Battle of Songhu. If it was like the Communist Party, there would be no need for the Japanese to call, and the whole of China would suddenly be in chaos. It was simply not the CCP's turn to call for anti-Japanese and anti-Japanese, and it completely collapsed. This kind of deceitful nonsense is still spreading in 2021. If it is so popular, why did it get away? Why can't the Communist Army of Jinggangshan be conquered for a long time in the future? Killing people is too much to suppress the rebels, so that Yuan Wencai " telegrams against the red " !

Eunuch Zhou and Jiang Guangnai
so-called land reform
Forfeiture of property
historical data

People who lie to children can be convinced, they don't care about their own interests, and they don't allow others to fight for their own interests. There is no class of workers and peasants, only the eradication of dissidents. The poor jingle Chinese, who have experienced the era of the Great Escape from Hong Kong, have no shame in saying that Hong Kong people are ungrateful.

port of escape
port of escape

Final consideration. Knowing that the Communist Party is evil, but also propaganda for the bandits, you can imagine what will happen in the end. As for political groups, any group is local, we are not political parties, and I think this man has obviously not been in contact with any overseas democratic parties. Treat what's on the web as reality. I can't believe that there are still such anti-intellectual people in China. If you don’t work, don’t go to work, will the Communist Party support you? It is intriguing to say that China has eliminated exploitation.

Is it a Taiwanese who is anti-intelligence every day and wants to split? ( I think people who are the most anti-intellectual and have no knowledge of history at all are not qualified to talk about such things. Mao Zedong, who was so intelligent and almost demonic in his mouth, advocated Hunan independence and China's twenty-seven yuan theory when he was Zhao Hengxi's drummer. I don't know. @friddle What do you think )

As shown

If 1.4 billion people are like hands and fingers, how can there be people who are not of the same mind as the Communist Party? It can be seen that this kind of deceit, barbaric soil, except for careerists, will not produce any democratic ideas.

It's like terrorizing Taiwanese with 1.4 billion slogans. It's totally a schoolboy style. The Communist Party is also incapable of mobilizing more than 100 million people at one time. This is Arabian Nights. As for constantly threatening the 6.4 billion people in the free world with the slogan of the mainland's 1.4 billion people, what courage and courage does the mainland's fifty cents have?

In Wu Mao's mouth, there is no choice but to support the Communist Party. Since you are destined to be the human flesh battery of the Communist Party, then the enemy and me in your mouth are very obvious. Anyone who disagrees with the Communist Party is your enemy. Or anyone who disagrees with Xi Jinping is your enemy. Today, you can praise Fu Zhenghua like Sima Nan, and scold Fu Zhenghua immediately tomorrow. If Fu Zhenghua is a Taiwanese, why is what happened behind him so bleak.

Smoked bacon
The famous "mango water" incident. the pinnacle of the cult of personality

The anti-intellectual Wumao never thought that the CCP relied on bloody suppression and brainwashing the people, dividing the line — the ruling class of the CCP and the so-called truth of winning the hearts and minds of the people (some pictures)

Tennis courts in Yan'an, dedicated to leaders
The cadres of the Communist Youth League are wearing hundreds of thousands of clothes.
The so-called children's group, using the movement to manipulate the people
Killed in batches
People in Yan'an
He Long's pomp, Yan'an's "leader", more than 30 dishes, hehe


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