If there is no applause, who will sing for you?

Whenever I hear a street performer sing, I will stop to listen, give applause, and give one or two hundred praises for his enthusiastic sharing. Applause makes the singer more willing to sing for you. And what about reading? Your applause makes the text creator more willing to ponder the words and sentences, so that each article is as rich as possible.
Image source: Stone brother drawing

If there is no applause, who will sing for you?

🍁 Small reminder: After reading, please press 👏 Applause!
You are the best promoter~~ "Hua Appreciation, Light for disadvantaged children in remote villages", helped more than 200 children to participate in the "Green Light Seed Classroom" course tutoring for free, and let them turn their lives through knowledge. At present, the accumulated donation from creation is 40,210 yuan, and the donation of 50,000 yuan from enterprises is raised.

Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . To welcome each class of university students, if time permits, I will try to hold a few "professional soul lectures" in the department, and invite talents from all walks of life and industry professional managers to share their workplace experience on campus, and even talk about the current situation. Metaverse trends. At the same time, between classes, I will also recommend that students, if they can, try to contribute and write on Matters, PotatoMedia, and Fanggezi platforms, accumulate their own essays, and stretch out their tentacles as much as possible, so that when they graduate in the future, they can at least resume their autobiography. The writing is well-organized, the interview is clear and meaningful, and I am clear about the type of industry I want to go, instead of not knowing what I want to do after graduation.

Unfortunately, 90% of the classmates felt that it was too embarrassing to give up the pen, and 99% of the classmates who picked up the pen to write on the platform died in battle, maybe because the pen was not sharp enough, maybe the reader Less than 10, of course, the applause will be in twos and threes.... However, I always feel that the newcomer needs to be given some opportunities so that he can become a new talent, right?

If there is no applause, who will sing for you?

Reading is my habit, except for the world, business week, Harvard business case..., especially listening to audio courses in the morning and before going to bed, my perseverance is probably no less than 90%, and the reading of books is switched from blogs Go to Readmoo to read ink. Brother Shitou especially likes to read articles submitted by authors with practical experience. He also praised the articles about the CEO of “Cheng Tianzong”, which are similar to the industry. His articles are quite approachable and in line with my experience, suitable for friends in the technology industry to read. He used to be the president of Hewlett-Packard China, president of Texas Instruments Asia Pacific, and one of the highest-ranking Chinese in the high-tech industry in foreign business circles. He finally retired from Foxconn, a subsidiary of the Hon Hai Group.

This god-level professional manager is now in the "third stage of life", creating a community to help young entrepreneurs free of charge, reviewing the business diagnosis of his innovation and entrepreneurship cultivation, and has coached more than 600 entrepreneurial teams on both sides of the strait. His two facebook communities have more than 1,000 members.

I appreciate his unwritten condition:
🎯For readers who joined the facebook community: "If you don't like, comment, interact, and repost and share", you will directly delete it if you find it on a regular basis.

If the article becomes a "garbage farm", who's going to read it? Therefore, he writes every article with great care. If you don't even want to click a like, he thinks you have no right to be his fan, he created it for those who applaud him (like) and interact with him.

Image source: Stone brother from pex

I think each stage of life has different tasks and different learning.
That's right, Brother Stone has also crossed the threshold of knowing the destiny, so from submitting a column on the Blink bulletin board founded by a Taiwanese university girl to writing on the Matters and Potato platforms until now, I have never set the strategy of creation to make a profit. What I want to earn is: to build a wide network of contacts; to share the professionalism of the workplace with the younger ones with the mentality of inheritance, and to polish the signboard of "Stone Brother". (ps. The network resources accumulated during this period, until I entered the "third life stage" like Mr. Cheng, and I wanted to create free remedial teaching and free after-school tutoring like Taitung's "Children's Tree House". Opportunity to set up in remote countryside.)

That's why I agree with the statement made by the CEO of "Cheng Tianzong". I think that for a "pen farmer", every article he creates is like his life. Therefore~
✅1. You click like: to thank him for his creation and sharing;
✅2. You leave a message: it means that you have read it, and write your gratitude (ps. message interaction).
✅3. If you are stingy with applause, who do you think is willing to sing for you?

🍁 I support Brother Shi's: "Hua Appreciation, Light for Vulnerable Children in Remote Villages" public welfare activity!

Whenever I hear a street performer sing, I will stop to listen, give applause, and give one or two hundred praises for his enthusiastic sharing. Applause makes the singer more willing to sing for you. And what about reading? Your applause makes the text creator more willing to ponder the words and sentences, so that each article is as rich as possible.

The new semester is about to start, although the applause of the readers of the platform for the newcomers is always sparse, although 99% of the students are killed, even though..., but I think as long as my enthusiasm remains, as long as I am still amphibious When you can exert your strength, you will expect every child to contribute to writing, even if it is the gleaning of life, let the tentacles of the snail stretch out as much as possible, like the lyrics of Jay Chou's snail: I want to climb step by step.. .One day I will have my own day....

🔥Follow up, Brother Stone, take you to the workplace and live a happy life!

1. Selected Workers' Books|Why is your salted fish always sticking to the pot? - "His floor is your ceiling"

2. Selected Workers' Books|Should I queue for this 200-person crispy chicken team? —"Able People Use Statistical Thinking and Judgment"

3. You are not alone in following the drama|The slipping wedding dress, under the naked body, exposing greed or... "Very Lawyer Yu Yingzhen"

4. Invite virtuous people to share|Shi Shige's professional soul lecture series - the first half of 2022

5. The epidemic has abandoned poor children, but you have not! "Accumulated Charitable Donations of RMB 6,511"


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

石頭哥#傑出校友 #家扶認養人 #元智大學 #企業導師 #志工社長 #創作捐公益 /累積188,016元 #公益 #化讚賞為偏鄉弱勢孩童的光 #訴訟擔當 兒 聲昀律師 筑庭律師 #職場 | 職人引路,如風助翼 #靜心 | 覺察當下,滿室芬芳 #幸福 | 簡約生活,無心而為
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