please call me director

It is a good modern drama to watch recently. Friends who want to relax and chase dramas can watch it~~
Picture / Youku

Recently, after the broadcast of the ancient costume Yu Shakes, the follow-up is a workplace romance drama "Please call me the director", starring the ancient puppet actor Lin Gengxin and the cute actress Tan Songyun. After an episode or two, I found out that the reason why this drama is called "Please call me the director" is because the female protagonist's career plan is to be an investment project engineer. , Because she is so capable, the boss and male protagonist doesn't want to let her go to do any projects. After all, it's hard to find a good secretary, and it's even harder to find a secretary who works so well, isn't it?

She resigned until the heroine made up her mind not to let her change jobs, and showed her determination with practical actions, because the boss was really reluctant to let this useful secretary leave, so he was very angry and told her to go to work on the project, but the appointment was made. After two months, if he can't do it, he will come back and continue to work as his secretary~~ This kind of story setting is actually quite good, and it can be regarded as a survival story for women in the workplace, haha.

Picture / Youku

Many people on the Internet have criticized Lin Gengxin's male lead's original voice for being very playful. I agree with this too much, because when I first opened the show, I was a little scared when I heard his voice. It was too old-fashioned and old-fashioned. It's also too different from the magnetic voice when playing the ancient puppet male lead, so I couldn't get used to it for a while.

Others criticized his acting skills, but basically Lin Gengxin is the one acting, I'm used to watching it, but his height is really far from Miss Tan, and the two don't have a sense of CP, but they seem to be really different. It's just too good. As far as Lin Gengxin is concerned, he still wins a lot in ancient costumes. He always has a sense of disobedience in modern dramas~~

But the plot setting and the heroine's aggressive appearance are really more attractive than love, so I still recommend it.


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