Bird's Life-Severely injured when walking and running for the second time, the reason why the super bird is super blind is actually a group of wild dogs hiding behind the car on the roadside


On the weekend that just ended, I wore a mask and went out on Saturday evening. When I was exercising with brisk walking, I was advancing along with the car parked on the side of the road. I never expected that the last car parked on the roadside in this row would be the last car. Behind, there was a large group of wild dogs hiding. I was startled, and they were also startled by me. What was even more terrifying, I was less than a meter away from them.

During the confrontation between the two sides, I pretended to scare them. I thought that this group of wild dogs would just run away with their tails between their tails. I never imagined that, unexpectedly, maybe during the epidemic, people saw less and became more courageous. ? A few of them actually looked at me with murderous eyes and walked towards me, as if they were about to attack me. I saw that the signs were not going away, and they were about to turn around and try to escape. The light footsteps that I have practiced, I actually can't use it, but I fell hard and fell to the ground (I still don't know how I fell to the ground).

In the next second, I subconsciously thought, "I'm finished, I'm going to be bitten and attacked by a group of wild dogs for the first time."

When I came back to my senses, got up from the ground again, and looked back, the group of wild dogs had run to nowhere! And my left knee/elbow was bleeding, and the palms of my palms were crushed by small stones on the tar on the ground. There were blood marks, even broken skin, and multiple bruises that were not traumatized. The limbs were not injured, except for my right foot. In short, the degree of injury was no less than that of a bicycle fall. Full of annoyance, I even went out to exercise and walk, but I encountered such a super blind thing.

I went to see a Chinese doctor that night, and wanted to treat the more uncomfortable and bruised area, but after one night and the whole day on Sunday, when my right hand was bent, it was no longer able to touch my face neatly. The left wrist can no longer pick up the upright electric fan with sufficient force. There is an uninjured area on the left elbow next to the wound. When it is lightly pressed, it actually stings to the point of wanting to whimper. question?

Every year, my parents-in-law help our family of three, An Tai Sui!? It is not blessed by gods, how could such a thing happen!? I tore my left calf while playing tennis a while ago. It has just recovered and is exercising well. , After preparing for the epidemic, come back hard. But at this time, I encounter this kind of bird thing again, and everything has to be zero again. God, how much bad luck will I have in 2021?

The last time I fell while running, because the ground was uneven and my feet were not raised high enough, I suddenly fell forward and fell down. According to the Chinese medicine I always believed in, my right wrist was still not healed, and my right wrist could not support the ground well. It was based on the introduction of a friend, and the Western Medicine Rehabilitation Department used muscle ultrasound to diagnose the symptoms of "ganglion cyst" on the right wrist. After that, under the guidance of muscle ultrasound, I took an ultra-fine needle and pierced the wrist muscle, and the needle reached the wrist. The affected part in the vesicle position, the vesicle fluid is taken out, and it can be healed!

Monday, work day, please take a leave of absence to report to the Rehabilitation Clinic (I don’t know what a coincidence, the clinic mentioned above moved to a location near my house). There is no trauma or contusion on the affected part, Amitabha Buddha, there is no injury related to broken bones, but I have serious water accumulation and congestion in the muscles of both elbows.

Today, I will first treat my right elbow without trauma. I will first apply anesthesia, then pierce the skin with the needle, and go deep into the affected area to suck out the stagnant water and bruises. On the next day, my elbows are so much more comfortable!

The right elbow was severely bruised, and it was close to the stinging point of the wound. Because of the gauze, the muscle ultrasound could not be used to diagnose, so I had to use X-ray diagnosis. Unexpectedly, this small clinic also has X-ray machines, all by doctors. I did it myself (to be a Taiwanese is very happy), took two X-rays, the doctor leaned on the film, the bones were fine, but the muscles wrapped around the bones were not only lacerated, but also a lot of stagnant water and congestion. There are so many that you can even see it in X-rays! I will deal with it again this Thursday and Friday! Alas! I have to get needles again!

No matter how upset I am, my heart is still full of gratitude and gratitude. Fortunately, I have a wife and son by my side, who came to take care of me, help me apply medicine, help me bathe, and prepare three meals for me. When you go out for a run in the future, you have to prepare a dog stick and try to stay away from the car parked on the side of the road as much as possible. I just hope that I will recover soon, and the bad luck in 2021 can be dispelled! I hope everyone is safe!


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