Chief CEO of Nasdaq: Interested in working with crypto companies but proceed with caution

Image source: Quoting Twitter screenshots

According to Bloomberg:

Adena Friedman, CEO of "Nasdaq Stock Exchange", said: This year's IPO volume has dropped sharply due to the instability of the broader market, but the trend of digital transformation will lead the recovery of the IPO wave.

On the 5th (Thursday) of this month, "Adna Friedman" mentioned in an interview with "Bloomberg" that although the overall market is still falling and the IPOs of some companies are delayed, some companies are still seeking to go public .

After more than 750 IPOs last year, the Nasdaq exchange had only 70 such offerings in the first quarter, and this quarter's minority holdings "stayed on the sidelines." She said more than 250 companies are filing S-1 filings, hoping to list on the Nasdaq in the coming months and quarters.

While there are still some companies looking to hit the public markets this quarter, Friedman said volatility could delay those IPOs. "The companies that are really eager to get into the public markets are the ones that are really leaning toward the digitization of the economy, the ones that are leaning toward delivering new technology to help achieve a net-zero environment -- these kinds of innovators we see coming to Nasdaq every year. "

Image source: Quoting Twitter screenshots

the trend

It can be seen that traditional finance is already in an era that requires new types of stimulation, and the emergence of digital finance is just at the right time. Despite the instability of current technology and supervision, the road is still there. How to reclaim and move forward has its own pioneers We work hard to move forward. Like more and more traditional financial institutions, it is a trend indicator from wait-and-see to try.

In the interview, Friedman also stated that she is interested in forming partnerships with companies in the digital asset space, such as cryptocurrencies, but will take a cautious approach due to regulatory uncertainty. In addition, Friedman said: “We are assessing the regulatory environment and institutional needs in this area, etc., and actively discussing how we can play a role. Although many institutions have invested in the field of digital assets such as cryptocurrencies, the operational efficiency is still low. We will play a role in solving this problem.

Caution is the key

Seeing that more and more traditional financial industries are gradually moving towards digital finance, do you feel more and more looking forward to it? As the chief CEO of the "Nasdaq Stock Exchange" said, although digital assets may be a new blue ocean, regulatory uncertainty and asset safety concerns do indeed require everyone to maintain a cautious attitude.

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