"Long Mian": still the same me

Introducing another novel by Miyuki Miyabe

This is a good, good, warm novel.

Some people classify "Long Mian" as a fantasy mystery novel, mainly because the reasoning element of this book is very low, and it cannot be regarded as an orthodox mystery novel. And this book involves superpowers, so let's just call it fantasy reasoning.

As far as I am concerned, what kind of novel is Laan Li, as long as it is a good novel.

This is already the work of Miyuki Miyabe in 1991. Although it is a work from 30 years ago, it does not feel outdated when reading.

"Long Mian" mainly tells the story of a reporter who encounters a teenager who claims to have supernatural powers. The peculiar ability of a teenager is to be able to see what everyone is thinking, and just by touching an object, you can feel the people and things that have been in contact with it.

Sounds like a great feature. But when you do have this ability, you will probably be troubled.

For example, if you invite a colleague to dinner, and the whole meal is happy, you think you are familiar with your colleague. However, if you know what he really thinks, it turns out that he thinks this restaurant is very low-level; it turns out that you have nothing to be courteous, and you must have something to ask for; it turns out that he entertained you with pain throughout the meal; don't you feel uncomfortable?

The reason why people can coexist peacefully is that everyone is hiding their thoughts. Although it is hypocritical, even if it is hypocritical, at least you can get along. Naked thoughts are really not suitable for naked people.

But if someone receives the secret voice of others all the time, can they not go crazy? Can others know that you have this ability, and can be friends with you without any scruples?

This is the distress of the super-powered teenager in "Dragon Sleep", and what's worse, he is full of justice. Failing to properly control this ability, or even see through human nature, his sense of justice will only push him into danger.

The question is, is it really possible to believe that teenagers have supernatural powers? The protagonist has been dubious, and then another teenager came out and listed all kinds of evidence and said that the other party was just lying to him. Should he choose to believe it or not? The protagonist decides to investigate further, and at the same time, he faces the intimidation and stalking of unknown people...

Regarding the intimidation incident, due to the simple layout, many people said that they had guessed the ending early in the morning, so they criticized the reasoning for not being strong enough.

However, forget about the reasoning, this novel is heartwarming after reading it, it can't be said to be wonderful, but sometimes we just need this kind of energy.

Is there anything that takes a lot of effort to maintain? If you find the answer, whether it's a person or thing or an idea to defend, you're already a hero.

The book mentions the story of Yiyiguo. There was a man who went to find the country where the person with only one eye was located. He wanted to capture Yiyi Man for everyone to watch, but he was taken away by Yi Yi Man and became the object of viewing.

I really like this story. Are people who are different from yourself all different?

I live freely in my own country, but once I am in someone else's country, I am immediately rejected and regarded as an alien. And I, still the same me, never changed.

Buy the eBook: http://moo.im/a/25cGQY

Title: Long Mian

Author: Miyuki Miyabe

Published: Unique Culture

Date: 2018/11/29

More great reading: read as you like


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