Reading experience Ⅰ|Happy realization of independence and wealth. Share 4 things I learned from this book!

Top 1 on Amazon bestseller list‧A life-changing guide that has inspired millions of readers. Let legendary venture capitalist and successful Silicon Valley investor Navarre Raviken teach you how to get rich! Selling time to work can no longer make us a lot of money. We must rely on compound interest and leverage, such as passive income. Even if we are not working, we can continue to earn wealth, regain our time autonomy, and do more meaningful things. This book helps you establish these concepts and move towards financial freedom. The following reading experience will share 4 things I learned through this book.

It was my birthday a few days ago, which means I have officially turned twenty, and it’s time to make plans for the future (actually I’ve been planning for a long time, but I didn’t say it), although this blog started out as a psychology book review , but thinking about it carefully, compared to psychology, I am more concerned about what I will do in the future and how to make money , so I really have no intention to read about topics that I am not that concerned about at the moment. Some people may know that I have been engaged in illustration work for some time. Click the FB icon in the upper right corner to be directed to my personal homepage. You will know what I usually draw. I listened to a big lecture in the industry before and he said to stay in Don’t expect to make a fortune in this industry, and some of the people who follow me are peers, and some are younger. I have always cherished the dream of going abroad, and I care more about $$ (maybe because I am a Taurus XD), I I hope that through these articles on investment and financial management, I can remind and encourage friends, and then spread the influence.

1. Introduction to books

The author of "Happy Realization of Autonomous Wealth" is Eric Jorgensen , a slasher who writes financial blogs, but in fact what really matters is who the content comes from. This book was written by Eric Jorgensen, a legendary venture capitalist. It is a compilation of texts, tweets, and interview records shared by serial entrepreneur Navarre Raviken in the past. It attempts to use Navarre’s words to explain his thoughts and concepts. The author also said, “All glory goes to Navarre, and all mistakes are "I'll bear it", but you don't have to worry that the content will feel fragmented. The author's interpretation is very natural, and the speech seems to be Navarre's own personal experience. However, due to the inherent difference between the author's perspective and Navarre's perspective (after all, everyone is independent individual), I can’t tell whose opinion this sentence is, so I won’t explain it in terms of “the author/Navarr’s opinion”, but in terms of “this book’s opinion”.

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In terms of structure, the book is divided into two major chapters, which respectively answer the two major problems in life- wealth and happiness . This book review is about the wealth part, and the happiness part is left for next time.

2. Mind map and chapter structure

Part 1 "About Getting Rich" is divided into two chapters, namely Chapter 1 "Create Wealth and Take Back Autonomy" and Chapter 2 "Develop Judgment and Change Mental Models", as shown in the mind map, Chapter 1 It is divided into many subsections...there are really many, so in order to make it easier for everyone to see the content clearly, I separated the mind maps of the first chapter and the second chapter. 1-1 is the first chapter of the first part, and the rest are By analogy, the second part will maintain this form.

A characteristic of this book is that some concepts will be continued into other chapters, but this does not mean that the content will be repeated. This sense of continuity will undoubtedly deepen the impression for readers, but for me as a mental person. It's a little troublesome for people who use pictures, otherwise it will be repeated XD.

3. 4 things I learned

This is a new column added to this book. As mentioned above, some concepts in it are continued, so I will sort them out here.

1. Don’t make money by time, make money by your mind

This is the so-called "passive income" concept. If you don't know what it is, there are many Youtubers who have shared it in videos, such as Leimi, Bingbengla, Yale Chen, Ms.Selena, Xiaozhou, SHIN LI, etc. To put it simply, the so-called passive income is different from the traditional form of "making money with time" like going to work in a company. It allows you to automatically earn income for you while lying at home, such as Youtube ads, Google ads, stock dividends, and alliances. Marketing, rent collection, line stickers, etc. all count. Here I recommend Mr. Market’s article . The principle of advertising and affiliate marketing is to rely on the number of views, clicks, or purchases to give you profit sharing, because these things exist On the Internet, there is no limit on time and space, unlike traditional work, which is limited to working hours (so-called active income). As the book says:

Wealth is an asset that can help you make money while you sleep

But the disadvantage is that it takes time to accumulate, and it may take a year to achieve considerable income. But once the results are achieved, the profit share can reach 20,000 to 30,000 yuan (that's NT$). As for dividends, it is a bit similar to the concept of interest. The more you buy, the more dividends. I remember that the first dividend I got was only in single digits, and I don’t know which ETF issued it. Now it has accumulated the most. It’s 0050, but it’s only 80 yuan. But don’t underestimate the power of dividends and compound interest. The benefits of stock deposits are higher than those of bank deposits, and you don’t have to worry about inflation. I recently realized that inflation is actually very close to me. The change of tea eggs from 8 yuan to 10 yuan is inflation, and the night market chicken steak from 35 yuan to 75 yuan is inflation. The long-term accumulation of these price differences is amazing.

2. Specialize in what you are good at and make it unmatched by others.

This principle is particularly relevant in painting. Every painter has his or her own area of ​​expertise or favorite. The more paintings he or she draws, the more they will become a symbol of their own style. Those who are good at character costume design, those who are good at drawing Q version of kiwis, and those who are good at drawing Q version of kiwis, etc. Those who paint beautifully, are good at playing with light and shadow, are good at painting with thick paint... (I know I am talking about your message and brush it up) Just like what is mentioned in the book:

commodify oneself

, each of these is your brand characteristics and your products.

3. "Learning a new skill within nine months is more important than which department to study."

People who have wasted more than three years in the history department feel hurt. To be honest, although I came to the history department at first because I had better grades in high school history and felt that the probability was higher, in fact, after a long time, I felt that this was not what I wanted. , but it does not deny that there are still gains. Writing book reviews is an example. The assignment in our history department is to write a bunch of book reviews/paper reviews. Through the teacher’s feedback, you will know that you are good at structure, rhetoric, and sources. If there are any shortcomings, it was because of this educational environment that I started blogging about book reviews. Back to the title, from my observation, many jobs now require you to have multiple skills, and what you have learned in the majors can no longer meet the job requirements. If you have more knowledge, you can branch out into more industries and enrich your salary structure. , as a history major like me, if you can draw pictures, build websites, and write blogs, if you study more, it may become your bonus when you are looking for a job one day. So I encourage people younger than me to try more.

4. Use leverage

This book divides leverage into three types: human power, money, and zero marginal cost products, which are the resources needed to make money. Needless to say, labor and money, the third type is the online media mentioned in our passive income. ,

With tools and leverage, inputs and outputs are no longer relevant.

4. Golden Sentences

  • Read it carefully, but don't just accept it all. You need to apply his advice to your life
  • Study individual economics, game theory, psychology, persuasion techniques, ethics, mathematics and computers
  • Reading is faster than listening, doing is faster than watching
  • Be great at what you do
  • Be yourself and you don’t have to compete with anyone
  • If you want to get rich, the most important skill is to be a continuous learner
  • The old way of making money was to go to college for four years, get a degree, and then work in a certain profession for thirty years.
  • Compound interest also happens as your reputation accumulates
  • Intentions alone are not enough, actions are more important
  • 99% of your efforts are in vain
  • In the goal-oriented real world, only about 1% of the effort we put in results.
  • You should regard owning equity in the company as your goal
  • Find what you are truly passionate about
  • If someone can train you to learn a skill, a computer can also be trained to do it in the future.
  • Don’t make money to upgrade your life
  • The most important thing when joining a company is to develop connections
  • Four ways to make yourself lucky: first, hope that good luck will find you; second, run around until you encounter good luck; third, exercise your mind and see opportunities that others cannot see; fourth, become the best in your field Or, opportunities will naturally find you
  • The most tragic thing in the world is the loss of self-esteem. If you don't love yourself, who will love you?
  • Don't care about your own efforts
  • The preset reality in our minds can cloud our understanding of the truth
  • If you can't decide, the answer is no
  • Take short-term pain but reap long-term results

4. Experience

This time there are many more golden quotes than before. This book reminds me of the "Think and Grow Rich Bible" . Both books help you establish concepts, but the "Think and Grow Rich Bible" is more chicken soup. I like this one better because It is in line with my current situation (making money, about to leave society), but it does not mean that its audience is the two, but it should be said that it can guide people who are about to or have just left society to correct their ideas and prevent us from going astray. This article is included The golden sentences are just the tip of the iceberg, and are the result of trying to summarize big ideas. In fact, there are many extended ideas in the book, and everyone's feelings will be different. For example, I do not completely agree with all the ideas in this book, so I am very encouraged. If you read the physical book, I believe you will have a different understanding from me, not to mention sharing your own experience in it. This kind of relatively long content is not something I can share in the limited space. Maybe you can learn from its experience. See something different and even resonate with it.

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