As soon as the fireworks seller leaves, the year is over

The difference between people is that some people operate wheat fields and real estate, some open wheat field bookstores, some people grow wheat fields, and some people don't even have wheat.


when grilling,
We say chicken (wing) tip,
what does it sound like-
Sin that God does not allow.
This world has long been abandoned by God.
Maybe God is real,
But he has 36 million worlds.

"Wheat Field"

The difference between man and man is,
Some people operate wheat field real estate,
Some people open a wheat field bookstore,
Some people grow wheat fields,
And some people don't even have wheat.

"It's Spring"

It's spring, and the trees are still getting nutrient solution, which hurts.
It's spring, and the office is still cold, like a grave or a coffin box.
It's spring, and my husband rides me to work wearing women's gloves.
When the weather is good, go out and see the snow-capped mountains and us.
It's spring.


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