Energy Painting - Bright Bloom: The Majestic Golden Light of Earth Store Bodhisattva

The work I share today comes from the light of the first scripture I recited: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Vow Sutra". I am fortunate to have participated in a magnificent and solemn journey of Dharma Drum Mountain on Yunyun Online under the opportunity of 2020. The eight-day dharma meeting was successfully attended, and my heart was filled with emotion and gratitude. Let's take a look at this creation story!
Rainbow light among the leaves. Taken on 2021/04/12.
Energy painting series. A pen, a piece of paper, and a peaceful heart, intertwined into a line drawing full of energy. The uniqueness of the picture, which cannot be predicted before the pen is written, is also its charming charm. The creation of "Energy Prayer Paintings" brings beauty and creativity to everyone. Under the brush, all living beings are the same.

The work introduced today comes from the light of the first scripture I recited: "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Vow Sutra".

The origin of energy painting originated here. If you have noticed the date of the work, the creation date of these days is from near to far. This is my second work, and I will share my first work tomorrow. Both are the light of Earth Store Bodhisattva. I have the opportunity to come into contact with these classic Buddha names, and then deeply appreciate the beauty of them.

So, let's start talking about today's creation story~

I am fortunate to have participated in a magnificent and solemn journey of Dharma Drum Mountain on Yunyun Online under the opportunity of 2020. The eight-day Dharma meeting was successfully attended, and my heart was filled with emotion and gratitude.

In fact, I don’t usually mention such events to my relatives and friends. First, my friends are all born in the 80s, and they are in their early 20s. Most of them don’t participate in religious activities. Second, they rarely mention their own affairs, but they are better at listening. others speak.

I always think that the feelings from my heart are true, but I don't have to say it. And this feeling makes me want to share it in words. The literary friends who will click on the article are destined. Thank you in advance for reading. :)

Tibetan altar

This is actually my first time to participate in the grand event. At that time, I went to the enquiry office to ask for advice. After the explanation, the senior sister said something that I think makes sense: "Actually, the most important thing to participate in the Fa conference is the mind . It doesn't matter if you don't understand the process, the important thing is that you bring your sincere mind. Just be at ease."

The philosophy of Dharma Drum Mountain is to protect the soul as the core, without too many complicated rituals, and focus on the cultivation of the state of mind. Such a natural and comfortable style also makes people feel more relaxed, but it is simple and still maintains a solemn demeanor, which can be understood as a sentence: "It can be relaxed, but not casual."

Before the Fa conference starts, we must do the homework beforehand, just like we need to prepare for the exam, the homework for each altar is also different. Under the occasion of karma, I chose the Ksitigarbha altar , which is to recite the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Original Vows". When I was doing my homework, I started to feel a little bit, and this drawing creation is also a picture I sensed when I was doing the homework.

"The Bright Bloom of Jizo", 2020/11/16, black ink pen. After reciting the Ksitigarbha Sutra, the image I sensed when I meditated on the Buddha's name looked like a circle of light.

2020 Dharma Drum Mountain Great Compassion Water and Land Dharma Conference

 <The Theme of the Year: Great Compassion>
and let us,
As always, with great compassion.
Very future, Hong Pudu Road.

This is my work when I participated in the 2020 annual puja. At the end of the sacred ceremony, my nose was sore for a while, and I felt that the Buddha had really come to the front. All the homework done before the ceremony and since the beginning of the ceremony was seen in the eyes, and the merits were covered in golden light. It is like light .

I think the appearance of this work also reminds us of this.

Because of the existence of light, no matter what, we are never alone.

I wish everyone: peace of mind, everything is at ease; pure heart, the pure land is near .

Screenshot of the 2020 Dharma Drum Mountain Great Compassion Water and Land Dharma Conference.

nobles beside me

The first time I participated in the dharma meeting, it was really very special. I could see that it was normal from the previous homework. Light diet, clean seats, regular work and rest, naturally calm. At the same time, I would also like to thank all the gods and Buddhas, my parents, family, relatives and friends for their support, so that I can successfully participate in the dharma assembly and practice together, and I can fully dedicate my merits and virtues. Although some itineraries cannot participate in the whole journey due to physical factors, they are quite satisfied.

2020 is the year when everything is turned upside down. My body is my biggest test. There are too many changes in the future, and the future is not yet clear. It is a blessing to be part of such a solemn journey at a time like this.

I am grateful that there are always many noble people around me who help me and give me great courage. Seeing everyone here, thank you. I also wish you all the best of luck in coexisting in the light.

Wonderful brilliance is always by our side. Taken on 2022/02/02.

 ※The release date of this article: 2022/02/04. Simultaneously posted on FB, Matters, and Square.
※All rights reserved, those who wish to reprint must inform in advance, and infringement must be investigated.

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