"Strangers Met in Namco" (2) Namco (III)

"Some things, once you've seen them, you'll remember them." This ambiguous statement caused ripples in her heart. "For example, a beautiful woman?" "I'd rather say, beautiful Namtso," he replied, then stopped talking and ate his porridge. She also continued to eat the bread in her hand. She thought, this man is a little interesting.
Namtso's starry sky

Ten o'clock in the evening is still not the time to sleep for most urbanites. So the two continued to chat in the tent.

He suddenly said that he was going out for a cigarette. Then go outside the tent.

After he went out, someone in the other corner of the tent was celebrating a birthday. It turned out that it was the birthday of one of the employees, and her colleagues were helping the employee to celebrate. She was shocked to hear a group of people singing the birthday song so happily in such a silent night.

It turns out that happiness can be so pure.

She seems to have not been so happy in a long time. Suddenly a trace of melancholy came to my mind.

He came back and excitedly told her to go outside and watch the stars.

She listened and immediately followed him out of the tent.

Outside the tent, it was very windy and cold.

The sky is full of stars. She felt the whole universe surrounding her.

"It would be great if I could meet and kiss the handsome man under the stars at this time."

Hearing her words, he laughed again.

"Am I not handsome?"

"You are fine."

She smiled and patted the other person's forehead, as if a little regretful of saying that, then looked up and said nothing.

Because the wind was too strong, the two went back to the tent to rest after watching outside for a long time.

There were not many people staying at the homestay that day, so she didn't need to share a room with others. Back in her room, she was finally going to return to that absolute silence.

As she lay in bed, she asked herself.

Am I really that afraid of loneliness?

That night, she slept badly because the temperature was so low. She had already put on everything she could, but she was still shivering. She never thought that summer nights would be so cold.

She woke up early the next day. So she went out early in the morning to see Nam Co in the morning light, and took a lot of photos. When she returned to the tent, the owner of the homestay took out the breakfast, and she was alone in the corner of the hall eating porridge and eggs for breakfast.

While eating breakfast, he came back from outside.

He walked over to her and smiled at her.

"Morning. Did you drop your camera bag? Is this camera bag yours?"

She checked her accompanying bag. Sure enough, the camera bag was missing.

"Thanks. How did you know this was my camera bag? Where did you find it?"

"I saw a black object on the ground on the way to Namtso. When I got closer, I recognized it as your camera bag. I guessed it was left by you when you went out to take pictures this morning, so I picked it up. "

By this time, he had sat down to have breakfast with her.

"You actually recognize my camera bag? Every camera bag seems to look the same. You have a good memory."

"Some things, if you see them, you will remember them."

These ambiguous words caused ripples in her heart.

"For example, a beautiful woman?"

"I would rather say, it is the beautiful Namtso."

He answered, then stopped talking and ate his porridge.

She also continued to eat the bread in her hand.

She thought, this man is a little interesting.

When it was time to leave, he negotiated with the travel agency and eventually took the same bus back to the hostel with her.

In the bus, he sat next to her, and the two continued to chat.

She was a little surprised. Why can there be so many topics with him? Obviously, the values of the two are so different. Usually, she usually starts a sentence or two when chatting with her new acquaintance. Even if she had to talk to someone because of work, she would be exhausted within fifteen minutes at most.

But she and him chatted for at least four or five hours from yesterday to today.

Maybe it was because she really slept badly the night before, and then she felt tired, so she told him that she wanted to take a rest while chatting, and their chat was suspended. Inadvertently, she fell asleep.

When she woke up, she found herself leaning on his shoulder.

So she immediately and gently moved her body away.

"Hey, you finally woke up."

She heard him.

She blushed, then looked out the window as if nothing had happened, looking for something to say.

"I'm sorry, it was too cold to sleep well last night, so... I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's nothing, it's just that my shoulders are a little uncomfortable."


"I was just joking."

She didn't answer.

He thought she was angry.

"Aren't you angry?"

She smiled lightly.

"How could I be mad? I did sleep on your shoulder for a while. Thank you anyway."

The two looked at each other, smiled and looked away.

(To be continued)


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namtso一切的一切,都始於納木錯 你見,或者不見我 我就在那裏 不悲不喜 《班扎古魯白瑪的沉默》 扎西拉姆·多多
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