You are not alone in chasing dramas|"Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" tells you: In the journey of life, you need a glutinous rice cake

You are not alone in chasing dramas. Today, Brother Stone will bring you the reading experience of the book and pour it into the plot to see the personality traits of the three characters in the drama "Your Love Song". How did they get out of the adversity of life? Refer to see.
Image source: Stone brother drawing; photo taken from tvN

You are not alone in chasing dramas|"Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" tells you: In the journey of life, you need a glutinous rice cake

Watch a movie, follow a drama, go to the screen, and feel the life of others!


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . I like to put the hard knowledge of books into life cases to practice, just like I like to follow the drama to feel the life process of the characters in the drama, to analyze how each character faces problems and formulate countermeasures, and then extract suitable jobs. knowledge used in careers. Today, Brother Stone will take you into the album "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" to see what inspirations they can bring to you about their youthful dreams.

♟ Recommended series: twenty-five, twenty-one (Netflex)
♟ Push pit index: ★★★★★
♟ Reason for recommendation: There are only 16 episodes, and there are quite a few classic quotes, which are worth encouraging yourself when you face setbacks.

[The turbulent era, the undisguised youth story]

The background of the story is set in the turbulent years of 1998. Many companies went bankrupt due to the impact of the Asian financial turmoil. The 22-year-old Bai Yichen (the male protagonist) was originally a son of a wealthy family. He owned a convertible sports car and was also a man of the school. Broken overnight. The 18-year-old Rohidu (the heroine) originally had a high school fencing club that lost its sponsorship because the sponsored company went bankrupt and had to be disbanded. They met for the first time at the age of 22 and 18. There were many youthful and shining love stories in the middle. The world of the two also drifted away. The paragraph of love marks the end of a hard-won heart.

This is an era that tells about the times you and I have experienced, two pairs of lovers, two different encounters, and two splendid endings. What have you learned?

1. You need a "glutinous rice cake" that can strengthen each other:
After the death of her father, Hidu's always spent her youth in friction with her mother. Her mother needs to forget this man so that she can survive through it strong; and she needs to remember her father's figure all the time so that she can overcome every difficulty strong. After the closing of the fencing club, her life collapsed for a while, but through the keyboard, she transformed into "Rad 37" and told "Nutty Rice Cake" on the other end of the Internet about her disappointment. The motivation of her brave pursuit of dreams: if your world disappears, then go to her world!

Of course, for "Glutinous Rice Cake" (Korea's gold medal opponent in fencing: Gao Youlin), "Rad 37" is also a key person who can tell her her sadness, help her regain her courage, and let her challenge difficulties time and time again.

Think about it, do you also have a "glutinous rice cake" that can inspire each other?

Image source: Stone brother drawing; photo taken from tvN

2. Find Bole that can make you advance from A to A+:
Hedu's original coach was not optimistic about her, thinking that she was not a material for fencing. With the encouragement of "glutinous rice cake", after several stalking, she finally persuaded the coach of Tailiang High School Fencing Club (Liang Canmei) to allow her to transfer to another school and continue her favorite sport of fencing.

In the same way, Yi Chen returned from several interviews and was even ridiculed. Finally, due to fate, he encountered a TV station that could not find good talents and lowered the admission threshold, so that he successfully passed the first test and was admitted. . Of course, in the process, he would inevitably be ridiculed by the supervisor, but there was still a senior beside him who could see him shining and was willing to help him, so that he could gradually advance to the position of anchor.

✅Look around, is there such a Bole around you who can see that you are a diamond to be carved?

3. Some people walk on rough gravel roads all their lives:
Another heroine in the play, Gao Youlin, although she brought the first Olympic gold medal to South Korea, her road was relatively bumpy. Her mother broke her gloves and helped her sew them again. It was raining all night, and she was almost evenly divided in the fencing competition, but she lost to Hideo with hatred, making her pass the championship prize money. Then, she met her mother who ran a noodle stall and guarantored the meeting. The other party ran away and even more debts built up; and her father also had an accident while driving a truck and needed to pay a large amount of compensation. Under the pressure of various debts, she was forced to naturalize in Russia. He went to Russia to participate in training, and then went on an expedition on behalf of Russia, so he was loudly scolded by public opinion as a traitor.

This is really an application of the classic phrase "Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha", which is not inconsistent at all: life is not so fair, some people walk on rough gravel roads all their lives, some people run desperately, but finally meet cliff.

How about you? Are you also blaming your poor family background, poor popularity, and your boss's troubles?
Put away your sadness, find a confidant who can talk to your heart, find a Bole who understands you, and then you can share a few incense sticks with your ancestors, maybe you will be like the Cui Cui of "Tianjia Roadside Stall" Slate, be so lucky to help your grandson win the Lotto jackpot.

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【in conclusion】

Going to the screen and feeling the life course of others is also a kind of learning. I can't deny that several episodes of "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One" felt procrastination, but there are quite a few classic quotes that can give you a little bit of enlightenment when you can't find the fighting spirit. I believe you can also show like Bai Yichen: Today is my first time, my inexperience will only last until today, and I will not be like mud again from tomorrow.

🔥Follow up, everyone secretly learned workplace skills, which ones have you missed?

1. Dedicated to you who are rapidly "falling" at the moment

2. Are you at a loss? After graduation, what job will I be looking for?

3. "Your Love Song"|Let me show you different personality traits and how to get out of the adversity of life

4. How to hold a campus lecture? Expand from a simple Rundown sheet

5. Stop and review | Let you in 5 years, thank you for being serious today!


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