"Workplace Case Studies" Q3 Review | Don't let you in 5 years fail to see successful taillights!

The series of articles on career bits and pieces hopes to use the experience of past people to let you cross the river by feeling the stone (Brother Stone) and reduce some stumbles. Let's do a Q3 review today to see what courses you missed.
Image source: Drawing by Stone Brother, photo taken from Pexels Free

"Workplace Case Studies" Q3 Review | Don't let you in 5 years fail to see successful taillights! (revised all links)

Every five minutes, master practical skills, so that you can calmly deal with workplace affairs!


Good day, my friend, I'm Brother Stone. It's so fast. Before you know it, the article will end when Q3 (the third season) is written. I wonder if you have digested and absorbed what you have taught in this season of "Case Study in the Workplace"? According to the school's practice, there are mid-term and final exams every semester. My courses are only reviewed for Q3, Q4, Q1, and Q2. Let you review and confirm the logical thinking, professional skills, and common sense of ethics in these workplaces. Do you have any questions? Which chapter is missing, so you can go back and review it, and prepare to continue the pace of Q4.

♟Type of module: Workplace Case Study - First Semester: First Review Inventory ♟Suitable for: After entering the workplace, there is still an elective credit for learning and growth, which can urge you to move forward.

[Course outline: 10 fish that swim upstream, want to take you through adversity and show your talents]

Image source: Brother Stone's syllabus for this semester

Brother Shi still insists that "Workplace Case Studies" is a 3-credit, 54-hour course. Through thinking and planning, it becomes 10 modules to facilitate your study, so that you can learn from the workplace and yourself, to master professional hard knowledge and practical soft skills. Finally, I will take you to talk about how to manage the organization, how to make decisions to win..., like the 10 upstream fish presented in the curriculum planning table, to take you to master the overall situation, break through adversity, and climb the peaks.

[In the third quarter, you should have learned these workplace fighting techniques]

If the workplace is compared to social universities, this semester is considered the time to enter the mid-term exam. I will help you classify the courses you have taken in Q3, see what you are lacking, and then review the articles you are interested in.

1. Student period:

▪️Overnight rental | In the rental house, you can't nail the wall, how do you hang things?
▪️Overnight rental | Private room, 3 pings storage challenge!
▪️The strategy of retreating to advance|The university exam is bad, how to turn the salted fish over again?
▪️Internship bonus question: The supervisor didn't say it, but if you do it, it will be better...
▪️Sneak away 100 steps from others|How do you practice starting a business when you are a student?
▪️ Confused ? After graduation, what am I going to do?

Image credit: Stone Brother from Pexels Free

Second, how to enter the workplace:

🔹Win the job search|How to write a good resume? Experts teach you how to use it directly. (with form)
🔹Successful job hunting|Social experience, how do I write it? (with case application)
🔹Win a job search|How to make people recognize your worth at a glance? (with reference to writing)
🔹Win the job search|How to write the best SWOT? Professionals teach you step by step! (Attachment: watch sleeve)
🔹Win the job search|I am super nervous during interviews and presentations, what should I do?
🔹Video interview|Tips to beat your opponent
🔹Happy Slash|Slash out your wonderful life! (Part 2: Benefits and Key Points)
about entrepreneurship|Don't just look up at the stars, why not bravely reach out for the stars?
🔹 "Abandoned Soldiers"|It's not your home game, it's a kind of courage to dare to give up! !

Image credit: Stone Brother from Pexels Free

3. Logical thinking when encountering problems/adversities:

🖋Life hacking|Thinking with philosophy, solving problems is like eating!
🖋Have an appointment with success|Spend 7 days of practice, at least let the "mediocre" be one step away from you!
🖋 After reading "Asada's Home", you should learn|Three steps to Asada's success!
🖋《 《Seashore Village Cha Cha Cha》|If you were Wu Chun and were publicly insulted, what would you do? (Attachment: notification process)

🖋 "Legal Don't Be Stressful"|What should I do if I am a soldier and receive a summons from the court or district attorney's office?
🖋Criticism ≠ Negation; see how successful people face criticism?
🖋Smart Pig Game|In the workplace, people who fool around all day get the same salary as you, what should I do?

Image credit: Stone Brother from Pexels Free

4. Hard knowledge and soft skills to become a professional: (attached link 🔗)

🎯Quick way|How to quickly become a professional engineer and grassroots supervisor!

🎯The dumb people should learn | Wow, tell a story and sell a house!

🎯Identify the enemy and me | Hold a handful of sand, what else can you measure the wind direction?

🎯 "General" Du Shuwu|The position of supervisor is reserved for those who know how to transform knowledge!

🎯Target management | Ride to the poor place in the mountains, when the clouds rise and watch the fog~ I feel like watching the fog and chasing the cherry blossoms!

🎯 5W1H|Let you master the problem and sit firmly in the grassroots level!

🎯Required course for supervisors|Learn 8D report well, block abnormal prevention before it happens, you are the best!

🎯 MBA, EMBA|The workplace has been tumbling for many years, you should pick up your books and hit the top!

Image source: Stone brother drawing

【in conclusion】

You are the CEO of your career. "Workplace Case Studies" is a series of articles accumulated by Brother Stone with more than 20 years of career experience. The Q3 course has just started, and at the end of each season, the content learned in the current season will be compiled to help you classify.
It can help me reorganize my whole thinking and accumulate a broad network of contacts, as a stepping stone for planning future career consultants; for you, it is a series of courses to help you who are advancing, allowing you to take people as a mirror and quickly accumulate from cases Experience reduces stumbles.
After all, the workplace has never been able to win alone. I believe that a group of people can go further and wider, especially if you are involved.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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