Inclusive Education | Internships

Today's situation is that during class, he just stood up and walked to the balcony to wash his hands. I asked: It's class time, can I go to the balcony to wash my hands? In hindsight, I thought that this is something that can be said to ordinary students, but it may be more appropriate to give instructions to special students that are clearer and more specific.

If you make progress, you will be happy

In the morning, it was the third class of the fourth class of Mandarin. When I got off the stage, there were fewer and fewer corrections the teacher wrote on the paper.
The teacher also mentioned today that I should feel that I am getting better and better today?
I feel that my efficiency has improved and the speed has increased a lot.

special student again

What I learned most today is the special students in our class. I feel like a subject teacher, and I don’t have the time and opportunity to cultivate trust and tacit understanding with the special students from scratch.

Today's situation is that during class, he just stood up and walked to the balcony to wash his hands. I asked: It's class time, can I go to the balcony to wash my hands?
In hindsight, I thought that this is something that can be said to ordinary students, but it may be more appropriate to give instructions to special students that are clearer and more specific .
Later, when he passed the teacher's desk, he was stopped by my teacher, so he didn't wash his hands.

In addition, he also folded the big whiteboard for sketching into a paper airplane. I walked over and flattened the big whiteboard and asked him to take out the whiteboard pen. Until the end of sketching, he still did not keep up with the progress of work.
When we were about to take out the words from the Mandarin textbook, there was still no textbook on his desk. While other classmates were preparing their textbooks, I walked over and asked him to bring out the textbooks. He told me that the textbooks were on my mother's side.

As a teacher with 34 students in a class, it would be relatively unfair to other students if the weight of a class is to spend too much time on a single person. This is a dilemma for teachers in class.

inclusive education

The current mainstream of special education is " integrated education ", which allows special students to enter regular classes.

Inclusive education refers to a way of getting most children with disabilities into regular classes and enhancing their learning in regular classes. Inclusive education is advocated because scholars believe that the best place for people to learn skills is where they will actually use them in the future, and there are normal children who can provide good examples for people with disabilities, and it is easy to stimulate good behaviors in children with disabilities.

The above is excerpted from < "You blend with me" on the integration of special education

Depends on individual special circumstances

Back to this student, in the next math class, I especially went to observe this student. When Master and teacher were in class, I would stand up at will and walk to the projection screen in front of me, holding a ruler to measure the projected image on the screen. . Since it happened to be about centimeters, I could understand that he wanted to actually operate it. I feel that the teacher and the teacher also know, but the child is not very good at seeing the current situation and doing things, so the teacher quietly asked the students to return to their seats and sit down.
A few days ago, the teacher talked to me about her next treatment of him, which will build the confidence of this student .
Therefore, she uses the methods of whispering restraint and loud encouragement to build the students' self-confidence, and also to improve the attitude of other students towards this classmate. Mainly, the teacher noticed that other students were becoming more and more unfriendly to the student.

In the case of this special student today, I personally think that he is more suitable for teaching in small classes. This will give the teacher more time to develop a relationship with him and gain insight into the reasons behind his behavior. In addition, design some exclusive courses for him, so that his learning can be more advanced.
This semester, he started to go to the hand-in class. When the teacher asked me about the class, I expressed that I liked to go to the hand-in class. My teacher and I both feel that this student is more suitable for small class teaching.

According to the teacher, this student is not in a state of intellectual development, but because he can't concentrate on the course, he falls behind in learning. I would feel so sorry to hear that! If more individual assistance can be given, it may be possible to find a direction that makes students more interested, and will there be more opportunities for other and better development?
I remember that a retired junior teacher in our church once advised a parent to let their children learn percussion. As a result, the parent still sends a text message on Teacher's Day to thank her, because at that time, he gave his child another great way.

Success Stories of Inclusive Education

However, I do not say this to oppose inclusive education. Instead, I feel that we should make more appropriate arrangements depending on the situation of each student.
As far as the special students I have come into contact with before, some of my students will take classes in Mandarin or mathematics to other small classes, and about two-thirds of the other classes will be taught in the same class. In addition, I actively cooperated with the special education teacher to arrange some skill training for our special students. I mentioned our sweet little cutie last time, and she has grown up well. Maybe a little slower than others in class, but the personality is super warm. In conclusion, in our caring little warm man, we can see the excellent educational effect of integration!

Parents worry about being labelled

At present, in some cases in the education scene, parents are afraid that their children will be labeled and are unwilling to let their children enter the process. I feel that if I hadn't had deep contact, I should have had the same concerns.

There is another example: I had a child of Yas before, and the mother's parents' meeting came to school early that day because she had to participate in the parent-teacher meeting of my sister's middle school, and came to explain the situation of his child Yas to me, but at that time he did not let him His child is officially going through the process.
This is a stay-at-home mother who has attended a lot of parenting education courses for her children. In one of the courses, I met other mothers in the same situation, and some of them shared with her the benefits of going into the process. For example, the school will use early self-rest to arrange some "interpersonal relationships" for Yas students.
In the next semester of that year, the mother took the initiative to request and wanted to go through the process. I went to the school to help students run some procedures, help fill out some forms, and began to officially let students enter the list.

Looking back, I was really lucky at the time.

Other cases

In fact, in more cases, parents themselves are very busy and do not have much time to spend more time on their children. In other cases, parents feel that their children are still very young, and they are just naughty and less attentive than other children. Many people are like this when they are young, and they will automatically get better when they grow up. I will also try to cite many examples of people around me and tell the teacher that the child will grow up just fine.
There is a lot of information now, and it is common for parents to ask GOOGLE directly and discuss with teachers with the information obtained on the Internet.
Just like the mother above, if it weren't for the sharing of other mothers in the same situation, she certainly didn't want her child to formally enter the process.

personal idea

Personally, I am a teacher who respects parents and will provide all my assistance within my ability, but the decision is still in the hands of parents. After all, there are still too many processes that parents have to take their children to complete. As for whether it will be natural to grow up, I really hope so. It’s just that I personally feel that children may miss some opportunities to learn and grow in the process. Bi Dao, it is always more difficult to make up after some studies grow up.

Oh my god~~ It's been a few days, and they've been talking about special students.

Hope to have another topic to talk about tomorrow.


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