Painting Relay│Drawing Relay-School Festival-Uniform Party

September school festival~ Parents should shout: Oh YA! 😝

You must not understand~ why your child is a little princess before going to school,
Like a homeless man after school... 🤣

Before and after class
When I was a kid, my dad told my younger brother a very motivating quote:
It doesn't matter if you don't know how to read, as long as you go to school with your schoolbag and bento every day, and then come back.

great! So my brother didn't change to 8+9🤣

New painting relay theme: painting relay-school festival-uniform party <br class="smart">Starting~~Welcome everyone to participate~~
Partners who are troublesome to join should add a tag: #paintingrelay, and then associate this article.
Whether it is kindergarten, elementary school to high school; human race, demon gods and demons; hairy can all participate~❤️

♭♬ Carol 😘 : sweet and cheerful song~ ❤️ ♫♮
( @毛毳Brother ! Carol draws, Carol draws, Carol finishes, @毛毳paints !)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Carol.W這裡有個可愛的大人想用圖文來尋回久違的童心和童趣~🌈 ♭♬Carol: 悅耳.歡快的歌♫♮ 📧
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