My nostalgic collection|The unforgettable pennant in life

What is the happiest time in your life, a person can run fast, but a group of people can go further. The splendor and beauty of every life can be unforgettable only by working hard to enjoy and learn at every moment.

When I saw this topic, I kept thinking about what to post. Finally, in the corner of the study, I saw the high school pennant that I had put away. The second place was hard-earned, and I suddenly fell into the whirlpool of memories.

Start the round with a big group photo

(The photos below have been edited except that there are too many people in the group photo , and most of their faces and some information are protected)
(Because there are other students' portrait rights, I will help you to do mosaic, or pay attention to everyone's image, in fact, I don't want to expose . If you want to see more photos, please pay to unlock more)

I still don't want to announce my school and personal inscription for the time being.

▨Foreword Summary

The ferret is born with good sports cells, except that he is a little tall and very thin, except that he has a little physical disability (but he has learned breaking) since he was a child, he is a bright figure in the sports meeting. It is about 13 seconds for a 100-meter run;
The impression of 1600m is about 5 minutes and 50 (forgot that the age is too long to be tested, but it is definitely more than 5 points)
It is a child with good sports cells (may be very fond of running out since childhood ~ very wild)

But in the class sports games I have encountered since I was a child, they all ended at the bottom hahaha, so every time the brigade relays run the first or second, or it is the last.
The unspeakable secret of the brigade relay is that it can help your classmates run 20M more (relay area)
The ferrets are the kind that can help their teammates surpass two people after helping their teammates run 40 meters more.
So every time I hand over the baton to my teammates, it is always the first or the second, haha really touted myself to the sky, but it is useless to run fast alone in a team competition, a group of talents can run far (?

The photos of the entrance, are they spectacular?

▨Start of text

This is the entrance to the sports meeting in high school. I read that the school is a higher vocational school. (I should introduce it later~ It is related to my university studies)
Our games are super fun, except for regular individual events (long jump, 100m, 200m, 800m)
Other than team competitions (brigade relay, tug-of-war)
There are also competitions that other schools do not have
It's the centipede relay, the two-person triangle match, and the heavy-duty team relay.

What is Centipede Relay?
Tie five people with two ropes to their feet, and adopt the arrangement of eagles catching hens (like a 10-footed centipede)
When running, if you need to synchronize or you will stumble, don’t doubt this photo, we are practicing to run. This requires practice, or you may not eat shit, and you need to adjust your pace from time to time.
As you can see in the photos, even the height of the feet is synchronized. The school record seems to be 300 laps in only 50 seconds (my juniors broke)

It's like this, because I'm practicing so I've become ten people (I'm in it)

Two people and three legs should be familiar to everyone, but it should be rare to hear that someone is comparing this at a sports meeting? (Unless it is a fun competition XD)

Don't doubt it's me in black

Our school is actually an agricultural worker. In the past, we had to hold the rice to run after harvesting. After that, we continued to have this competition, which is to run with sandbags on the body.
(5kg for boys, 3kg for girls)

Really don't doubt that it's me wearing black~ XD

The overall championship of the sport is the cumulative score of the comprehensive competition, and the one with the highest cumulative score is Group B (1st or 2nd)
Senior two and senior three are group A (take 1, 2, and 3)

As an athlete, of course, I participate in all team events, plus two individual competitions (I am too thin without tug-of-war)
So on the day of the games I had eight competitions than I honestly had to do all of them and I was really exhausted.

When I was a freshman in high school, the most impressive thing was the individual competition. I finished the 800 final in less than 2 minutes, and the long jump final was less than 2 minutes. Please move to the long jump field and prepare for the long jump final.
My old swan~~~~~~
I just finished the long-distance race (3rd place), and I was panting like a cow,
I shouted in my heart: now~now~jump~far <br class="smart">I took my elegant body and floated to the field of competition.
Of course, everyone is very strong when they dance,

call my name
My ferret jumped for the first time<br class="smart">I was pale and the teacher asked me if I was okay (I'm better than OK)
First jumped a 2m 10 with an elegant body
(I have learned to measure distance and jump time in the country, and I have played it)

Very dangerous~ There is a second jump in the long jump competition,
It just happened that everyone finished one round, and I didn't breathe anymore. I was ready to sprint to fly. This time I used to fly.
4 meters 30 is not the best state and accidentally won the third place in high school

Don't doubt it's me that's flying XD

Probably just sleep for half an hour after the competition. The individual competition is the morning competition and the team competition in the afternoon.

Hanging directly on the playground to sleep, these feet are really thin XDD

That's right, although we worked hard to complete all the projects, our class won the third place, but in the second group, only the high school chickens pecked each other~
Because of the small number of groups, only the first and second place pennants were given because our class's brigade relay and weight-bearing relay were at the bottom of the individual competition, and only I got the name, and the centipede relay also made mistakes.
Although I am used to the class not having a name, I am somewhat unhappy because we worked hard.
Sometimes hard work doesn't mean there will be good results, but what you get in the process

▨Road to Revenge (?

In the second year of high school, we have become senior sisters, but we have to compete with the senior three. That is, I brought our senior sister to compete with me last year, and I didn’t make it to the finals in this 800-person competition (everyone is super strong, some of them are even faster than me half a circle~ Enough pull)

The long jump was a blockbuster, but it made it all the way to the final. The top six were selected in the preliminaries, and then the top three were selected in the final. It was my first time to compete with the seniors. I was very nervous. My first jump was about 4.70 meters and ranked third. The university principal is like a ghost, jumping 5.05 meters and scaring his hands~~🤐🤐🤐
I also want to say that I will try to see if I can break the senior record for the second time.
About 4.90 meters broke my own record. The senior patted me on the shoulder and said, "It 's okay. Next year's first place is you. <br class="smart">Actually, the victory was very thrilling. distance ranks third.

Hard to put long jump pics XDD

The sports meeting in the second year of high school was really scary, except to compete with the seniors and sisters who are more experienced than us. Our subject is very focused on the seniors and sisters. hello sister)
The practice of our competition is also the senior sister who came down to take us to practice and make competition supplies

Repair the previous banner

Take us with us for holiday training, teach skills and play ball together during breaks, so we will go to school to practice on holidays and have a good relationship with senior sisters (we still have a tradition of inheritance and continuation) one month before the sports meeting I have a chance to say that we still have our own self-made flags and hanging cloth strips, and we wear uniforms.

The ferret chose a high school far away from my home to study (about 5 o'clock every day, and it takes 2 and a half hours to get to school by bus)
But I still work full time every day~ I'm exhausted

This flag has a long history of at least 10 years. (It also caused other departments to start making big flags)

All of our uniforms have been black over the years (we call ourselves the Black Shirts)
This dress was designed by my senior sister 10 years ago
(Don't doubt it's still this uniform now)

This is our scientific service (and at least has a history of more than 10 years)

When a group of people wear it, it will look like a gangster scene. The flag bearer in front is amazing.
(This also brings the flags and flag making of other classes in our school)

The big flag in his hand is an iconic flag that can only be held by seniors in high school

Therefore, competing with my very good senior sister means that the competitors have super strong teammates and enemies. In the past year, all the projects except the interesting one took the second place, and the others were completely unnamed. The ranking was the fourth place in the year, senior sisters. too strong

Group project lighting points 12, 6, 4, 2, 1
The first place in the individual competition is 6, 4, 3, 2, 1
(The second place in the team competition is 6 points, so the first point in the individual competition is very impressive)

4 team competitions, 3 individual competitions (male and female*2)
If the first place in all projects in a class.
The points are 4*2*12+3*2*6, the highest total of 132 points, the senior sister in that year took the comprehensive score and got 80 points, and won the first place
(Following other classes at all, the second should be in his early 20s)
we got fourth

▨ The effort of letting go

Do you know what it feels like to walk shoulder to shoulder with the pennant for two years in a row?
(Although hard work may not necessarily lead to good results, there is always hope for rewards, although we enjoy the process)
Always wanted to do something big before graduating high school XDDDD

I started to customize the training sheet and discussed with my classmates that it was the last year, and I worked hard for two years. Now that we are the elder sisters of the university, we should be a role model and hold a pennant, so I started to conduct special training for weaknesses. I said that if we use You can get up to 132 points
It means that if we get half of the score above 60, we can get the first place. At least four first places and other goals to get the ranking are required.
Because as long as you get more than half of the first place, the scores of other classes will be difficult to follow.

So we made a plan and the goal was to start taking my classmates for a run (I watched them run of course XD)
But the plan always fails to keep up with the changes~ XD

Our class ended up being second.

We have forgotten, our strongest successors, the juniors and sisters of the second year of high school, this year's competition, I can only say that it is very exciting.
Senior one in Group B also took the first place

Team Centipede Relay and Two-person Three-legged: Our class won the first place, and the second-year high school class won the second brigade relay and weight-bearing relay: our class took the second, third, and senior two class took the first place
(After all, these two are compared to speed. Our class is naturally weak in speed, so we win by skill)

There are also a few students in the second class of high school who used to be from the sports class. The boys in their class directly won the first or second place in the individual competition (except for the long jump, I was the first~XDD)
In the end, we won our class in the individual competition.
We still didn't win the championship in the end, because it was taken away by our junior brothers and sisters in the second year of high school~
We won the second place, (in fact, it means that we have the first or second place in our division, and it is also a small number of honors)
Don't doubt that they are number one next year. They've been number one for three years in a row (still very proud of them)

Oh right~ I set a personal best 5 meters 18 in the long jump competition this year
Finally got the first place, it's hard to come by

Each year's top three individual competitions will appear in the next year's brochure.

This should look like it should jump very far~

If you think you can jump farther than me, you can challenge me, hahaha~

▨Happy celebration, HIGH get up

After the awards ceremony is over, there are actually fun activities.
Our Sports Team Leader (Teacher)
They will say which class is the first class. The whole school will start to rush to the podium. As long as they occupy the podium, they will be able to demonstrate XDDD
It's cool to call your family's name and then occupy the command console XDD

Large Occupation Command Site

After that, everyone will start to circle, start to pull and close, create a bigger circle, and then dance the battle dance of victory inside XD
Of course, during the process, there will be people from other departments to compete for zero territory, but also to defend the circle and cannot be broken.

Yes, everyone dances in there~ XDD

Run the playground in the way of demonstration, don't worry, senior sister will take you crazy

And go for a run with the flag and the pennant~ (Yes, I have run away with the pennant XD)

After all is over, it is time for handover and emotional connection. People from all subjects will be together, encourage and speak, and hand over the flag to the next class of junior brothers and sisters, which also means that the junior brothers and sisters will continue to undertake our tasks.

Handover and Sensual Time

In the end, all the people crowded together with the gesture of cheering, ending this year's sports meeting

Still impressed

▨ Efforts will turn into sweat, and beliefs will be passed on

A person's ability is limited, but when a group of people go to the same goal, the group will be infected with the people and things around them and even change the environment.

In the past three years, the sports atmosphere of our school has become very good. When other classes saw our unity, they also began to call on their classmates to practice together. Originally, only us would practice during the holidays. In the year I graduated, there were Many classes will come to practice on holidays, and even start to make posters, flags, hanging flags, and other symbols to support their class.
Because of the unity and long-term crushing of our department, I may also want revenge XD
But for me it's good that the students in the school are willing to be more involved in school activities and start experimenting.
It's healthy competition and learning.
I still love that my high school should be the happiest time of my life~
Thinking about it now makes me smile

Half-Sprinting Ferret

Finally, end with the sprint picture of the brigade relay.
Maybe we are rampaging on the road of life, but I hope we are all flying on our own path that we like.


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