Old Age Apocalypse of Nomadic Life


A few days ago, I finally finished reading Nomadic Life I borrowed from the library. The book describes the background of nomads in the United States and their daily life along the way. It is both realistic and heavy, so I couldn't read it in one breath.

These 60-70-year-old nomads care a lot about what others think of them, and they refuse to be classified as homeless because they are not homeless. To be serious, they can be said to be homeless. They can return, but they have a means of transportation that can shelter from the wind and rain!

However, the life of the nomads is not as comfortable as imagined, but for the meager income, they have to migrate to those states that provide job opportunities. After finally finding a job, even if the working hours are unreasonable, I can only touch my nose and continue to work until I can't stand it, and then I will leave. Some jobs are beyond the physical limit, and for the money, you can only barely complete those seasonal jobs that will hurt yourself. Because it is not easy to find a job, they also do not require too many benefits and guarantees.

Some employers also offer free camper van parking space, food and lodging, or basic amenities such as water, electricity and sewage disposal to attract nomads to drive to work. Despite the embarrassment of the nomads, they still believe in a seemingly uneasy future.

I remembered the brief experience of living in a camping area to save money or sleeping on the side of the road when I was on a working holiday in Australia, and I can't help but imagine if the homeless people I often see feel the same way.

The longer you read, the more anxious you become about your future life in old age. After all, I’m unmarried and unborn, I don’t have a car or house, and I don’t have a stable income. If I’m lucky enough to grow old but have no savings, I’ll have to worry about where the money comes from from time to time. Had to shrink down and diet for a few days before the payment was made. It's scary to think about.

It must be said that I rarely write about after reading, and usually return the book to the library after reading it, but when I read this book, it was so shocking that I decided to take a note, whether it is to be alert to myself or to remind others, it is good!

Everyone will grow old. If you always put hope in the invisible future and do not take positive actions, if you are not careful, you will fall into a dilemma where you can't escape even if you want to escape, and the life will be particularly bitter. If we start to prepare now, we may be able to maintain our old way of life when we get old!

I have listed seven projects, which may be difficult to implement, but you can still respond to your own situation!

1. Be careful with investment and financial management

The main reason why those people became nomads was mostly because of the financial turmoil in 2009, which devoured their savings for many years. In the end, they could not even pay the mortgage, so they could only choose to live in the car.

Investing is indeed the fastest way to accumulate wealth, but you still have to do your homework, do what you can, and choose the target that suits you. In order to avoid the sudden attack of the storm, or the failure of the investment, all the assets will be wiped out in an instant, and even the debt will be piled up.

Second, buy a house and buy a property without asking for a big deal

The bubble in the housing market made some nomads still unable to pay their heavy mortgages. After the house was forced to foreclose, they had to move all their belongings into the camper that was bought in installments.

If you plan to buy a house in the future, in addition to calculating your total assets first, you must also consider the stability of your income. After weighing all the risks and repayment conditions, you can also help choose a real estate that you can afford.

3. The slash life begins to move

These nomads, who used to have stable jobs, such as vice president, executive product, development director, advertising art director, academic advisor, teacher, accountant, interior designer, architectural auditor, journalist, home care worker, bus Drivers, postmen, priests, etc.

After the outbreak of the financial tsunami, many businesses and companies either closed down or began to cut expenses, and many people were either laid off or forced to retire early. Even the operators of large factories, or the owners of small businesses, have been dragged down by the economic downturn and are ultimately forced to choose another lifestyle.

There is no permanent company and no permanent job. The industry is changing rapidly, coupled with the continuous innovation and upgrading of technology, the former gold industry or professional title may not continue to retain its absolute advantage in the future, and may also be overwhelmed by the torrent of the times.

If economic and time permit, you may wish to take related functional training during off-duty and holidays. For example, the on-the-job training courses are regularly offered by the Labor Development Agency of the Ministry of Labor. The courses are not only diverse, but the government will also subsidize some of the course tuition fees. Too wealthy office workers. In addition, you can also arrange to learn about things you like, and maybe one day, those interests will also bring new opportunities.

Fourth, relying on children is worse than relying on yourself

Although many nomads have children, most of them are unable to take care of themselves. Those children not only have to worry about their jobs, families, and mortgages, but also have to take care of their children. If you take care of your parents, it will be even worse.

Moreover, if you live in the children's home, you will definitely not be as free as before, and after a long time, you will feel like you are under a fence.

From now on, try to imagine your dream life in old age, the degree of physical decline, and the way you handle family affairs, etc., so that you can be more sure of the living environment you want, such as changing from a big house to a small house, or Choose to live with friends, both are fine.

The recently launched Qingyin co-living program or senior citizens’ apartments are both elderly-friendly living environments. The prices are higher, but they can make one’s life more dignified, and are also very worthy of being included in the list of housing options.

Five, body maintenance is very important

Some nomads lost their jobs and savings because of illness, and some because of tight money. Despite being ill or injured at work, being stuck in the United States for medical treatment is a huge expense, so many people There is no active treatment, except to switch to drugs or other means to help slow the symptoms.

As you get older, your risk of chronic diseases and cancer will also increase. Please start taking care of your body as soon as possible. In addition to developing the habit of exercise, you can also get energy from a proper diet.

Exercise not only strengthens your body, it also helps build muscle strength and, even better, reduces the risk of many diseases. A balanced diet is also a key factor. Although health food contains many nutrients, the nutrition from food is not only more natural, but also allows you to enjoy the freshest and delicious ingredients of the season.

In addition, we should pay more attention to the health of our teeth. Many older people don’t care much about their teeth, they are too lazy to brush their teeth, and they are even less likely to check their teeth regularly. When they lose their teeth, they realize that everything is too late, only missing teeth are left. and dental implant options.

Missing teeth not only affects the appearance, but also affects the ability to chew. In fact, chewing can help activate the brain nerves, and the degradation of chewing ability not only causes the brain to age, but also increases the risk of dementia. No matter how old you are, brush your teeth well and get regular checkups. If you have any dental problems, please also remember to seek medical treatment.

6. Build a safety net

Some nomads have lost their savings and assets overnight due to sudden illness, divorce or injury, and finally have to choose a nomadic lifestyle that is different from others.

If you can, please prepare a safety net for yourself first, deposit, assets, or insurance. The more complete the planning, the more you can reduce the impact of accidents. If there is an emergency, you will not be caught off guard, and you will even have to worry about the whereabouts of your next meal.

7. Actively participate in social activities

Even though many nomads live in poverty, they still participate in an annual event dedicated to nomads: Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR).

In addition to meeting friends who haven't seen it for a long time, you can also learn a lot about camping vehicles. Some experienced nomads will also hold special classes to share, such as secret parking for urban nomads, free Camper parking space, techniques for repairing vehicles and tires, modifying the bed frame or kitchen of the camper, or installing solar panels, etc., how to cook in the small space of the camper, etc. Practical information has solved many problems for many nomads Miscellaneous diseases.

The RTR event only lasted for two weeks. During this period, everyone exchanged information and cheered for each other until the end of the event. After embracing and blessing each other, they embarked on a different path again. Although the nomads do not have a fixed residence, it has to be said that such a selfless mutual aid group will not only help them to walk more steadily on this road, but also have more courage to face the unknown cruelty.

No matter how old you are, whether you are single or married, whether you live alone, or live with your family, it is best if you can continue to maintain your circle of friends. Don't ask for too many friends, as long as a few friends are with you.

Hang out with friends for a chat, or arrange a small trip, not only can you talk freely, but you can also go out and enjoy the scenery. If you have free time, try participating in your favorite community activities or free classes. You will learn a lot of interesting knowledge and make new friends. The important thing is that these methods can activate the brain, reduce the risk of dementia, and make life more exciting and interesting!

Although these words are a bit verbose, I sincerely hope that everyone can have a good old age after growing old in a healthy way. In the end, I didn't expect that reading thoughts would be so difficult to write, ahem! In the future, I'd better read the book obediently, haha!

correct! Surprisingly, I found out that Nomads has been made into a movie and only recently came out, what a great coincidence! I hope that the second round can also play this movie, maybe the movie version will give me more different feelings!


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