Epidemic retirement

Three million to complete a dream

Many people are busy under the epidemic. A friend, who boldly expanded his life in January this year, was ruthless under the epidemic, and his dream was overtaken, and he paid a great price. He summarized the conclusion of his experience. It is because the location is wrong, the source of customers is single, and the products are not targeted at the market. The biggest fatal injury is the rent of the shop. The monthly cost of HK$300,000, plus labor, lamp oil and wax, will cost 400,000 a month. If Just by buying instant noodles, he has to buy 20,000 pieces to balance the expenses, not to mention that the streets are full of instant noodles. He tried to negotiate with the landlord for a reduction in rent, but in exchange he could not afford the rent. We still have other people waiting for the rent. After the friend ended his business, the store was lost for a month. The conclusion was a double loss. The friend lost 3 million, and the owner lost time.


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嚼事樂 一首歌,一張照,一道菜,一篇文,一趟旅行 用五感感受日常細節,細味生活不同的感情 用最平實不華麗進入人生面面觀
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