Wen Yunchao, Life - Arbor American Epidemic Diary 18

During the epidemic, the Chinese typically lived a magnificent and bloody life in the United States, as well as the great cause of driving Qiaomu out of the United States.

This is Wen Yunchao's comment after my article was published. His current Twitter is Wen @wenyunchao, and his profile picture has also changed.

The original text was made on April 15, 2020. Parts 1, 2, and 3 are accounts of the epidemic in the United States and others. Wen Yunchao started from the fourth.


This is Wen's Twitter page.

I don't know if it's public knowledge, but it was quite influential back then. A man from Harbin Institute of Technology and a senior media person in Guangzhou, he ran a very popular bar, then went to Hong Kong to run media, and finally brought his family to the United States, a few years before me.

Wen Yunchao, nicknamed Beifeng, was introduced by Baidu, but he himself did not accept it, and netizens made a balanced judgment.

He has been active on Twitter over the years, and I rank him as the third brother on Twitter.

The first brother, Ai Weiwei, like the Soviet-American-Russian writer I mentioned in my article yesterday, criticizes wherever he goes. The second brother is a businessman who made a fortune in China, and then went to the United States to gossip and joke about politics every day. In the end, even Twitter couldn't stand it and blocked his account.

A few months after I went to the United States to experience life four years ago, I started to tweet about my feelings. Mr. Wen Yunchao often criticized and educated me, admonishing me and reflecting on myself.

praise occasionally

But it's basically entertainment.

I also need to find public support for me. Netizens are naturally watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal.

I finally gave up on treatment.

A rare collection of idioms. I explained it word by word to my daughter, who didn't learn Chinese well and degenerated after coming to the United States.

Netizens said, how can you make your daughter feel so bad?

Netizens say I'm good, but I'm really good? Netizens say I'm bad, but I'm not necessarily bad either. Besides, I live with my wife and daughter, as long as they know who I am, I don't live with netizens.

It's not like Wen Yunchao lives on the Internet, where he has self-esteem, self-confidence, and Laozi is number one in the world.

In January and February, when I returned to China to work on errands, I laughed at myself and reported my work. First, I reported to my old father at home, and then I went back to Beijing to see my father-in-law who was bedridden because of illness. My mother-in-law was afraid of cross-infection, so she wouldn’t let me come, and the report could not be completed. Mr. Wen is very caring for me, and I ask the FBI to take care of me.

Mr. Wang Qingying and Mr. Beifeng that I mentioned in my diary 15 ( click to view ) also have something to say, which caused a heroine to show her sword.

This Ms. Liu Shasha was also an active person in China at the time, and she continued to be active after coming to the United States. For a while I said something, and she followed behind, and I was afraid of hurting her self-esteem, so I couldn't bear to block it. Say you don't look at me, or block me, won't it be over? Criticizing me all day long, could it be that you like me, the deep love, the responsibility?

This is what she said about eating tofu. When I was in Beiwai’s scenery, the beautiful women were like clouds, and the beautiful legs were like forests. I was all guarded like jade, the jade tree was in the wind, the wind and moon were in my heart, and I had no ghosts in my heart. I dared to write an interview for girls. Now eat tofu across the Internet?

Mr. Wen's posts are like the Mississippi River, surging, and there are roughly three categories:

1 . Fight against people, against Trump, against Trumps from all over the world, against netizens, against fellow colleagues, against former colleagues, and against whomever is caught.

2 . The foodie will cook all kinds of dishes, especially the pig's large intestine, which is often dried, as well as fishing and shopping.

3 . Record your life and work.

The third one is the most valuable. It systematically records the magnificent and blood-like life of the Chinese in the United States during the epidemic.

The following his life story, all from his own Twitter. We did not block each other. From his point of view, he kept me watching jokes; from my point of view, it was not only a tribute to our predecessors, but also a window to observe life.


From Guangzhou to Hong Kong, and finally to the United States, what did I experience, and how did I survive:

Everything else is false, the bill is real, and it goes straight to the factory.

How is the work, dare to say after leaving:

The words of netizens brought back his sad memories:

He's not a sweater, he's a skilled worker. Although the original factory is poor, it is stronger than other factories, and it is preparing for IPO and stock listing:

Both the former Chinese factories and the current American factories employ a large number of Chinese, Africans, and Latinos, whose identities are unclear, but the labor cost is low.

In the current factory, he took over the work of the Polish master.

How old is the Polish master?

At the age of 87, he finally had to undergo major surgery, so he stopped coming to work.

In the US, there is no pension if you pay less than 40 points. The retirement age is 67 years old, but many people have to continue to work if they want to maintain a decent life because of their low pensions.

He was subsidized in the factory and bought medical insurance, but after seeing a nosebleed, he stopped the bleeding and was charged $1,600.

After reading the news, I felt the same and criticized the United States for not having universal health insurance.

Translate English news about the hardships of life for the average American, especially in times of crisis.

Are Americans happy? Discuss with friends:

Let's talk about the good and bad of American medical care:

Personal experience of the year:

During the epidemic, refute a rumor to the circle of friends in the United States that everything is free:

On January 24, before the outbreak in the United States, he resigned. A lot has been said, but the key is the word of the American boss: if you don't do it, you will leave.

Now, seven days a week, at home and away from home, working and cooking.

During the epidemic, although it was difficult, I was fortunate to have a full-time job, and the previous factory was also closed.

The couple received a one-time government relief of $2,400, but I don’t know why there are no children who are 18 years old and go to college, although their parents still need to support them.

Netizens said it was good. He said it was enough to pay one month's rent.

- What, are you still renting?

--What do you think?

The son is very sensible:

But there are also concerns:

Me too, not many Americans can pronounce Qiao. As a minority, your appearance, your last name, determines your differences. Daughter can take husband's surname after marriage, what about son?

First-generation immigrants are very difficult, unless you are rich, or you pretend, behave, and deceive yourself.

No matter what the point of view, in the United States, everyone is equal, but we must accept the differences caused by different wealth. In the words of President Trump, this is life.

His story is over. Mine just started.

--- ---


Although life is unsatisfactory, don't destroy yourself.

Don't self-destruct.

I finally have a new life goal:

looks great

There are ideals, there is organization, and it is really powerful.

So every day, the Immigration Bureau, FBI, congressmen, and Trump push to report.

Also released my address, birthday, phone number, and constantly harassed me and my wife by calling and texting. The phone call was made twice, both of which were recorded, and countless text messages were sent, such as:

Using the number 8964 is democracy and freedom, and harassing others is so righteous.

I also admitted to sending harassing text messages, but covered the part involving my daughter.

Also pitted teammates:

Why do you say he is? Can it be successful?

Ha ha. In my lifetime, I will collect evidence from all over the world and report it online every day. #DriveQiaomuOut of America

I wish him success.

(Support original: paypal.me/qiaom )

More Arbor American Epidemic Diary, WeChat public account "Tianxiaus", Panorama of the United States, wonderful articles.


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