🕵🏻‍♂️Egawa River Walk Former Residence-Former Edogawa Ranpo House

2022.07.04 (Fire) Tokyo Walking Diary

Today's Tokyo is affected by the outer circulation of the typhoon, the sky is gray all day, and there is a heavy rain in the morning. However, it also just cooled down for Tokyo, where the high temperature continued to exceed 35 degrees for several days.

When the rain stopped, I took a walk today to the Edogawa Ranpo Residence ( former Edogawa Ranpo Residence ) located at Ikebukuro Rikkyo University.

Before reaching the alley in front of the mansion, there is a cute owl to guide you

According to information on Rikkyo University's website, Ranpo moved here in 1934 and lived in the mansion with a library until his death at the age of 70.

The mansion is only open Monday and Friday two days a week, and the opening hours are not long
At the entrance and entrance of the mansion, there are a lot of information about the Japanese Bunko Exhibition on the right hand side.

The mansion itself cannot be visited, that is, like the man in the photo, you can only enter there at most.

Entrance photo Ref. https://www.rikkyo.ac.jp/research/institute/rampo/ provided on Rikkyo University official website

The exterior of the house actually looks quite old, and if you look inside from the iron window, you can see the appearance of the living room.

If you follow the same path and go the other way, you will reach the library.

Bookstore (Tokusashi)

It is said that it was a black-gray cement building that was supposed to be used as a warehouse, and it was used as a library by Zanbu. It is a pity, however, that visitors cannot enter the library to visit, and can only see the appearance of the library through a layer of glass.

Right side of library

The library has a total of two floors. It is said that the collection of books is as high as 40,000 volumes.

At the beginning, the collection of books in random steps was mainly placed in three places, namely the inside of the library, under the renovated eaves outside the library, and in the mansion I visited just now. When Rikkyo University restored the library, it removed the place where the books were stored outside the library, and the books inside were transferred to the university library for preservation and research.

left side of library

Those who are interested are welcome to visit the official website to read more relevant information or photos~

Research Center for Popular Culture (Former Edogawa Ranho Residence)

This is the first time I started writing about my daily life in Tokyo. I wrote it in a diary. I hope you can read it easily.


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