How to be sure to write explosive articles, class, everyone (Part 1)

Recently, I often hear explosive articles, that is, articles that many people read. If you listen to them again, you will find a bunch of software that can help you write explosive articles. Entering a few words can help you write an article, and some tools can help you even more. Write a good article or even an explosive article. After a long-term analysis, I finally summarize the method that will definitely be able to write an explosive article, and I want to share it with you here

Recently, I often hear explosive articles, that is, articles that many people read. If you listen to them again, you will find a bunch of software that can help you write explosive articles. Entering a few words can help you write an article, and some tools can help you even more. Write a good article or even an explosive article. After a long-term analysis, I finally summarize the method that can definitely write an explosive article, and I want to share it with you here. La, ha 🤣, and then I will give a brief introduction to [I often heard xxxxxx recently, I want to share with you here], I estimate that some people may pay, and I don’t know if anyone will feel cheated or want to give me a punch after paying to watch .

Yes, writing articles or even breaking articles can be as pure and simple as it can be very difficult, depending on how you see it. Maybe some software can help you use scientific methods to calculate which kinds of articles are more popular, but the purpose is to click Writing articles rashly is not only contrary to the intention of writing itself, but if you are not good at writing the genres that will explode, you are forcing yourself to do something you are not interested in doing for the sake of money. How tortured the process is, in this way Under the circumstance, can you still write explosive articles?

The so-called champion, I believe that it only takes 200% of the heart to write about what happened, felt, thinks it is true or false, readers want sincerity and truth, even if your writing is as bad as mine, as long as you are attentive, you The imperfection and truth of the things you share with others can make your readers come to you. Readers are all people, and they can definitely feel that what you write is the most attractive element. Perfect things are not good-looking or true. Only real feelings and experiences can penetrate the hearts of readers and make you write the most explosive articles.

Instead of spending a lot of time searching for the kind of software that is reliable and useful, it is very likely that the more you think about it, the more confused you will be. I don’t know whether to choose A, B, C, D or E. It is more likely to be cheated, lose money, and write the article. It is also lost together. It is better to feel and observe the people and things around you, chew and think well, record your thoughts truly, share them sincerely with readers, and let them find resonance.

Your focus should be on writing, not in your wallet, thinking about making money and making money. The law of attraction may not be suitable here. If you don't want money, money will come to you. The more you want money, the further away it is You go away. Because all you think about is money, there is room to come up with it, and then write the most flesh-and-blood, the most attractive explosion text, the real explosion text.

😱 Having said that, if the blasting software is really useful...  

Readers, have you used any related software😁😁?

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