"Language Expansion Possibilities of Writing Instruments"


"Criticism of thought is not abstract, because it must ultimately be implemented in concrete society, human existence and environment." Therefore, literature is like this, art is like this, life is like this, and criticism is in the act of resistance and thinking; " The practical act of cultural language is the concrete critique of thought.”

The process of the spoken form of ethnic languages moving towards literalization provides the possibility of language voice/text flow and creativity. The function of the written form is not only to preserve the condensation of the core of language and culture, but to be recorded. Different paths of literature and art, lively ethnic language. At the same time, in the face of competition for hegemony of other cultures and languages, the reappearance of the subject in a post-colonial situation, the so-called cultural production can become a kind of "pen and sword" of colonial resistance.

Aboriginal languages should be emancipated from academics, knowledge and technology. Just imagine, if learning tools can be widely opened from the country, academia or individuals, the first thing to strengthen is the popularization of reading and writing, and then the possibility of creation; when the aborigines need to face the competition and exclusion of other mainstream languages , if a language can go from the communication record to the development of different forms of language, it is definitely a kind of "revolution".

For example, the Maori language in cooperation with Google not only makes it possible for different languages to be translated through tools, but also is more effective for language learning within the ethnic group. To form the basic ability of this kind of written data, academic openness and intra-ethnic "word book development" must be co-operate.

This path of cultural resistance has long been a necessity in the movement for the rights of indigenous peoples in the world. In contrast, the rigid thinking promoted by the indigenous languages of Taiwan, for example, the "Draft Law on the Development of Indigenous Peoples Languages" is based on the idea of 30 years ago. When thinking about contemporary language policies, language-based language, instrumentalization, academic openness and research are generally placed on the 19th or 20th subsidy and budget, rather than overall promotion. The development of online media and technology has long surpassed the scope of knowledge enacted by law.

From the experience of software localization, we can know that this cannot be just a one-time project. It is necessary to establish a foundation for the promotion of online aboriginal languages, whether it is to amend the law or establish a foundation (to promote the ethnic language industry), is a more positive approach.

What does the string of numbers " ISO 639-3:ami " stand for?

The code name of the international standard organization Pangcah Amis language, but it was applied by a non-governmental organization a few years ago. Don't be surprised why it is not an aboriginal association? Nor is it any government cultural promotion unit? When a language needs to be carried out by any computer or software It must have a standardized process. Simply put, it is to let the computer understand the language (after understanding, the language of the software can be gradually localized). This gave the beginning of the "aboriginal language of technology tools" in the future.

Language war is an inevitable fact of language contact. In order to popularize a language, it is necessary to compete for the space of use. In the actual geographical space, it is limited by "social separation" and "geographical separation". Cultural competition, but if the relatively free Internet and other writing, literary works, art, etc. can be equivalent to expanding a new territory, which can be translated, copied, created, and popularized, this is a language revolution.

For an aboriginal language that is listed as an endangered language by UNESCO, it is not a way of language.


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