Can NFTs really bring your work to the world?

In the past six months, the term NFT has appeared in front of many people. Many people have been blinded by the NFT works sold at sky-high prices, which has led everyone to imagine that they can make their own works as NFTs and sell them for money. In fact, is it a Zhang's profit guarantee is not a certificate that no one can steal the work, no!

At the beginning of October, I learned to upload two works I created as NFTs to a certain platform, and set a price of less than 100 US dollars to sell. As a result, three days and seven days passed, and neither of the two works was interested. No one saw it, and the last two works were taken off the shelves and sent back to their hometown. To be honest, it doesn’t matter whether the works sell for money or not, but why my things can’t appear in front of everyone is the point.

I don't want to pour cold water on those who want to develop in the direction of NFT. It is not difficult to make works into NFT, but it is not easy to successfully become a valuable NFT. From my experience, to achieve this goal, it may take many The combination of factors, including whether the value of the work has been recognized, whether the owner of the work is well-known, whether the platform where the work appears is in the focus of people, and finally, it is more likely that someone is manipulating the market behind the scenes, driving up prices and waiting for ignorant people. People go fishing and harvest leeks.

First of all, in terms of value, a series of NBA star slam dunk videos, for me who only loves football, this kind of video is absolutely worthless, but for fans of those stars, having this short video may be his The glory of your life, so you are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it, so if your work can have a certain value for some people, it will eventually be appreciated by people.

The popularity of the owner of the work is another important factor. The celebrity effect is the catalyst for the hot sale of NFT works. The tickets for Lady Gaga's NFT concert were quickly sold out in a short time. The owner of the work without a well-known name will suffer a lot and spend a lot of effort. To promote, try to find opportunities to share with others, and ultimately depends on luck.

The display platform is also a decisive factor. Although there are many platforms for displaying NFT works today, as more and more people upload NFT works, some popular platforms are already full of various works, and your works may not be able to be ranked. It can be seen in the most conspicuous places. Some platforms such as Opensea may attract a lot of people to browse, but the cost is relatively high. The registration fee and miner fee are not calculated for general small works, so find a suitable one. A platform to showcase your work is also very important!

Finally, it is not ruled out that some people are manipulating the market behind the scenes. Due to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies, buyers who purchase NFT works do not need to disclose their identities. Therefore, some people use their secret identities to drive up the prices of works by any means, and then wait for the first The three bid and re-purchase to make huge profits. I believe that many works are bid up in advance, and after attracting everyone's attention, they wait for someone to fish.

I have always doubted whether NFT can truly guarantee the creator's creative copyright, because after a work is published, although the work is yours and it is made into NFT, so what? Others can copy your work and change some places, and then he can also make NFT and put it on the market. At that time, who can prove which work is original and which NFT is genuine?


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