【Story of renting a house】A big quarrel with the landlord

When I rented a house for the first time, I had a big fight with the landlord before the house was handed over.

The first time renting a house is always full of expectations and longing for the future life, but for me it was full of twists and turns. First of all, it is a big problem to convince my parents. For details, please refer to my previous article I rent a house~~ Reasons and process of renting a house in the second year of my sophomore year .

When college students enter society for the first time, they are often the targets of bullying, bullying our social experience and impulsive personality. Before I rented the house, I went to crawl, so I paid special attention when I was looking at the house. I didn’t expect that this attention would save me a month’s rent.

During the inspection, there were two rooms for me to choose, one on the second floor and one on the fifth floor. Later, I chose the room on the second floor, because I felt that it would take a long time to wait for the elevator, which was annoying XD

The original contract is for one year (July to June of the following year), but the landlord told me that the room on the second floor can only be occupied in August. There is a student who wants to do an internship, and he wants to live in July. As for the part of the rent, the annual payment is adopted, with a one-month reduction.

I confirmed with the landlord again and again: "It means that I live for 11 months and pay for 10 months. Is that right?"

The landlord said: "Yes, because the contract needs to be shown to the owner. In order to facilitate management, the contract must write the normal situation, but I will pay for 10 months. Before July, he will pay extra from the school sister."

At that time, the epidemic had not yet broken out, and our lives were business as usual. The school that should go to school, the internship that should be practiced, the sudden outbreak of 5/15 disrupted everything, we started remote classes, and the students returned home one after another. , the internship also stopped. In this way, the senior student who was going to continue renting in July did not want to rent.

When I contacted the landlord, the landlord told me that my sister did not want to rent, and asked me to pay the rent for November. At the moment, I was dumbfounded. I tried to communicate with the landlord, but the landlord kept arguing that what was written in the contract was normal.

Good guy, when I signed the contract, I felt something was wrong. There is no possibility that the contract does not indicate special circumstances. It seems that I can only use the courage of a law student (wrong) I started to argue: I had a recording at that time, I have recorded all our conversations, do I need to release them?

After arguing with the landlord for half an hour, the landlord finally admitted that he had promised us to pay the rent for 10 months. After hanging up the user, I will immediately pass the rent to prevent the night from dreaming too much.

When I was a freshman, in a law class, the teacher said to us: "When you rent an apartment, don't let the landlord know that you are a law student. When there is a problem, let the other party know that you are a law student immediately." I don't like people who still study law, but they are bullying people who don't know how to law.

I have known for a long time that the law is never a symbol of justice, that the law only protects those who know it. As newcomers to the society, we are often bullied because we are not deeply involved in the world. Knowing how to protect ourselves is the way to survive. The heart of preventing others is necessary, but the heart of harming others is also necessary. I always remind myself: while protecting yourself, don’t forget the original intention of studying law.

Well, the text sharing will be here first, and then I will restore the phone call process in more detail when I unpack my room on YOUTUBE, and those who are interested will come to see it later~~

Thank you for reading, and I wish you all good health.

...................................................... ...................................................... .................2021/08/15 Contradiction girl


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