[Life Whisper] Run away


It was a light rain at first, and then it gradually poured down. This kind of weather was a torment for me, who was severely allergic.
Can't breathe, can't concentrate, can't sleep.

The gentleman suggested that we drive out and walk around aimlessly, which is a really good idea, I really need to breathe.

The rain hit the windshield, it was like another world, me in the car, cut off from it all.

The radio broadcasts familiar songs, old songs for this generation.

While listening and humming, I didn't expect that through singing, my mood gradually changed, and the annoying things were removed layer by layer. It was really worthwhile to sing two sentences to achieve such an effect.

Next time, when something bothers you, go for a walk! You don't know what you'll encounter on the road, but that's how life is transformed and surprising.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

晴天小姐寫想寫的內容,成為自己的字療師。 如果文字可以抒發心情,那這裡就是女性自己的房間。
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