【Confirm your intention】——My moon is my love

赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415
He Haitianwen✨ Nearly 3,000 words have been posted~ Haihai is the sun🌞, Jae Jae is the moon🌛, inspired by <Vide - Always Loved You>. I have always loved you, I have always loved you.

It's true. I've always loved you.

A lot of things seem to be unclear, and I try to sort out my thoughts, but no matter how I think about it, I am still a mess. Whether it is mental activities or facial expressions, they are all out of control and derailed, out of the normal range.

When he heard the news that Lee Donghae had a girlfriend, Lee Hyukjae felt that he had never been so chaotic in his life. As a good brother, what he should do is to pat Li Donghai on the shoulder, congratulate him on having a girlfriend, by the way, tease him that he is finally out of singleness, make a coax, let Li Donghai honestly explain who his girlfriend is, and then take a look at his girlfriend's photo.

This is a normal process, but Li Hezai can't be normal now. So when the teammates surrounded Li Donghae, congratulating him and teasing him, Li Hejae silently took a few steps back, turned and walked into his room, closing the door.

He bent his legs and sat on the bed, trying to let the tangled feeling go away, but the aching pain in his heart was pressing down there, making him unable to breathe. After taking deep breaths several times, his breathing could not calm down. At this time, Li Donghai came in without even knocking on the door. For the first time, Lee Hyuk Jae regretted that he didn't lock the door and let Lee Dong Hae break into his private realm as usual.

"What are you doing?" Li Donghae looked at Li Hezai and found that his expression was not quite right, and frowned, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No." Li Hezai put his legs down, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at Li Donghae, and smiled, "Congratulations on your release."

"Obviously congratulations to me, why is my face so stinky. I'm not willing to leave the list earlier than you." Li Donghai leaned forward, pushed Li Hezai's shoulder, and sat next to him with a smile.

This is better, at least Li Donghai won't see his expression directly, Li Hezai thought, and moved his stiff face by the way, trying to be normal.

"Congratulations really," Lee Hyuk Jae said, forcing a little smile. Lee Donghae looks happy now, that's fine. "Are you happy in love?"

"It's alright." Li Donghai looked at the ground, dangling his feet, his eyelashes were stained with warm yellow light, his skin was white and tender, and he looked like a teenager.

"That's good." Li Hezai breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and touched the back of Li Donghae's head, smoothing out his upturned hair. His fingers lingered, and he didn't want to leave Li Donghai, but it would be too strange to continue to touch. Li Hezai withdrew his hand, smiled a bit sour, and said again, "That's good."

Lee Donghae's relationship didn't last long, and they broke up after more than a month. Li Donghai, who has always been serious about his relationship and rushed to get married when he fell in love, how could he break up so quickly? What's even more strange is that Li Donghai didn't even look like he had lost his love. There was no crying, drinking and getting drunk, but when they were watching TV in the dormitory, they calmly and suddenly announced, "I broke up with her."

At that time, Shindong, Heechul, Kyuhyun, Yesheng, and Hejae were all in the dormitory. As the first team members to receive the news, they were all shocked. On the one hand, they were surprised that the relationship was short-lived, and on the other hand, they were surprised by Lee Donghae's attitude.

"Why did you break up?" Heechul said first, Ye Sung also ran to Donghae, hugged Donghae and said, "I have something to tell my brother." Lee Donghae let Yesung hold him, although he was answering Heechul's question, his eyes were Looking at Lee Hyuk Jae on the other side of the sofa, "I found out that she is not someone I like."

Kyuhyun sighed and said, "I just don't think you deserve it." Then he walked to the kitchen and started making dinner. He was going to make his Donghae's favorite avocado sandwich. Delicious food can best soothe a wounded heart.

Shindong glanced at Lee Hyuk Jae, then looked at Lee Dong Hae surrounded by Heechul and Ye Sung, and said nothing.

Li Donghai didn't shed a drop of tears, and he didn't seem to be pretending to be calm, so the brothers pretended that Li Donghai was all right. Not long after dinner, everyone prepared to leave and went back to their own homes. Kyuhyun, who lived in the dormitory, entered the room, and Lee Hyukjae, who also lived in the dormitory, looked at Lee Donghae, who was still slowly collecting things, walked over and said, "You stay."

Li Donghae didn't ask why, he stopped the hand he was arranging and looked up at Li Hezai, "Are you going to the top floor to see the moon?"

Only a few stars can be seen on the top floor of their dormitory. After all, Seoul has serious light pollution, but the moon is quite obvious. When he and Li Donghai lived in the dormitory before, they often took some biscuits at night when they were bored, and ran to the top floor to blow the wind to watch the moon.

The atmosphere of watching the moon this time seems a bit strange. Li Hezai didn't know whether to comfort Li Donghae. After all, Li Donghae looked normal, but Li Donghae, who has always been serious about his relationship, is really okay? Li Hezai hesitated and dawdled, the two were speechless for a while, and finally Li Donghai spoke first.

"Actually, I didn't want to have a girlfriend at all." Li Donghai looked at Li Hezai, wondering if it was an illusion caused by the dim light. Li Hezai felt that Li Donghai's eyes were astringent, but he was relieved that he finally understood something.

Without waiting for Lee Hyuk Jae to respond, Lee Dong Hae continued, "Just wanted to make sure."

Lee Hyuk Jae frowned in confusion, staring at Lee Donghae, "Are you sure?"

Li Donghae rolled his eyes, not looking at Li Hezai, looking at the first quarter moon that was missing a corner today, "I'm sure who I like." This sentence was blown so lightly by the wind that Li Hezai almost couldn't hear it clearly. He held his breath and waited for Li Donghai to continue talking, but Li Donghai did not continue the topic, but suddenly pointed to the moon and said, "Do you know that if you use your finger to the moon, your ears will be cut? ”

"Then you still point it." Li Hezai laughed, grabbing back Li Donghae's finger pointing at the moon, and clasping it in the palm of his hand, "You are the only one who believes in this kind of thing."

With a faint smile on the corner of Li Donghai's mouth, he pulled out the finger in Li Hezai's hand and pointed to Li Hezai silently, "Then do you know that if you confess to the moon, the moon will grant your wish?"

Lee Hyuk Jae looked at Lee Donghae's movements and stared at him stunned.

"Do you believe this?" Li Donghai's eyes gleamed, his face looked gentle in the moonlight, and his ears were a little red.

Lee Hyuk Jae nodded, feeling that he could hardly breathe.

"I want to be with my moon." Lee Donghae still pointed at Lee Hyukjae, his eyelashes trembling slightly, "I don't know if my moon is willing?"

Lee Hyuk Jae's eyes were also red, everyone knew that Lee Hyuk Jae was the moon and Lee Donghae was the sun. The mugs in Lee Donghae's coffee shop are engraved with the moon and the sun, and all the souvenirs they sell have patterns of the moon and the sun. Every time Lee Donghae mentions Lee Hyukjae on instagram, the black and white filter he uses is called moon. In fact, Li Donghae has secretly and gently expressed his affection for Li Hezai for a long time.

Li Hezai took a deep breath, took a big step forward, pulled Li Donghae into his arms, and hugged Li Donghae, who was covered in moonlight. With the warm temperature and soft embrace, Li Donghai is like the sun, warming his cold moon, making him also glow with a soft golden light.

"Yes, Donghae, I'll do it if you ask a thousand times." Li Hezai's nose was sore, tears slipped out of his eyes, he inadvertently inhaled his nose, then held Donghae's face, and his forehead to forehead, deep Look deeply into his eyes.

"I've liked you for a long time." Li Hezai closed his eyes and confessed in a low voice, some couldn't believe what the person in front of him just said to him. "Thank you." Thank you for coming to my side, thank you for breaking through the many lines of defense, thank you for being willing to treat each other with the same sincerity after gaining my heart.

Lee Donghae leaned forward, buried himself in Lee Hyukjae's chest, and said in a low voice, "Me too."

The feelings for Li Hezai were originally dark and unclear, but they were friends on the bright side, but they got along better than a couple. He would hold Lee Hyuk Jae to sleep, he would drag Lee Hyuk Jae to the movies in the middle of the night, he would lose his temper when Lee Hyuk Jae refused to open his heart, he would cry when Lee Hyuk Jae said he finally had no secrets to himself, he would cry when Lee Hyuk Jae told him When a certain girl is sulking when she is ambiguous, he will breathe a sigh of relief when Li Hezai disconnects from a certain girl. He is far from being a best friend to Lee Hyuk Jae.

When dating that girl, Lee Donghae was even more sure that his judgment was correct. The girl is very good to herself. The girl knows that Li Donghai's intentions are not clear, and she said let Li Donghai try it, and he will know what he really wants after trying it.

After trying for a month, Lee Donghae found that he only wanted Lee Hyukjae. He only wanted to eat with Li Hezai, he only wanted Li Hezai to go in and out of his house, he only wanted Li Hezai to watch a movie with him in the middle of the night, and he only wanted Li Hezai to wait for him to get off work. The person around him was not Li Hezai, and Li Donghai felt uncomfortable both physically and mentally.

So he broke up with the girl apologetically, but the girl is quite open-minded and doesn't want to waste time on people who don't like her, and she hasn't invested too much emotion, she said to Donghai generously wish you happiness. When parting, the girl specifically told Donghae, "If you figure it out, go to the person you like, and if you're sure, take good care of it."

I got it. Li Donghai said silently in his heart, and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Li Hezai's waist, hugging him tightly. His moon, the people he likes. Li Donghae smelled the soothing woody fragrance on Li Hezai's body, and took a breath, content like a cat smelling catnip.

"Hejae, I have always loved you." Li Donghae murmured, rubbing his head against Li Hezai's shoulder and burying himself deeper in his arms.

Lee Hyuk Jae smiled, with tears in the corners of his eyes, he lowered his head and kissed Lee Donghae's hair, "Me too."


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赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415Instagram: eunhae_stories 專寫赫海文✨ 能有一個人這樣陪伴你,不論以何種身份,親密又溫暖,多好啊。
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