Reading to see life|Excerpt and practice of "Learning Taste from Madame Paris"

Elegant life class: life attitude affects diet, exercise, fashion, beauty, learning adjustment, and creating a better life.

20 Elegant Living Lessons from Madame Chic

"Learning Taste from Madame Paris" Book Summary and Practice / Book Cover / Source: Chen Wen

Motivation for book selection

I have been curious about Paris, a romantic and mysterious city, since I was a child. Although I have never visited Europe, I still hope that I have a good taste and style. Around my middle school years, Learning Taste from Madame de Paris was published! The content is about what an American girl saw and learned in a host family in France. Now I have already applied the advice in the book to my life, and I have my own insights as I get older.

Chapter 1 Diet and Exercise

Snacking is not fashionable

When you want to eat, you must know how to distinguish between hunger and craving, and choose high-quality snacks as much as possible (for example, I like nuts, cereals, dried fruits, etc.).

Also, my motivation to become more life-like is not fashion, but a better, more attractive, more likable version of myself.

Space design that eliminates snacks

My father likes to eat snacks very much. The snacks in our family have grown from the large plastic organizer in the old house to the current wine cabinet, but I have no habit of snacking.

I think it's not because of the space design, but because my body is more sensitive. If you eat at the wrong time (for example, in the afternoon or late at night), your body will not feel satisfied, but you will have some digestive troubles, or you will feel depressed.

In addition to the author's mention of buying less snacks and not putting them at your fingertips, it may also be a way to consider your physical condition and time .

Don't eat while walking

This is the school rules of my elementary school. At that time, I only knew that there were often VIPs coming to the school, and the teachers thought it was not good-looking.

The book only emphasizes the need to concentrate on eating. I think I can supplement the disadvantages of inattentive eating: I cannot control the weight of my diet, and it is easy to eat too much.

Concentrate on tasting delicacies

If you take meals seriously and treat them as an important part of your itinerary, you will eat more deliciously, more carefully, and naturally healthier and in moderation.

Exercise is a part of life (not a routine)

Schedule exercise opportunities in your daily routine: tidying up and cleaning the environment, climbing stairs, walking to shopping.

Take a positive look at your body: The author mentions that French ladies never criticize their body, while Americans often think they are fat when they open their mouths. I think this is based on friendship and kindness to the body, and actively develop a healthy body and mind.

Chapter 2 Fashion and Beauty

boutique wardrobe

Get rid of ill-fitting, infrequently worn, or poor-quality clothes, leaving only the ideal wardrobe that works and fits your image.

Clothes assessment question: Are you wearing it? Still like it? Fit or slim fit? Is it age or status appropriate?

Steve Jobs famously wore the same black turtleneck, blue jeans and New Balance sneakers every day. Steve also understood that he had a finite capacity of brainpower to make well thought out decisions .

I am reminded of what Apple founder Steve Jobs once said, "Spend your time choosing clothes on your work." Even without reducing the outfit to just one set, streamlining my wardrobe has helped me get dressed more efficiently and ensure I'm wearing the right outfit.

"Fast fashion" is better now than ever, and I never buy cheap, low-quality clothes, even if the photo clothes on my social network have a high repetition rate. In addition to making it easier for faded clothes to damage good clothes, it is also more comfortable and environmentally friendly.

Master the style that suits you best

Looking at French women's everyday wear, I see that they have a very personal style. As far as the lady is concerned, her taste is elegant and conservative, and cashmere sweaters, A-line skirts and flats or low heels are her signature looks, and she looks comfortable and natural in this way.

As far as I am concerned, it is possible to show your advantage by knowing your body shape and height first, and at the same time, you can choose the appropriate outfit according to the image you want to present. The appearance that conforms to the ideal self is also the way to achieve Fake it till you make it .

Perfect makeup and skin care

I like to go to a coffee shop and order a cup of milk coffee and sit for hours watching people come and go. ....but I also love looking at French women because their makeup is so natural that there is nothing; their cheeks have a natural sheen, their eyes are deep, and their lips are usually beautiful earth tones.

The author emphasizes that in addition to natural and simple makeup, maintaining the body is very important.

  1. Drink more water and less beverages.
  2. Stay enthusiastic and relax at the right time
  3. massage
  4. Pay attention to sun protection

Appearance all the time

  1. First impression: neat.
  2. Don't put good things on the shelf: avoid the mentality of being reluctant to wear them.
  3. Don't allow yourself to be sloppy: throw away the torn, unsightly clothes!

(In Taiwan, I often see ruffled necklines and faded cottons.)

Practicing the Art of Femininity

Anything that makes a woman feel more beautiful and confident helps to add femininity.
The aesthetics of women vary from culture to culture, I'm just speaking from my observations in France. ......Women are very beautiful as long as they rely on the capital of talent and just the right modification.
  1. Deportment: Deportment can show a person's self-confidence, self-discipline and attractiveness.
  2. Fragrance: Start with your favorite notes and find your unique scent business card.
  3. Nails: It is recommended to be clean and tidy, but can also be paired with transparent, neutral-toned nail polishes.
  4. Hair: Simple, smooth and flowing.
  5. Femininity in moderation: Overdressing can overwhelm guests. Jewelry is not expensive.
  6. Invisible Femininity: Self-confidence, a sense of humor, an adventurous heart.

Chapter 3 The Good Life

Excerpts and Practice of "Learning Taste from Madame de Paris" / My first (digital) oil painting / Source: Chen Wen

use good things

  1. Save the good stuff: Don't think "save the good stuff for later". For example: use good cutlery for every meal instead of just taking out fine china on special occasions.
  2. Choose the best and do what you can: Be a smart consumer and buy the best things you can afford.
  3. Cultivate good taste: Treat yourself and supplies to a high standard with the best attitude and good things.

decent life

  1. Take the big and small things in your life as seriously as possible, and your life will be better.
  2. Cultivate artistic hobbies, such as music, art, history, language, etc.
  3. Use new vocabulary to enrich communication skills.
  4. Consider the meaning of political and economic life.

clean environment

  1. Organize your home environment and don’t deceive yourself. Can use trivial time to organize.
  2. Find ways to solve the storage problem, but don't clutter the storage space with random stuff.
  3. Don't buy random things.
  4. Live a regular life, and return things to their original places.

My mother is a "master of sorting things out". Ever since I was young, I have often heard her say: "Personal items cannot occupy public spaces", "things are returned to their original places", and "things are kept in the closet".

Arts and cultural activities

Integrate into artistic life: music, drama, film, exhibition, etc.

I have several female friends who are interested in arts and cultural activities, and I hear them sharing and discussing recent exhibitions, underground orchestras, and even literary creations enthusiastically at every dinner. In my mind, they are one of the models of erudite, intellectual, and feminine charm.

mysterious temperament

French people are used to not talking about their personal affairs, not even to acquaintances, let alone strangers.

I'm thinking, Asian people like to discuss private matters. Could it be that they were used by their mothers as material to talk eloquently among their three aunts and six grandmothers when they were young, and they got used to a life without privacy and naturally became such a character when they grew up?

Silence is not bad, but sometimes it is very precious. Unless you are uncomfortable, others will be uncomfortable.
  1. A wise man is cautious about his words: don't talk too much.
  2. Gap in accustomed silence: Not just long silences without topic, but pauses between sentences.
  3. What to talk about: philosophy, art, current affairs, movies, books, etc.
  4. When to confide in private matters: Target a small number of close friends, but don't use it as an emotional trash can.
  5. Don't lose yourself: don't change yourself to please others.


  1. Confidence, enthusiasm, and calm reception of guests.
  2. Make a specialty dish. A simple and delicious meal trumps a mixed meal.
  3. Be calm and humorous when things go wrong.

I think of Bai Xianyong's work "Forever Yin Xueyan"

Yin Xueyan is a most competent host. She greeted every guest, regardless of seniority or age. As soon as we entered the Yin Mansion and sat on the sofas in the living room covered with black silk chair cushions, everyone felt a sense of intimacy that was at home and happy.

In addition to the clues mentioned in other articles, the host's way of hospitality is obviously derived from his own charm, self-confidence, exquisiteness, calmness and calmness.

Nourish the soul and pure joy

The French place great value on a person's intelligence, they like to hear what other people have to say, and they expect what they say to be relevant, interesting and incisive.
Happiness seems simple and repetitive, but it can be enjoyed day after day.
We have to do something boring every day, and instead of trying to escape, it is better to dig out of it for fun.
  1. Always have optimism and a sense of humor in good times and bad.
  2. Slow down your life, don't come and go in a hurry. Live in the moment, and naturally do not miss any scenery.

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My other pages: Fanggezi / Potato Media / Facebook / Chen Wen's life / Write as much as you like


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