CookingED丨Fresh Mushroom Pork Belly with Salt and Pepper

Can eat two bowls of white rice!
  1. Wash the pork belly first, put it in a pot with cold water, add ginger slices, shallots and Huadiao wine, and bring to a boil over high heat. Take it out after 5 minutes, soak in cold or ice water, the taste will be better after that.
  2. After the pork belly is completely cold, slice it as you like, thicker or thinner (for spare)
  3. Fresh shiitake mushrooms, washed and sliced (spare)
  4. One star anise, one cinnamon, two bay leaves, washed and soaked in water (for spare)
  5. Ginger sliced, green onion sliced, garlic diced (spare)
  6. Fry the fragrant ginger slices in the oil over high heat, add the pork belly slices and stir-fry until the oil is fragrant.
  7. Add star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves and garlic and continue to fry
  8. Add the chopped fresh shiitake mushrooms and fry slowly, start to season
  9. A little salt and sugar, some light soy sauce, pepper powder and Huadiao wine, more salt and pepper powder, if you want to color, you can add dark soy sauce
  10. Finally, add the shallots and stir-fry over high heat. Before starting the pot, add a little sesame oil to enhance the fragrance, which also makes the appearance bright!

I like to eat, I also like to cook, share with everyone~


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