Used to the boss? The nightmare of a middle-level executive, can't find someone? I just got promoted to management, and the newcomers keep going black... Recruitment lazy bag sharing | Hedonic thinking

You have enough work in your hand, but you have to find new people from the vast sea of people, and it is difficult to find someone? The suitable candidate who was finally admitted, left soon after registration?
Reject your boss?

You have enough work in your hand, but you have to find new people from the vast sea of people, and it is difficult to find someone? The suitable candidate who was finally admitted, left soon after registration?

The above two points are when middle-level managers expand their teams. I often have troubles. Today I want to share the following three, my own thinking and contrived methods for recruiting talents

  1. Job Seeker Psychology: What are job seekers thinking?
  2. Job Positioning: Is my job opening competitive in the market?
  3. Talent recruitment process: actually sharing the methods I use to find people

Job Seeker Psychology - What are job seekers thinking? More money, less work, close to home?

  1. Salary, Salary, Salary: When job seekers are looking for a job, whether on the Internet, with friends or relatives, when discussing job options, the first thing that will be discussed is the company name/salary.
  2. Brand: In addition to salary, company brand has a great influence on job vacancies. They are also engineers, with the same job content and salary , well-known companies or multinational foreign investors. Compared with new startups, the former's brand image power, determines the choice of job seekers. How do unknown startups attract talent? Take a look at the introduction to the environment of the new startup company on the job search website. Even I want to go to work there. The brand management will make job seekers choose jobs and companies subconsciously.
  3. Working atmosphere and working hours: In the job market in 2022, the job choices are quite diverse, which is different from the past. Whether it is a freshman entering the society, or a worker in his thirties, in the face of incompetent senior workers, in addition to selling old people. There is no special ability, and the traditional responsibility system is unacceptable to work overtime. The blacklist on the Internet is first searched and full. Unfortunately, when you report to enter this environment, first go to the Line community to vomit, Dcard / PTT to share the situation you encounter , and then quickly open your resume to change a job, all evil employers are accustomed bosses
  4. Skills that can be learned on-the-job: Job seekers with no experience can only seek good ones first, but a job without overtime and no pressure is a good job? Observing the community, you will find that a group of workers share that they are doing chores, there is no way to learn anything, and they plan to change jobs

Positioning of job vacancies - your product is a job vacancy, how to make the job vacancy competitive in the market?

As of March this year, the registration data of Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs is 740,000 companies. Open the job search platform and you will see thousands of vacancies.

Job Competitiveness = Job seeker is acceptable to apply for the job

The content of work is full of mountains and seas, and foreign businessmen write like this? But are you a foreign businessman? Don't scare job seekers away first

Think of the job opening as a product, ask yourself a question, how many people in the market are willing to apply for the job you are currently opening , observe the job content and salary and benefits of other similar jobs, and collect certain information first. The number of job seekers, this process will let you know whether the job content and salary you set are competitive in the job market

Can't find job applicants = job vacancy is too competitive

How to collect job applicants?

  • Active application: Invite resume senders to participate in the questionnaire
  • Direct related search: through job title search, find job seekers with the same job keywords, who are willing, and take the initiative to send out questionnaires to invite surveys
  • Indirectly related search: through commuting distance, indirectly related departments and companies, for example, using companies in upstream and downstream industries as keywords to search, and actively send out questionnaires to invite surveys

Directly related searches

Through the job title search, observe the popular vacancies in the market, and think about the number of willing people in the entire job market for the current vacancies. If you use the job search platform to search for the position of "assistant", you will find that the number of applicants for assistant vacancies, The will is amazing

Indirectly related searches

Find potential candidates, talents with experience in store sales and service, have the opportunity to switch to B2B business sales, product upstream and downstream supply industries, and have the opportunity to find potential candidates due to relevant contacts

The above mentioned three times of actively sending out questionnaires to invite surveys

Why do you want to do this? At this stage, you are looking for willing talents who are willing to take the time to fill out the questionnaire, which can show that these talents are willing to fill in this vacancy, which is much higher than those who are unwilling to fill in

Active application means willingness?

Many job seekers, in fact, after completing their resumes, see that the vacancy seems to be ok, so they will press the active delivery button and prepare to wait for the phone call and interview. These job seekers are likely to be reluctant to fill out the questionnaire, in order to save your time. , by inviting questionnaires to fill in, excluding candidates who are unwilling to spend 3-5 minutes writing the questionnaires

Talent recruitment process sharing

Understand the idea of job seekers looking for a job, analyze the job market, and then share the actual recruitment process and methods

  • 3 minute questionnaire
  • 3 minute phone interview
  • interview

3-minute questionnaire - contains contact information, salary expectations, professional skills, relevant experience, and questions about the vacancy

When designing the questionnaire, in addition to contact information and salary expectations, open-ended questions are used for other content, which helps to understand the job seekers who fill in the questionnaire through the answer content. In addition, be sure to leave questions about the vacancies. Let the communication be two-way. Through the questions of the other party, you can get a lot of information. Here are a few real examples.

  • How much is the salary at the end of the year? How do you feel when you see this question? Would you want to call him? Are you asking him for an interview?
  • I have no direct relevant experience, but I want to change the runway, is there anyone with me?

Positive talents are the ideal candidates for every supervisor, but be careful, if such talents fall into the situation of "actively asking questions", they will only ask questions without completing the work output, and they are always afraid of job seekers who will not be led by anyone. Worry about not being able to learn how to get started, "repeatedly ask the same questions" after arriving on the job, senior team colleagues, spend their time bringing new people, and have to complete the original work, become more busy, and may be annoying to be asked by new people resign

  • Do you have to work overtime? Such job seekers may already have family children. Even if your job does not require frequent overtime work, but taking care of many children may require frequent leave, you have to imagine how the work should be scheduled if this situation occurs.

3 minute phone interview

  1. Make an appointment for the telephone interview first: the job seeker may still be employed during the job search, or may have to participate in various interviews. The telephone interview with the job seeker’s time can make the interview go smoothly.
  2. Self-introduction and key questions: Phone interviews are less stressful than interviews
  3. Let the other party ask questions: The time when the other party asks questions is an opportunity for you to clearly explain the job content of this vacancy, and you can judge whether they are suitable for each other.
  4. After judging the willingness, confirm whether to make an appointment for an interview: After synthesizing the above three points, if you think the job seeker is a suitable candidate, you will invite an interview.

I myself have received a phone call from the employer without making an appointment first. After I called during work hours, I started asking questions before confirming whether I could speak. After the end, the tone of the other party gave me the feeling that my answer was very casual. ! This is a phone call that is meaningless to both parties. The other party is doing phone interviews for the sake of the process, just wasting each other's time.

Finally entered the interview stage. Through the confirmation of willingness at various levels, you may have selected 50 people from 200-300 people who are willing to fill in the questionnaire, find 10 candidates, and conduct telephone interviews. Now you only need to choose 3- 5 people, as far as possible in one day, all at once

Why do interviews take one day to complete?

If there is no way to complete the interview in one day, the interview should be completed within a week

Interview 3-5 job applicants and complete them within one day, then analyze and sort the candidate data and report it to your supervisor. Contact the job seeker. When a good candidate is interviewing with you, he may have received an admission notice from another company. You need to make a condition for him to decide whether to choose you or another job, and finalize it in the shortest time after the interview. And notify the admissions, to avoid that after the whole process is finished, the candidates who want to be admitted have been hired by other companies, and they can only find the 2nd, 3rd, 4th...

Interview - will this person leave after a month?

Compared with a very capable and confident job seeker, and a job seeker with high stability, I would choose a job seeker with high stability

A worker who joins my team to work, no matter how strong the ability is, has nothing to do with me after a short period of time. This worker's ability is very good, and he will get a better job and a higher salary, right? Yes, he was right, it was me who was wrong, it was me who chose the wrong person from the beginning and wasted my own time

Here are the basic strategies for interviewing

  • Personality traits: communication, reactions, interests, can you work with him?
  • Key Skills: Teamwork, Efficiency, Language, Professional Skills
  • Colleague's opinion: invite colleagues from the department to participate in the interview together, and listen to the feedback of colleagues from the department after the interview. The colleagues in the department and the newcomer spend the longest time together. The needs of colleagues need to be taken into consideration. The first window for newcomers will also be senior colleagues in the department.
  • Introduce the company's products and environment: If there are suitable candidates, introduce the company's products and environment, which will enhance the trust and willingness of talents and facilitate subsequent admission competition
  • Interview status and expectations: Try to understand the job seeker's job-seeking status, just starting to look for it now? Or is it almost a decision? Competitors' company names, job titles and salaries, are there any opportunities to get relevant information from interviews?

After the interview, when evaluating candidates, I spend the most time analyzing the conditions. In fact, it is not which candidate has the best ability and what kind of work output he can get. Instead, I am thinking about whether there is room for this vacancy, so that he can grow and learn. , From the perspective of the job seeker's psychology, how long will he stay in this position, I am very lucky, the above methods have made the partners I found very stable, and it is very pleasant to work with. I hope you can also find it through today's sharing. suitable for your team.

Welcome to leave a message to share your interesting experience of looking for people, or the strange people you encountered when you were looking for a job!

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