Mortal ravings-22.8.31-The rhythm of epidemic prevention

Rumors have two mouths, refuting rumors and breaking their legs

Holy matters:

In the past few days, the capital of Shu Kingdom has been boiling again. After the sweltering heat just passed, people's mood did not become more comfortable with the long-lost autumn rain and cool breeze, but instead became anxious because of the number of confirmed cases in Omicron that had skyrocketed for several days. The old-fashioned epidemic prevention issue has long been unable to complain, because we all know that no matter how capable you are, you cannot wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, and it is mandatory to pretend to be asleep by putting tape on your eyes.

The most handsome boy in the capital city of Shu last night was none other than "Tropical Rainforest". Of course, this name is the screen name of WeChat. Just because of this guy's WeChat screenshot of a rumor, saying that the capital city wants the whole city to be silent, people go to the supermarket to buy ingredients at night with their families. Some netizens ridiculed: Big Brother Tropical Rainforest, with his own strength, has forcibly boosted the GDP of the Metropolitan Supermarket. And the rush to buy last night was dubbed the 829 Supermarket Shopping Festival.

Although the official Weibo refuted the rumors and announced the next overall epidemic prevention arrangements, people still seemed to have lingering fears. Until the next day, people were still discussing whether to continue hoarding supplies to deal with temporary policy changes. Two problems are highlighted here. First, the common people have become frightened birds. Because of Shanghai's previous experience, everyone is afraid. After all, everyone knows the story of the wolf coming. Secondly, it also shows the further loss of public power. In fact, after more than three years of tossing, the people at the bottom have reached the critical threshold of fatigue. If they continue to overweight, it is estimated that the overall mood will collapse, although they are afraid of the suppression of violent institutions. , there will be no violent conflict, but the loss of the confidence of the common people should not be underestimated by the authorities. After all, people’s livelihood and the economy are the top priorities for maintaining stability. Consumer confidence is destroyed, and if people generally lie flat, they will go later. The cost of boosting is likely to increase exponentially.

Of course, the freezing three feet is not a day's cold, causing today's situation is the result of repeated accumulation in the past three years of epidemic prevention. In addition, from the release of each official notification, some intriguing details can also be glimpsed. For example, the official announcement of the capital city will be released in the middle of the night and early morning. Of course, it is not the first time for the capital city to choose this time to release. But this leads to a problem, that is, everyone gradually knows the government's routine: I want to release it quietly in the middle of the night, and then carry out some epidemic prevention operations while people are sleeping. Although from the government's implementation level, this will be the least resistance for them, but for the common people, it will cause some unnecessary troubles. Because everyone knows that notifications are issued in the middle of the night, and notifications are like a blind guessing box, and you don’t know whether the result is good or bad, so instead of betting on a good result, it is better to plan ahead and snap up some supplies to prepare for possible changes.

Therefore, the government chooses to release the epidemic prevention policy in the middle of the night because it wants to be fully prepared or to minimize the impact. However, choosing such a time point will cause more panic among people, and the impact may not necessarily be. Small. Such an operation is nothing more than convenient deployment by the government. In fact, from a technical point of view, the drills and actual combat of the epidemic prevention process in the past few years can be deployed and deployed at any time.

Blocking is worse than sparseness. If you continue to toss like this, the economy will collapse further, and it will be the common people who suffer. I hope that one day Master Qingtian can find out in conscience, be more scientific and less tossing us, and we can burn high incense.

Matt City lives forever!


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