Reading Life | Communicating with Matters Authors Series #1

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
This is my impression of reading Hong Kong visual artist Ye Xiaoyan's "Talking about Dreams in Hong Kong".

I'm a Matters writer and reader. I love reading articles that inspire and stimulate people's minds. But every time I finish reading, after my thoughts oscillate, I quickly return to calm, and there is no action. I think if you read inspiring articles and write some thoughts, I believe it will be more beneficial than doing nothing at all. This is the reason for wanting to write this series of articles.

Although this so-called "communication" is only a one-sided self-talk, it will also be beneficial to the author, at least the article is recommended.

Hong Kong is a city full of realism, and many people are carried away by "Central Values". Hong Kong is not only a cultural desert, but also a dream desert. However, this is not my opinion.

Whether or not a dream can be realized in the end is one thing. People need to have a dream life to be motivated. I believe that many Hong Kong people will remember Stephen Chow's classic line in "Shaolin Football": "What is the difference between being a man without dreams and salted fish?"

When it comes to people having a dream, what I mean is not only to say it, but also to "practice the dream". The latter is the most important. @杨晓燕Rachel IP said : "Dream needs to be practiced to be valuable." This article was written by her in 2016. In the last paragraph of the article she said:

In Hong Kong, we have encountered many difficulties and challenges in recent years, but compared with many other places, we still have a considerable degree of freedom for us to pursue our dreams. At least, this is not a place where wars are repeated or birds do not lay eggs. The question is whether you have the perseverance to go out a path you want to go. Dream needs to be practiced to have value, otherwise it is just fantasy. To be able to dream come true, you must have the ability to make your dreams come true. Takashi Murakami also mentioned in his "Art Battle Theory" that 10,000 hours should be set as the absolute K point that must be trained to achieve the goal. That is, you have to work on it first.

Although the current environment in Hong Kong is not as good as before, coupled with the epidemic, it seems that there are more reasons not to dream, but compared with Ukraine, which is suffering from war, we have no excuse for giving up on realizing our dreams.

Finally, I want to say that dreams are not reserved for young people, and the older 50+ should have dreams too. The second half of life is the beginning of another peak in life, and you can live a more exciting life. Don't be tied down by mentalities such as "retirement", "old age", and "no time".

In the last paragraph of the postscript of the article, Ye Xiaoyan said:

But compared to many other places, we still have quite a bit of freedom to pursue our dreams. "In 2016 we can still shout freedom, believe in freedom. But in any case, the last point is still true. "I think if you still have a rare dream in your heart, you should try to force yourself to reach the K point first and then calculate it!" The world is actually very big, you don't need to tie yourself up, more often , our thought patterns are our shackles.

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