Newcomer punch-in-this is Chuan Yunjian, let's shake hands

Matters let me take a short break from the troubles of life and seek a peaceful haven in the gentle you.

After thinking about it, I decided to check in again after posting the article, so that everyone can get to know a forward-looking me.

Hello! I'm Chuanjian, just call me Alice. The optimistic and humorous exterior hides the soul of an introverted self, just like me looking up at the stars in the gutter. I would like to be an eagle, shuttle among the clouds.

Inspired by a close friend, I decided to awaken the curiosity and adventurous spirit that was dormant within me. Matters let me take a short break from the troubles of life and seek a peaceful haven in the gentle you.

The playlist contains all kinds of strange styles: ancient, Chinese pop, European and American pop, k-pop, folk, rap, everything.

I love Quyi, I am learning allegro by myself, and I can sing "Eighteen Sorrows Tongue Twisters".

Hates costumed parties and likes the freedom to be alone. I don't like watching romance movies, I like short videos of life.

The level of video games is poor, but I like to watch others play. Love food, can cook a little bit, but don't like it. If you're willing to cook, I'll do the dishes.

I often lift irons, but the mask limits my performance (actually I'm not good at all :D)

Favorite Peking Opera: "Farewell My Concubine"

Favorite cross talk: "Learn Manchu"

Favorite song: Aunt Er "Nezha"

Favorite movie: "Three idiots make trouble in Bollywood"

The proudest thing: not staying up late. Go to bed at ten o'clock. 20-year-old body, 50-year-old lifestyle.

Academic Goal: Pass the Actuarial IFM Exam

Goal in life: planning a self-driving tour, the time and place are undetermined. In the United States, I have only been to Yellowstone and the Golden Gate Bridge. Where there are beautiful scenery, please kick me hard if you are suitable for self-driving.

The cover of Yellowstone National Park, the photography skills are not good, please bear with me
Mount Rushmore National Memorial

I will write about what I have experienced, seen, or felt.

Thank you for your willingness to understand this complicated me.

But in the end, the shameful behavior will be changed, and the clouds and mists are also beautiful and the sky is blue.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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