Cosmos Philosophy|Martin Buber - In I See You

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
Our experience tells us that it is difficult to know ourselves, and to know ourselves we must know the world, because the world shapes you and me. Only when we are with the world and know the world can we know me who is in the world.

For J

What resonates deeply with J is that what we have chosen is a lonely road, we have spent our lives cultivating philosophy, literature, theology and art, and we have decided to live a life of " relying on faith from Him alone ". a way down.

Of course, this road is not easy, and it can even be said to be quite difficult. Along the way, we will encounter many pains and challenges, all of which will force us to become stronger and more confident in our own will. apprentice .

I love how J once said to me: He said that before he was J , he was a child of God .

This reminds me of what former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said. He said he was first a Christian , then a conservative, and finally a Republican.

Yes, it makes sense to deduce the third point for his political stance, but the more curious thing is the most fundamental premise: why can this belief be the most fundamental foundation ?

The reason is that only by faith, by acknowledging ourselves, by proclaiming our unique identity in public, can we fill our lives with value and meaning. And when we face faith, we also face eternity .

However, as finite beings, we can only recite what eternity wants to tell us - although these words are said by Kierkegaard, they are also my life dialogue to each "you", between me and you. The interaction is never pure me , but a dialogue of "me in your eyes" .

uncontrollable you

Our experience tells us that it is difficult to know ourselves, and to know ourselves we must know the world, because the world shapes you and me.

Only when we are with the world and know the world can we know me who is in the world .

Because people always see the world first , and then see the world itself . Using the inspiration given to him by Martin Buber, J said that the relationship between "I-it" and "I-you" is different for the simple reason that the former is a purely subordinate relationship, so what about the latter?

In the "me-you" relationship, you can never be as "it" as it is in my control . We know ourselves through everything that exists outside of me, and I control it.

But the existence of "you" is something that I can never control , and it is precisely because every one of you can't be limited by me, so "you" is a lively, full of surprise life, and at the same time there is a possibility. In the dialogue and confrontation of life , they interact and celebrate the wonderful relationship .

know me, know you

Therefore, I see myself in you. It is a continuous dialogue between me and you, and when you talk to me, I also see "you" in "me".

In this intertwined and complex relationship, the boundaries between "me" and "you" have long been indistinguishable. And this is exactly what J, as the creator of portrait sketches, wants to convey most through sketches. Seeing me in every one of you by staring at the sketches .

People must first face the world, that is, face eternal faith, and then it is possible to know themselves better.

And this includes recognizing all of my unbearable pasts and honestly facing all bad memories, so that everyone in the society can "see me in you" and "see you in me". And this is my ideal social relationship , where everyone sees themselves in everyone .


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HJ|Chaos to Cosmos我們不說再見,我們在路上見| 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能
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