[Crypto]LikeCoin-Clap your hands for my creation

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Hi everyone I'm Jerry 🙋‍♂️

This time, I wrote an article after experiencing LikeCoin during this period of time. It was also because of LIKE that I got to know Matters, so I thought I should recommend this project that I think is not bad.

The creative concept of LikeCoin is very simple. Since the popularity of the social platform, the behavior of "like" has been inseparable from people. Everyone hopes that their publications or posts can get more recognition, and of course the number of likes they get. It comes from the degree of recognition and attention, so if you can turn "likes" into substantial benefits, wouldn't you be able to directly support the creators you agree with?

To enable creators to convert the actual number of likes into income, LikeCoin has designed an economic model for creation and mining. Under this economic model, there are two main participating groups, creators and admiring citizens, while the foundation does In order to promote the core of LikeCoin, in addition to the initial LikeCoin token sale, it is also responsible for the management and operation of the entire ecosystem. Therefore, the existing ecosystem is that creators publish their works on the creation platform through the ecosystem that participates in this project, and gain appreciation from citizens. After the like, the creator will receive two parts of LikeCoin, one from the admiring citizens, and the other from the expansion ecological pool of the foundation, both of which are issued by the foundation to manage the distribution of LikeCoin.

LIKE economic model

After receiving LikeCoin, the creator can choose to sell it on the exchange to obtain substantial income. At present, I can see that it can be traded on the two exchanges Liquid and BitAsset (I will test it later when I have the opportunity), And the foundation may have plans to charge LIKEs from the market to appreciate the use of civic movements, so in this case, it can be seen that there is a certain supply and demand ecology.

LikeButton can be used on your own website or on creation platforms such as Medium

And after you get praise and LIKE, you can set up a wallet and have a MetaMask ether wallet as a binding, because LikeCoin is also an ERC-20 standard token. As a Liker, I get some LIKE income from writing articles. Although it is not much, it is actually very helpful for creators. In addition to selling money in the future, I think the most important thing is psychological support, so I also I highly recommend everyone to try it.

After receiving LikeCoin, you can bind MetaMask wallet
Divided into Paid Appreciation Citizen and Free Liker

In addition, I got acquainted with the Matters platform because of LIKE, because everyone who writes Medium knows that Medium is not a Chinese-friendly creation platform, so as a multi-party promotion, I began to write articles on Matters, especially the Mattes platform is a Using the distributed network IPFS as a creation platform for file management (fortunately, I wrote FLC before and knew IPFS). Recently, Matters has also done in-depth cooperation with LikeCoin, integrating the two. Currently, LIKE can be directly appreciated on Matters. It can be said that It is a way for ordinary people to easily participate in LikeCoin. As long as they use Mattes, they can give Likes, which is very convenient and can be used as the beginning of participating in the LikeCoin ecosystem.

In the end, I think the LikeCoin ecosystem is very interesting, and I am also writing articles myself. During this period of time, the experience is very good, so I also decided to become a citizen of appreciation when writing this article, and I can do more with $5 per month. I hope that if you like my article, please clap your hands and support me, thank you.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!