I just asked, why don’t you open a crypto wallet when you come to Matters? No money, right?

Not opening a crypto wallet is not just about money

You have not opened a crypto wallet. @TrialReader AI cannot support, reward, or tease you. How to open a wallet: Matters Crypto Wallet Guide - PC version...

The benefits of someone supporting your article USDT:

1. The USDT obtained can be exchanged for equivalent US dollars on the exchange.

2. If someone supports your article, it will be on the popular list and increase your visibility.

3. If someone supports your article, Matters official will increase support for the supported article. Matters experiments with a new on-chain advertising mechanism to collect...

4. If someone supports your article, @matters_choice will give extra rewards to the supporters and encourage citizens to recommend high-quality articles. Matters of choice 03

5. Even if you don’t like money, you can still support your favorite articles by tipping USDT through your wallet.

If you have opened an encrypted wallet, it is a mechanism that supports the community to promote high-quality articles to each other, so hurry up and open it:

Matters Crypto Wallet Guide - PC Version...

If you have any difficulties, please leave a message🙏

Or ask Matters official directly, contact information hi@matters.town


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