Self-built RSS tutorial (using Feedly)


What is RSS?

Do you know what an RSS subscription service is?

A long time ago, I used Google Reader to subscribe to the RSS of each blog, so that every time these blogs were updated, I would also see new articles in Google Reader without having to visit each blog one by one.

Later, Google Reader stopped serving, and I immediately looked for a replacement. I chose Feedly at that time, and I still use it today. There are many different RSS subscription tools on the market, and you can choose the one that suits you.

Feedly is free to use, and the free version is already available, but I use the paid version.

Although the purpose of writing this article today is not to teach how to use Feedly, let me briefly explain that after using Feedly, you can set up different categories (Folders) by yourself, add articles of the same type to them, and you can also set up Boards by yourself. This Boards is automated. Function, the system will put articles from different sources into Boards based on usage habits. For example, I set the article "Woman Fan" in the folder of the magazine, and the system will include the articles about TV series in "Woman Fan" in the "Unread Drama Reviews" Board based on the content of the article, and the articles about puberty will be included in the "Unread Drama Reviews" board. The article is listed in "Inspirational topics". (Board requires training. The more articles I put into the Board, the more accurate the system will be.)

Okay, this is the basic usage of Feedly.

To subscribe to RSS on Feedly, you can directly enter the URL, subject or RSS link. For example, if I enter "literature" here, the system will provide related websites. If you like it, press the "FOLLOW" button to subscribe directly.

However, if the website does not provide RSS, is it not possible to subscribe?

Take the Free Times as an example. Its free supplement does not have RSS, so I have to go to the website regularly to check for new articles. Recently, I feel that this is very troublesome, so I gave up and tried to subscribe to RSS on Feedly again. I found that I can create my own RSS, and The actual test was successful. From then on, I can see the latest articles of Free Supplements through Feedly.

Self-built RSS teaching

Next, I will teach you step by step how to create your own RSS in Feedly.

  1. After opening Feedly, press the button in the picture below. This is the button to add RSS.

  1. Enter the URL you want to subscribe to. If the website itself has RSS, you can basically subscribe directly. However, as shown in the picture below, the famous column of Free Art and Literature Network does not have RSS, so I selected the "BUILD RSS FEED" button to build RSS by myself.

  1. When I next saw this page, the system asked me to click on the link I wanted to subscribe to, but there was nothing here! No lie, scroll down and you will see it.

  1. When I scroll down, I see these contents. I click on the title and then click the "BUILD RSS FEED" button.

  1. Select the Folder I want to put it in and click the "+ADD" button

  1. Change the name yourself and click the "BUILD RSS FEED" button

  1. In this way, you are done. The RSS is successfully built. After a while, you will see articles from this website running in.

results of testing

Is it successful every time I create my own RSS?

After testing, Fanggezi, Medium and Blogger do not need to make their own RSS. They can subscribe directly by just entering the URL.

However, I still cannot read Matters articles after I created RSS, so I still have to continue to visit you at Matters every day.

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