Is there a chance to get the cryptocurrency BNB by filling in the questionnaire? Be careful! This coupon is not from Binance! Fill in the possibility of encountering virtual currency investment scams

In the past few days, some people have seen someone sharing a "Binance Binance DiFi Staking Market Survey" on the community. This seems to be a Surveycake coupon from Binance, and there is a lottery of 0.01~3BNB. In fact, this coupon does not come from Binance, fill out the questionnaire carefully and you will fall into a bigger cryptocurrency scam trap in the future

Recently, some people reported a Surveycake online coupon to fraud prevention experts. This coupon was posted on Facebook. Although the name of the coupon is called " Binance Binance DiFi Staking Market Survey ", we found that this did not come from Binance official.

Fake "Binance Binance DiFi Staking Market Survey"

At the beginning of this question, the company introduced Binance and “Binance Wealth Management”, and said that as long as people complete the test, they can get cryptocurrency rewards

In addition to asking simple questions at the beginning, such as understanding the public's perception of pledge and the use of virtual currency, etc., he also asked the public many times about the content of pledge and the content of virtual currency activities that they are interested in.

The most suspicious thing is that name and phone are not required items, but LineID is required. We have been advocating with everyone, be careful of anyone who asks you to add to your business or who can only use Line to contact you. Fraud groups like to haunt on Line.

The bottom of this questionnaire claims to be from Binance Academy, but the event was not found on the official website

How to know this is not from Binance official?

1. Posting by fake Facebook accounts

The person who reported the report is the administrator of the Facebook community. The other party found out through the personal information of the sender that although he seemed to have filled in some personal information, including education and work, the date of joining Facebook was August 11, which means that It was not a few days before the other party set up his Facebook account , the number of friends was very small, and his personal dynamic wall did not have any posts, as if he created the account specially to send this question ticket.

This account was closed soon afterward. It may be that he just wanted to use this account for a short period of time to achieve his purpose, or that he has been reported as a fake account and has been blocked by Facebook.

Finally, help you to unify some Facebook fake account characteristics:

  • Short account creation time
  • Friends include people from all over the world
  • Few posts, or they all post the same kind of post
  • Low-quality personal photos or cover images

2. Binance Official Pipeline Not Released

No matter what kind of information you receive, if you want to confirm whether it is real information, you just need to actively search for it! Don't trust the link you receive, but enter the content you want to check in the Google search bar to see if the official has sent the same content

As a result, neither the Binance official website, the Binance community nor the Binance Academy have seen this coupon.

If you want to know the official information of Binance, you can click here:

  • Short account creation time
  • Friends include people from all over the world
  • Few posts, or they all post the same kind of post
  • Low-quality personal photos or cover images

2. Binance Official Pipeline Not Released

No matter what kind of information you receive, if you want to confirm whether it is real information, you just need to actively search for it! Don't trust the link you receive, but enter the content you want to check in the Google search bar to see if the official has sent the same content

As a result, neither the Binance official website, the Binance community nor the Binance Academy have seen this coupon.

If you want to know the official information of Binance, you can click here:

3. Use Binance Verification to check if it comes from the official website

Any email address, phone number, WeChat ID, Twitter ID or Telegram ID claiming to be related to Binance can be entered into Binance Verification , which will tell you if it comes from an official Binance

4. Use Fraud Experts to Detect Fraud

The official Line account of Anti-Fraud Expert provides free services for the public to check suspicious accounts, phone numbers and websites. If you encounter any suspicious information, as long as it is sent to the chat room of Anti-Fraud Expert, you can immediately know whether it is dangerous or even flagged by the police. for fraud

What happens when I fill out the coupon?

Although the questionnaire does not require you to fill in your name and phone number, nor does it require you to enter sensitive information such as your wallet, credit card, etc., the fraud group knows which investment projects can attract you through the questionnaire, so he can customize it for you at any time. fraud attack .

For example, if you check that you are interested in airdrops on this questionnaire, the fraudulent group will post a link to "fake airdrops" after a while, and will target you with tweets or advertisements to increase your chances of being checked.

In addition, the other party also gets your LineID through the questionnaire. He can add your liaison at any time, and one day pretend to be anyone or any organization to privately message you, and you may want to say that the other party has your Line, maybe it is A friend or trusted agency believes what the other person says

The same concept, don’t add strangers’ Lines casually. Before adding a friend, you must check whether the other party is fraudulent. For identification methods, please refer to: Can you check before adding a line friend? Anti-fraud gadgets used by 800,000 people keep you away from fraud LineID

Comprehensive Fraud Prevention Toolkit:


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