What can you buy with LikeCoin? - 1111 unboxing, ginger ginger ginger, brown sugar brown sugar, 363636 make you no longer lonely

In addition to spending all the money and the sloth, I'm not here to open the box!
Purchased product: Miss Sanriku-Warm Winter Limited Hand Fried Brown Sugar Ginger Pieces<br class="smart">Purchase Price: 600LikeCoin Three including shipping (from convenience store to store)
Seller: @Miss Shenlu For details, see " Matt Market Market_Warm Winter Limited Hand Fried Brown Sugar Ginger Slices "
Will you want to buy it in the future: Yes. Great value for money. (36 Are you selling at a loss...you read...)
▲I want to knock the bowl of 36 dessert workshop, I want the lemon tower biscuit Dakwaz Macaron San Dono Black Tiramisu Scon.
And want to knock the bowl to buy 36 sweethearts to take home.

Sloth's Life - Stem Diagram Generator

It was a morning when the temperature continued to plummet ,
The evil quilt overwhelmed me, and I opened my eyes in confusion, grabbed the phone, slid away, and saw the message—

"Good morning, happy 1111! My friend!!!"

Thanks, was offended.
I wake up the wrong way, wake up in the wrong way,
It's even more wrong not to have a sexy hunk lying next to me.

Fortunately, in the days of 1111, when the temperature is desolate , the wallet is desolate , and the sloth is so reckless,
There is a mysterious cardboard box that I carried home from 7-11 yesterday and lay still on my sofa.

When I opened the carton, I thought it would be full of love letters from my admirers.
As a result, I saw the super cute round font and the carefully cared bubble wrap .

↓Ah, careful packaging protects the product, and wraps the glass heart of the single dog sloth.

36 What I tell you is a secret. In fact, she told me a series of line IDs of handsome guys (and they didn't)

Ah, it turned out to be the three big packs of ginger I bought,
And Miss 36 was afraid that my sloths would eat too little , so she gave out candies as sweet as hers .

Oh wait, am I not afraid of the smell of ginger?
Why am I buying this?

Three packs and candy as a gift ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Oh, don't worry,
A little afraid of the taste of ginger?
36 has exhausted the power of love and prehistoric, hand-frying brown sugar on Jiang!

Yes, brown sugar, brown sugar, brown sugar!

One of the packs is pictured with a sloth

In each pack, there are seven small packs ,
↓This is a completely sealed ginger slice full of brown sugar on the surface.

what each packet looks like

Three packs, each pack has seven small packs of hand-fried brown sugar ginger slices, so today there are three 7s,
777, 777, go, go, go, go,
Just like "1111 happiness" should be "go go go" , more like the money in my wallet , today it's going to go.

Afraid of the taste of ginger, so what ?
Although, it's like being afraid of receiving "Happy 1111" from my friends, but so what?

The ginger this time has been fried with brown sugar full of sweetness.
So what's there to be afraid of?

Well, actually, I'm still a little scared...
↓ So I decided to start by soaking some brown sugar ginger slices in hot milk.

After the milk is microwaved, try adding 2 pieces of brown sugar ginger slices

The brown sugar quickly melted into the hot milk,
The hot milk was immediately filled with the slightly sweet taste of brown sugar, and the slight spiciness of the ginger slices was also brought into the milk.
Because I was afraid that the more it was soaked, the more spicy it would be, so after a while, I took out the ginger slices first.

Hot milk soaked in 36 players fried brown sugar ginger slices ,
It's not the boring, bland, dull milk it used to be.
The current hot milk, with the sweet aroma of brown sugar, is perfectly mixed with the slightly warming spicy and fragrant ginger slices.

Just like 1111 when my wallet is empty and I feel cold, in the cold and lonely me,
After drinking this one, I will never be that one again—I never knew the good taste of ginger slices before.

Then, I just picked up a small piece of hand-fried brown sugar ginger , stuffed it in my mouth, holding-

Super ● delicious ● eat!

I started to finish this article while drinking hot brown sugar ginger sliced milk and eating hand-fried brown sugar ginger slices.

Ah, even if I woke up the wrong way today,
But the sleeping posture and the warm-up snacks before going to bed are so correct!

No matter if the weather is cold or if his wallet is empty and lonely, he feels cold.
Handmade brown sugar ginger slices bring the sweetness and enthusiasm of winter!


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