A 100-day challenge to yourself that starts with breakfast


Influenced by the 100 Day Challenge that has become popular around the world in recent years, at the beginning of 2019, I wrote it down in the annual list: 100 Day Challenge.

This plan is based on the differences in each person's environment, and thus derives different implementation methods. Some people use the 100 days to overcome 100 different fears; others divide the 100 days into ten equal parts and experience ten unexperienced lives. Before the case, I was thinking about how to customize a 100-day challenge for myself. Suddenly, the "21-day rule" of psychology appeared in my mind, which means that it takes at least 21 days to develop a habit and establish a concept. , repeating the same action or thought pattern over and over again.

I decided to set aside 21 days a month to make small changes to my original living habits. Everything starts with "eating".

About breakfast, all kinds of imagination and changes.

Start my breakfast proposal with eating

"Even if you're sitting alone on the roadside, even if it's just a cold cup of coffee and a dried donut, breakfast is the beginning of a new day that brings hope: I believe that something good will happen today." - Yataro Matsuura

Living out alone, after hitting the last alarm clock in the morning, the busyness begins. It is often the state of changing clothes, grabbing the keys and going out in a hurry. For a long time, the instant food in the convenience store solved my important meal, and if I had spare time, at most a mobile vendor near my home would take out a hash brown toast with iced milk.

Since the implementation of the 100-day challenge, I no longer sleep and stay in bed. When the alarm clock goes off at 7:00 every morning, I open my eyes, slowly get out of bed, and walk to the corner of the food storage, "What should I eat today?" There are still some eggs left in the refrigerator, so why don't we make poached eggs today!

While the pot is preheating, simply do some stretching exercises to soothe the muscles and bones. After preheating, dig a piece of butter and put it in the pot, hold the handle of the pot and shake it from side to side, so that the cream is evenly spread on the surface of the pot, watching the butter gradually shrink and melt into a liquid under the high temperature, like a harmonious waltz, one day The plan lies in the morning, and the beautiful chapter begins.

Coffee is a must every morning

For the 100-day challenge, I specially purchased a Moka pot and a French press, and used them according to the mood of the day. Here's what's interesting: the thickness of the ground coffee, the amount of water, and the temperature all contribute to different tastes and thicknesses. Sip into the mouth carefully, starting from the sense of smell and taste, the happiness factor spreads all over the body, and the good coffee is enough to make me happy all day.

Depending on the breakfast, coffee can also be presented in various forms, sometimes it is a simple American black coffee, sometimes it is a fresh milk coffee with milk, it can be a mellow latte with dense milk foam, or it can be sprinkled with cinnamon. The powder is transformed into a flavored latte.

Small changes bring me big gains

Twenty-one days later, the benefits of small changes cannot be underestimated.

I wake up an hour earlier than usual to get ready, so I have more time to complete other chores. In the extra hour, in addition to preparing ingredients and enjoying breakfast, I can make good use of the spare time to wash, mop the floor, listen to the radio... I can deal with the things that I didn't have time to do before, and I didn't bother to do it in a hurry.

Enjoy the food you like and feel at ease at low cost

Eating breakfast at home is not so much about saving money, it should be described as "low-cost, high-value enjoyment". If you want to eat simple dishes without artificial seasoning, or an Acai Bowl with both appearance and taste, it will cost a lot of money and time.

The day before yesterday, I went to the supermarket with a friend, and I was surprised that I had a better understanding of the actual prices of fruits and vegetables, and I was gradually able to choose the right ingredients in the right season. In the hot summer, Greek yogurt is usually served with sliced bananas and kiwi fruit; recently, when the weather is getting colder, a bowl of warm yam soup is also a good choice, and the feeling of happiness instantly arises after eating.

The simplicity and romance of having breakfast at home.

Ordinary days add a sense of ritual

The 21-day plan has really formed the habit of getting up early to eat breakfast. Different from the world-weary feeling of being chased by time in the past, in the morning light of the rising sun, in the process of pressing the alarm clock, preparing and enjoying a delicious breakfast, it adds a sense of ritual to the ordinary days, and then achieves physical and mental health. Excellent feast.

What goals have you set for the new days of 2020? Maybe a 100-day challenge tailored for yourself can give you a rich life experience.


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VenusFree Venus,二十代女生,與美學和文字為伴,奉行人生哲學——好好過日子。 有事可以寫信給我 venusisfree@gmail.com 《好好過日子》臉書專頁 https://www.facebook.com/venusisfree/ Instagram @venus_free
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