a plate of buns


That year, I took my husband and the one-year-old eldest back home to visit relatives. Joyous, young and small families feel that everything is going well.

One day, a friend from my mother's spiritual group came to our house and happened to meet us.

This uncle is good at eloquence and looks like an immortal, and he communicates with classic words and phrases from time to time. When my uncle saw me greet me, I don't know why the topic immediately came up with the fate of life, and it was all empty. In order for me to understand better, he made an analogy: Fate is like a plate of buns. Although delicious, it will eventually be eaten one day. I secretly complained in my heart, shouldn't ordinary people celebrate and be happy when they see a small happy family? This esoteric philosophy that everything is empty sounds really inauspicious.

After a long time, the steamed bun theory is still deeply engraved in my mind. One day I couldn't help but confided my thoughts to Mr.

The gentleman looked at me with a smile and said, what's the trouble with this? While eating buns and making buns, the plate will never be empty.

It really makes sense.

Made buns on a whim two days ago. Think of old events and write them down.

Later, I heard that the uncle often cheated. The couple's relationship broke down and they got divorced. I thought it was time to eat buns, but I didn't expect to continue making buns XD


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