Should a new border line and northeast station be added to the light rail?


The recently launched 10-year transportation planning consultation, various experts have appeared online and offline, and gave many useful solutions. I believe it should be more practical and feasible than the cross-sea cable car.

I have read the consultation text initially. As the backbone of Macau’s transportation system, the light rail is very important. Unfortunately, it is related to the future development of the light rail. Take it lightly. There is still a lot of suspense as to whether the Inner Harbor will participate in the light rail network in the future, as a coastal area under urban planning.

However, in addition to the Inner Harbor West Line, what I also want to talk about is that, taking advantage of the boom in transportation planning discussions, many people on the Internet were very dissatisfied after seeing the light rail map, thinking why they "perfectly avoided" Dynasty, Goldstone, Chopsticks Basic and other livelihood areas, so the light rail does not have much effect at all, and so on. In fact, if you still have the impression, you should still remember that the light rail was opposed by communities such as Heisha Wan and Chopsticks, so it was not connected. There are many reasons, such as noise disturbing the people, affecting the landscape, fire safety, etc... In the end, the only way to detour and become a circumstance of circling in the outer ring, who would have expected it to become a failure of many people's dissatisfaction today. In the discussion area, some netizens released the news of the year. It turned out that the ICAC once suggested that the new light rail crossing should go outside the Sun Yat-sen Avenue, but then for some reason it was abandoned...

Apart from the fact that the new port line can use Sun Yat-sen Avenue to go to the periphery, the former site of Haiyiju in the P section of the northeast area of the peninsula is under development. When the construction of senior apartments, replacement houses and other buildings starts, is it possible to build a station in the northeast area of the peninsula so that the The light rail can penetrate into the northern area a little (the two lines are conceived as indicated by the yellow line in the figure below), so as to make up for the lack of the light rail community line, and connect with the later Muras and Songshan tunnel pedestrian systems, opening up the north and south of Macau in one go? Since the west line is so slim, we can actually conduct public consultation first to decide whether to build the northeast station and the new border line, so as to maximize the effectiveness of the light rail. As the saying goes, at this moment and at that moment, the decisions made in the past may feel that they need to be adjusted today. The most important thing is to discuss the plan that is most beneficial to society.

I don't know what everyone thinks?


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