Stylistic Writing Exercise | Interlaced Perspective Narrative of Reasoning

One of the sample essays for the new sexy magazine writing activity.


 At noon, in a fast food restaurant, a woman, 30 years old, 165 cm tall, with fair skin and freckles on her cheeks, was wearing a light blue floral dress with a red silk scarf around her. Bought a burger set at the restaurant.
She was holding a dinner plate to find a seat. A young man sat on the seat where she was about to sit down. She had a conflict with the young man. Finally, the young man stood up with a bad expression and bumped into her dinner plate as he walked, and the cola fell. down.
The woman pointed at the young man's back, and after scolding for a while, she began to eat. She accidentally got a silk scarf while squeezing the ketchup, and she immediately took a tissue to clean it.
In the afternoon, she was drinking coffee in a coffee shop with a man in a black suit. She had changed into a blue silk scarf. The man said that this dress looks better with a red silk scarf.

Creation: Interlaced Perspective Narrative of Reasoning

There really is a free lunch in the world.

Feeding yourself is not that hard. Because it's so easy to encounter good things on the street. Like two days ago, I made enough money to open a small hotel and take a comfortable hot bath. Also, today a man in a black suit gave me some money and invited me to a fast food restaurant!

He just had to fulfill his conditions - not to reveal any information about him, and to sit across from a lady for dinner. She is a Caucasian woman with a height of about 165 cm, wearing blue floral clusters, a red silk scarf around her neck, and some freckles on her cheeks.

really weird.

Could it be that he didn't want to go to the appointment, so he made this last move? Really gentleman.

Let me see where the lady is...

kindness? Why did she order a hamburger set again? Isn't there an unopened set meal on her seat? Hey. Then let's sit down and eat together! Having someone to accompany you is fine.

"Sir, this seat has my personal belongings, and I also have friends. Please take another seat."

Although the lady in red scarf said "please", her eyes were extremely unkind. Like a contempt! Are you looking at my rudeness, or do you think the Coke in my hand belongs to her?

I put the meal ticket hidden behind the paper bag on the most prominent part of the plate.

"Didn't you see that they were all people? You took up the seat! When you leave, take your belongings with you!" Maybe she should learn to respect the receipt when she sees it. It's no wonder that the well-meaning gentleman would break his appointment.

"Sir, please leave." Her voice was not small.

Is it to attract attention? Then she had achieved her goal. A group of people who are in the same stream as the world, the laity! I've always held my head high. It's you vulgars. It's you people!

I don't care about you.

It's just that when he was walking, the arrogance he carried on his tail was so strong that it hit the dinner plate at the corner of the table. The Coke that just happened to be on the ground sprinkled it towards her.

Coke! Compared with the blue dress, she only paid attention to whether the silk scarf was clean.

She looked very concerned about the red scarf.

After today, I can no longer hide. Bru, you can understand me, right? As always. Even if I look for you so rashly, you will come to me desperately, right?

I looked around the fast food restaurant, guarding the new meal, avoiding all odds.

Why is that man here? And so well chosen for my seat? Shouldn't he be making money in front of the department store now? Or did someone hire him on purpose? So - fast food restaurants, is it still safe?

"Sir, this seat has my personal belongings, and I have an appointment with a friend. Please take another seat."

"Didn't you see that they were all people? You took up the seat! When you leave, take your belongings with you too!" Did he deliberately shout to make people focus on me?

"Sir, please leave." I was always friendly, but more and more Kauna's eyes came to me. It seems that fast food restaurants are almost unsafe.

In the end, he finally left in public. Just deliberately bumped the dinner plate at the corner of the table before leaving, causing the Coke to fall on my silk scarf.

How can I meet him like this? I held a corner of the silk scarf, unable to hide my anxiety and anger. It was all ruined by that man!

"Why are you so incompetent? You don't feel embarrassed even if you bump into something? What are you doing!"

It was hard to calm down when I sat down, even squeezing a squeeze of ketchup would spray the silk scarf, and even the paper towel in my hand couldn't wipe off a piece of red oil stain on the red silk scarf.

However, bad things happen one by one.

The mobile phone I just bought suddenly flashed a message: "You made an appointment too suddenly. It just happened to be a temporary meeting that couldn't be scheduled."

"Well. It's fine. I happen to have something to do, so I can't meet here. Let's make an appointment next time." Leaving the phone, the lights dimmed. We but is there a next time? Maybe that's the end of it.

But my eyes still refuse to let go of the already dark screen. Just stared at it for a while...

"You rarely contact me, don't you want to talk about it, why did you suddenly disappear for so long? How about 3:30, see you at the old place?"

"Okay! See you at the same place." We still meet at half past three.

This is the aroma of coffee that I am familiar with, as well as the familiar him.

I haven't seen each other for a year, and he looks at me with more incomprehensible playfulness.
Looking at the blue silk scarf on my neck with a playful look: "It looks better with a red silk scarf."

My heart froze for a while, it's over...

"Sir, the target is in a fast food restaurant. But the crowds are too crowded for us to act."

"Change to the coffee shop on Thirteenth Road. There are few people there. Prepare for the action at 3:30."

I walked up to a young beggar and set the final game for you. At 3:30 today, this entangled game will be ended.

We start there and end there.

This way my wife and children are safe. all safe...

Finally, I typed in the closing code: "The person you want will be caught today."

Ah! Live like a Brutus .

(This article, finished.)

Just a little easter egg:
Brutus at the end of the text is a metaphor for the closest betrayal, and its derivation comes from the Latin Et tu, Brutus .

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