Goodbye, go to the next stop

Every path you take will eventually become an experience that brings growth. Thank you for the good people and deeds I have met along the way, and thank you for your hard work and persistence.

Today is the last day of the company's work, and finally officially say goodbye to the company! I feel very comfortable and happy at the moment~ Most of the experience and memories of this job are difficult and painful for me, but I didn't expect that many internal and external people would feel reluctant to leave today. . For example, I have a colleague from Waipo who I have met before who will count the number of days to say goodbye to me. For example, colleagues in other departments will feel sorry for my resignation. For example, the boss and the head of the marketing department will say to me if I regret it someday. When I look back and welcome back, for example, the bank staff hopes to keep in touch after leaving, for example, the company secretary wishes me again and again that the future will be better, these are really a kind of recognition and comfort to me. It is one of the few good memories I have in the company. Due to working from home during this period, I have not had the opportunity to meet new people who are about to take over my work. I was a little worried about whether she could handle it, and it reminded me of the difficulty of having no guidance when I first arrived. I can only wish her all the best.

Every path you take will eventually become an experience that brings growth. Thank you for the good people and deeds I have met along the way, and thank you for your hard work and persistence. This week was really busy because I was about to leave, so many things needed to be hurried to solve the problem, and then the new job side also rushed to let me start working, and it became that I needed to juggle two jobs at the same time. Early to late. However, from tomorrow onwards, I will be able to devote myself to my new job, and I am a little scared and looking forward to it. Not much to say, now I have to rush to continue working. I hope that everything will stabilize as soon as possible so that I can have a good rest, and I will slowly adjust myself to regain my self-confidence at work. Come on and fight for the future!


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夏芊90后摩羯座女孩 最近忙很少上线,发了文章就下了。 不过一有空上线时就会回复评论和逐一给大家拍拍回。谢谢那些不离不弃给我拍拍的朋友们~
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