Discussion Experience | The Power of Myth

生一回º YOLO
Author: Joseph. Campbell|Publisher: Lixu Culture Co., Ltd.

Inner Journey, Hero's Adventure, Love Story

Don't be afraid of perfection because we won't get there. - "Dali"

Rethink: Is there anything imperfect?

At this moment, looking back on the current discussion process, I still feel that I am slapped myself. I used to pursue perfection as the goal, but I fell heavily on this question, and I went around a lot to think, why there is imperfection. thing?

In the end, I found out that I was stuck in a situation of " Imperfect = not good ", because I didn't want something to be labeled "bad", so I always felt that nothing was imperfect.

"Imperfect" and "Good"
There is no complete equality, and there is no absolute answer

Through the multiple-choice questions mentioned in the book " Contradiction of choice, should I leave or stay ", I kept asking myself how I would make a choice if it were my own. Remember that at the moment of the discussion, my choice is "stay for a while, Can't go on like this, choose to leave" but this is actually a very ambiguous answer.

Many times in life, it is the moment when you have to choose a side, there is no hesitation, and once you make a choice, there may be no turning back, but what remains the same is that no matter which one you choose, you cannot achieve the perfect result .

The author also mentioned: " Imperfection in life is what makes it lovely, because perfect people are boring. " Looking back, when I think about it, in pursuit of perfection, it is actually very painful and not interesting. Facing imperfections The work can leave room for discussion, and indirectly means that you can hear different feedbacks. This is not another unexpected harvest, and it can also welcome more unexpected surprises.

⚆Summary and extension: keep the original intention and never change

In the first stage of the discussion, we thought together, "Is there anything imperfect?" I found that I had a big blind spot. I don't know if it was because I was afraid of making mistakes, or I didn't think clearly at all. It is very intuitive to mix ideas together to discuss, but it is difficult to help yourself clarify the problem, and this situation seems to be resolved in the following discussion.

Through the myth of Genesis, it can be concluded that " the real beginning of life is the act of disobedience. Those who want to live in this world must act according to the opposites. Without duality, they cannot judge and act. "

But the amazing thing is that in one story after another, I gradually felt the "power of myth". As the author mentioned, the function of myth has the following four points

  1. mystery
  2. Physical cosmology (mystery, awe, how it came to be)
  3. social functional order
  4. educate

A myth is a guide, an indicator that tells you how to pursue your inner life, a direct indication of what we are experiencing or are about to experience.

You just need to experience every moment to your heart's content, without thinking about meaning, because things have no meaning in themselves, and all meanings are added by humans. In fact, " existence itself does not need to be given meaning ."

At the same time, mythology also tells us that beyond duality, there is still unity, and that "opposition" is just an unreal shadow, just like the "Diamond Sutra": "The Tathagata never comes from nor goes anywhere. "

Immediately afterwards, the discussion on "maturity" is even more exciting and can get a sense of resonance, and it turns out that this is the so-called "need to have a similar experience to understand and understand the things that mythology wants to convey to us."

How to go from immaturity to maturity, you need to go through the "hero's journey" that is "the concept of rebirth after death" (this is a kind of mentality change, psychological process)

First: leaving is an omen (do you want to leave?)
Choose to leave directly? Or ignore the call to leave?
What are the blocking factors that will be ignored or ignored?

Second: Take risks to find what you lack, face the test

The third: return is willing to return to the original place (mood transformation)
And then stick to it, the skills acquired by taking risks

During the discussion, I felt like I was going through such a state this year. Although it can't be called a "hero's journey", it must be a process of transformation. Formalized routine office, choose to quit, let the id in the body chase the little dream that has never had the opportunity to realize, but in the process of chasing the dream, I realized the bottleneck of reality and the ability I lacked, Then I realized my original intention from it, and then in a clever fate, I returned to my original company and tried to take risks to learn new skills. I also created different works because of these new skills, and brought them to myself. Another level of joy.

However, work and life will never be smooth all the time. After a short-term sense of achievement, you will be given more and more expectations and face more challenges, testing " whether you have really crossed your heart. " Demons? " and " Do you really want to do this? "

When you cannot break through, you will feel fear and will be affected by many external factors, but the author also tells us through the story of "The Wheel of Wealth": "If you find the axis, you will not go up and down, but if you keep your body The influence of the surrounding periphery is bound to fall into an endless cycle from high to low, and from low to high.” The axis here refers to the “ joy of inner intuition ”, and the surrounding periphery is “wealth”. ", "Rights", "Material Desires".

So " if you have the courage to persevere, don't be afraid to execute "
Then we have to discuss " How do you find what you want to do? "

I am very fortunate that I can find my why through the activity of "Find Your Why|Personal Workshop" before participating in this conversational reading. It is through this process that I am more sure of the direction I want to go, and also through this method, I have a better understanding of my original intention, and I have learned that the author mentioned at the end of the article " Every life has its own potential, how to develop its potential, The inner energy will tell you if you are doing it, and it will come naturally, and the mind will feel the inner intuitive joy.

During the discussion of the love story, what impressed me most was the shock of "Satan" for "God's obedience and love". This story fully embodies " true love is to leave "

Satan, originally a member of the angels, was driven to hell by God (a Where there is no one you love, there is no God)

However, Satan finally respected God's choice, because God finally said to him, "Go to hell!" It also showed his complete obedience to God, without any reluctance.

Although I can't help but feel that such a hobby is humble, I also feel that it is precisely because Satan loves God completely that he chooses to " respect but not refute ", and also choose to " pay without asking for anything in return " for being loyal to his original intention.

In addition, there are still a few questions worthy of our consideration every once in a while

❐ "Do you believe there is a god in this world?"
❐ "Why do you believe it?"
❐ "What do you believe in?"
❐ "It doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is whether you want to believe it or not?"

Life is like a boomerang, you get what you throw out. - "Dell. Dale Carnegie

⚆ Feedback suggestion: Finally, I still want to revisit Nietzsche's "Three Changes of Spirit"

This can come in handy at every stage of life, no matter what form of change has been experienced, it can be used as a verification of readjustment and observation of change.

First: Camel (Courage to accept challenges and tests)
Second: Lion (break free from bondage and find the will to live)
Third: children (don't need to obey any rules, just be free to live)

This discussion is really more like listening to a story, and it did meet my original expectations. I signed up for this session to listen to the story, but I didn’t think about the meaning behind the myth, and I often read it. There was a kind of " Huh? What the hell is this story talking about? " Maybe I didn't have enough experience at the time to understand what the myth was trying to convey.

In the discussion, it was mentioned that "movie" or "nature" are probably the myths of the current generation. After all, there is really a lack of "common myths" in modern times. It just so happens that these two items are exactly what I have invested a lot in this year. Even better, after participating in this event, I came across the release of " Tian Neng TENET ". To be honest, it was really difficult to fully enter the situation at the beginning. I have been trying my best to write down all the details, but when I saw it in the middle Seeing " Don't try to understand, just feel " and " Ignorance is our advantage " is like being slapped in the face, that feeling is really incredible.

It turns out that focusing on the present moment of every moment can bring so many surprises, as if life really does not need to be overly concerned about what happened in the past, it is all because of "What's happened, happened."

In life, perhaps you don't need to be too rigid in formal dismantling. As long as you follow your heart to decide whether to believe or not, you can truly feel the most authentic feedback from the universe to you. This feeling and flow is really amazing, and also Incredible.

🎧 Listening to the power pulu'em, congratulations 👏 Sangpuy

℗ 2020 WIND MUSIC International Corporation Released on: 2020-10-15

Finally, thank you for your patience in front of the screen to read this reading experience. May you all be well and safe, and cherish the moment together. If you happen to have read this book, please leave a message to share and communicate with each other :)


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生一回º YOLO每一天,儘可能地讓自己不留遺憾 活在當下,在有限的時間裡,留下一些想留下的悸動 平面設計初學者X部落客
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