[Complete reading notes] "The Rich People Think Differently from You" If you want to become rich, you must first have a "rich person's head"!

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
If you find that the desire for wealth and the actual acquisition of wealth are actually two worlds... well, you must not miss this book!

That's right! Finally it's my turn to share this "good" book that has been described as "bad" by everyone😊

In fact, I have owned this book "The Rich Think Differently from You" for a long time, but I never seem to read it properly until my career took a big turn recently, and I started not getting a monthly salary. Afterwards, the desire for money and wealth is much greater than before?

Returning to the topic, although this book is not like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", almost everyone knows it and everyone knows it, but after it was published, it also ranked first in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other bestseller lists. Name, its author Ha Fu. Harv Eker is committed to helping more people realize their dreams of becoming rich. All sounds great, right? In his 20s, though, Harford didn't think so...

The author tried various businesses in his 20s and changed jobs several times, each time ending in "failure", and each time it was worse... What? Then why can he publish a global bestseller and build a huge enterprise to teach people to get rich?

According to the author himself, the beginning of all this change is due to a rich friend of his father (how is it similar to rich dad, poor dad?), once, his father's "rich friend" I went to the author's parents' house to play poker. At that time, it was the third time that the author moved home (no money...), living in the basement. During the intermission, this rich friend met the author, he He said, "Harford, if you're not doing as well as you expected, it's just because you still don't understand something." He went on to say, "Did you know that most rich people think alike?" The author was there Never thought about it before, the friend went on to say, "If you think like a rich person and do what a rich person does, do you think it's impossible for you to become a rich person too?"

At that time, after hearing that sentence, the author thought, "It can't be worse than now..." So he took the advice of the "rich friend" and began to study the rich and their thinking wholeheartedly way, he discovered how his past thoughts were holding back his pursuit of wealth, so, after resetting his thinking, he decided to give himself another chance.

Because he likes fitness and sports very much, when he lived in the United States, he would go to the beach for jogging every day, but when he moved back to Canada to live with his family because he had no money, the weather there was really too cold, but he also He didn't want to give up exercising, so he thought of a way to create a "fitness area" at home. At this time, he found a business opportunity!

When he was shopping for the right fitness equipment, he found that he could not find anything he was satisfied with. So he borrowed US$2,000 with a credit card as a start-up capital and opened the first fitness equipment dealership; he started Using the thinking patterns and business strategies he learned from rich people, the first thing is to believe that he will succeed, and only to succeed and not to fail ; unlike his previous startups, he only wanted short-term benefits, this time , he vowed to concentrate and not leave the business until he became a millionaire (USD). Want to guess if Harford is successful this time?

Just two years! 10 branches opened! He later sold half of the company to a Fortune 500 company for $1.6 million.

Want to know what principles he adopted to "turn over the salted fish"?

The secrets are hidden in this book "The Rich Think Differently from You", waiting for you to discover!

  • Title: "The Rich Think Differently From You"
  • English title: " Secrets of the Millionaire Mind"
  • Author: T. Harv Eker
  • Recommended index: ★★★★★

🚀 Finish the book in 5 sentences

  1. Lack of money is a result, wealth is a result, not a problem itself.
    Your outer world is nothing but a projection of your inner world, and your inner world creates your outer world. If your outer life isn't going well (eg: wealth accumulation isn't as fast as expected), it's because your inner life isn't going well.
  2. Your "money blueprint" is like a thermostat. If the temperature of a space is set at 27 degrees Celsius, it is very likely that the regulator is set in this position. If you want to "completely" change the indoor temperature, the "only" way is to reset the thermostat.
    Likewise, the only way to “completely” change our financial performance is to reset our financial thermostat, our money blueprint. Our income can only grow up to what we "want" to do.
  3. The rich believe: "I create my life I create my life. "; The poor believe: " Life happens to me. "
    We must believe that only we can create our own success, and only we can lead to our own mediocrity; every time we blame others, make excuses, or open our mouths to complain, we are cutting off our chances of becoming rich.
  4. If we don't "wholeheartedly and sincerely" thinking and "committing" to creating wealth, then we probably won't be able to create much wealth.
  5. Rich people focus on opportunities, poor people focus on obstacles.
    Rich people get into action right away, believing that by letting them play, they can make wise decisions in the moment, and then fix them, adjusting things along the way; Find out, and when I know what to do, I'll take action" and never take action, so I'm always a loser.

🎨 How do I rate this book/think about this book?

  • The wealth book that has influenced my outlook on money and getting rich the most so far.
    If you think you're not accumulating wealth as fast as you expected, whether you're making money and then spending it quickly, or failing to increase your income, then this is a must-read for you.
    It will let you understand how much your money concept and thinking pattern influence your accumulated wealth!

🚀 What kind of people should read this book / can benefit from this book?

  • If, after you make money, you can't keep it...
  • If, you often lose investment...
  • If you think you are accumulating wealth so slowly...
  • If you don't know why you don't seem to like rich people...
  • If, you want to take your wealth achievement to the next level!
  • If you want to be rich!

🚀 What kind of people should "not" read this book / "hard" to benefit from this book?

  • If you feel that your current wealth is quite enough, you don't want to spend any more effort to multiply it
  • If you feel that you have too much money to spend
  • If you want a get-rich-quick formula without changing your thoughts and actions
  • if you don't want to be rich

☘️ How did this book affect/change me?

  • Put "don't complain" and "don't blame" others in your daily life guidelines.
    Up to now, I have been testing for nearly two weeks, and I deeply feel that it is very helpful for my emotional stability and confidence!

    There is a saying that goes like this: The things you focus on expand.

    When I stop complaining, the things I want to complain about will not be "expanded", and I will naturally feel calmer;
    In addition, when I was able to get rid of the idea of complaining when I used to complain, "it's easier to control my emotions", which also made me more confident in myself!

    I think the author of this book mentioned something in his book and in the Youtube video,
    Very helpful for practicing "no complaints", which is—
    Everything is Neutral, everything is Neutral , without any meaning,
    until we ourselves give them meaning.

    Every time I feel like complaining, or feel uncomfortable because of what someone said (they may not mean it, but they're just "not so polite"), I immediately tell myself, "It's neutral, it's neutral. It doesn't make sense." Although it's not 100%, I think the amount of complaints has been reduced by at least half, and this half alone has made my emotions and even my body feel more comfortable!

    I have prepared a "No Complaining Tracklist for 7 days", if you are interested in trying it out,
    to click this link to download!
  • Prepared a "Financial Freedom Jar" and put varying amounts of change into it every day.
    Although it is said that the money thrown in each time is not much - about 2-5 yuan (because the 10 yuan coin is too big to put in...), there is always an indescribable enrichment!
  • Make a "thank you list" of 10 things in my life that I am grateful for.
    When I listed it out and read it out, I really felt that my whole body was "awakened" and "washed", and my mood became more peaceful.

    Similarly, I have prepared a "Thank You List" for you to start practicing, please click this link to download!

✍️ My favorite / most resonant / most want to remind myself 10 sentences

You can be a victim, or you can be rich, but you can't be both. <Fortune File #1>
Rich people try to make themselves rich; poor people keep trying to become rich. <Fortune File #2>
If you want to become rich, you need focus, courage, knowledge, professionalism, 100% effort, a never-give-up attitude, and of course, a rich head. <Fortune File #2>
Rich people focus on opportunities, poor people focus on obstacles. <Fortune File #5>
If a 100-foot-tall oak tree has the same mind as a human, she can only grow to 10 feet at most.
<Fortune File #10>
Money will only expand your existing self even more. <Fortune File #10>
Either you control the money or the money controls you <Wealth File #14>
The rich collect the land, the poor collect the bills. <Fortune File #15>
If you are only willing to do easy things, life will be difficult;
If you are willing to do the hard things, then life will be easy. <Fortune File #16>
To get the best salary/income, you have to be the best. <Fortune File #17>

☘️ After reading this reading note, what action can you take?

  1. Look for this book, whether you bought it or borrowed it.
    However, given that the book has a lot of hands-on exercises and is worth coming back for quarterly, or even monthly, I would recommend buying a copy to keep around if you can.
  2. With the practical exercises provided in this note, or the "Act Like a Rich Man" after each chapter in the book, you can actually implement it and change the existing "Mind Wealth File" , including your views on money, Opinions on being rich, ideas on getting rich...etc.
  3. Share the book's ideas with friends and family who you feel need it, or even send them a book.

☘️ How to read this book?

The book is divided into two main chapters, the first of which is about the money blueprint.
The author tells us that our outer world is nothing but a projection of our inner world . Therefore, the biggest key to affecting the wealth we have is actually our thinking, how we think about money, how we think about rich people, etc. These ideas It will affect us to pursue our own wealth, in a simple sentence, it will affect whether we can become rich.

The second part is about 17 different ways of thinking and behavior between the rich and the poor, including how to treat the rich, who to associate with, whether you are willing to promote yourself, your attitude when encountering problems, and accepting other people’s opinions. Attitude when complimenting or giving, etc.

I have read this book several times, and every time I read it, every time I take notes, I still have new harvests and new inspirations.

I would suggest: finish reading the first "Money Blueprint" before actually getting into reading the second "The Wealth File".

The purpose of this is to let you know how deeply we have been affected by our view of money and our views of the rich, and thoughts beget feelings, feelings beget actions, and actions beget results.

The content of the first article, let us first "realize" that many of our concepts are not innate, and a large part of them are highly related to our growth background and even our original family, and recognize that it is their Our thoughts are not ours; to change our future wealth “results”, we must first change our “thoughts” of wealth before we can feel and act.

The second "Wealth Profile" is to "reset our thinking" so that we have the "thinking style" and "behavior" of the rich, and ultimately the "results of wealth" of the rich.

☘️ What actions can you take during/after reading this book?

  • Practice breaking free from past financial constraints through the 4 key steps of change: perceive, understand, draw the line, reset! Not sure how to get started?
    Don't worry, I have prepared an "Exercise to get rid of constraints", please click this link to download!
  • For the next 7 consecutive days, don't complain at all, and don't even have the thought of "wanting to complain". I have prepared a "No Complaining Tracking List", please click this link to download!
  • Before going to bed, write down one good thing and one bad thing today.
    Ask yourself, "How did I create these two situations?"
    If someone else is involved, ask yourself, "What role did I play in causing both of these situations?" This exercise will hold you accountable for your life and will allow you to discover which strategies work for you and which don't. No.
    I also prepared a "Daily Review Before Bed", please click this link   download!
  • Make a list, write down 10 things in your life that you are grateful for, and read them out.
    For the next month, read him every morning.
    If you're not grateful for what you have now, you won't get more and you won't need more.
    Not sure how to get started?
    Don't worry, I have prepared a "Thank You List", please
    click this link   download!
  • Track your net worth.
    The book mentions that the real measure of wealth is net worth, which is the financial value of all the assets you own, not work income.
    How Equity is Calculated: (All Cash + Present Value of Stocks/Bonds/Real Estate/Cryptocurrency/...etc + Value of Own Business (if any)) - Your Debt = Your Equity
    (For details, see notes in Fortune File #13 below)

    Here we recommend an app called MoneyBook Linen Bookkeeping . Currently, it supports account types such as Taiwan and foreign currency fixed deposits, credit cards, loans, securities, EasyCard, All-in-One Card, iCash, electronic invoices, etc., so there is no need to go from one bank to another. To see how much each has a balance, it can be viewed in the same place.

    If you are concerned about its safety, you can also click this link to download the "Equity Tracking List", in which the "Assets" and "Liabilities" items can be adjusted according to your personal situation.
  • Click this link to download the Chinese version of the "Declaration of Getting Rich" prepared by me, and say it aloud every morning and evening,
    Remember, your focus will expand!

    ( English version provided in the book)
  • Open or create a "Financial Freedom Account", save 10% of the money received each time, and prepare a "Financial Freedom Jar" at home, and put varying amounts of change into it every day (for details, please see the wealth file below# 14 notes)

☘️ Book Summary / Experience Notes

Part 1 - Money Blueprint

  • Lack of money is a result, wealth is a result, not a problem itself.
  • "Actualization Procedure": Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions, and actions lead to results.
  • Your money blueprint consists of your thoughts, feelings, and actions about money, largely shaped by the information or "programming" you received, especially as a child.
  • "Prepare for a rainy day" is a good word, but it may bring trouble later.
    The power of ideas is amazing. If you save for "emergency," then you don't get anything else, you just wait until something happens over there "from time to time"!
    So instead of planning ahead, focus on saving for the happy days ahead, for the day when you finally don't have to worry about money anymore - according to the principles of the law of mind, what you expect, you will get.
  • Your "money blueprint" is like a thermostat . If the temperature of a space is set at 27 degrees Celsius, it is very likely that the regulator is set in this position. If you want to "completely" change the indoor temperature, the "only" way Just reset the thermostat.
    Likewise, the only way to "completely" change your financial performance is to reset your financial thermostat, your money blueprint. Your income can only grow up to what you "want" to do.
  • Most of us believe that we live our lives by choice. In fact, not all are. By and large, we are more like "robots" that operate automatically and mechanistically, controlled by past conditions and habits. Therefore, we must be conscious, which is to be able to observe our thoughts and actions at any time, so that you can make the choices you really want, rather than being manipulated by past settings.

    ⇒ I am actually quite impressed by the above passage. Human ancestors grew up in the vast but crisis-filled prairie. The most important function of the brain is to allow us to "live". Therefore, the more behaviors that can be "automated", the more reduced it will be. More "thinking" and less energy consumption are the original settings of the brain.

    Although today's technology is not what it used to be in ancient times, the speed of brain evolution is far from keeping up with the pace of technological evolution. It is still "protecting" us, making more things come from "habit" rather than "" Therefore, if you want to change your thoughts, the most important thing is to be “conscious”, always try to “see” yourself and make choices from the perspective of a “third party”, you must give orders to your brain, not listen to them its instructions.
  • "No thought stays in your head without a cost" Every thought in your head, if it's not an investment, it's a cost ; if it's not to bring you happiness and achievement, it's to keep you away from them ; if it does not strengthen your power, it will weaken your power . So, choose your thoughts and beliefs wisely.
  • Every action to get rich comes from a way of thinking about getting rich

Part 2 - Wealth Archives

Wealth Profile #1: Rich people try to be rich; poor people keep trying to be rich.

Rich people believe: "I create my life I create my life ";
The poor believe: " Life happens to me ".
  • We must believe that only we can create our own success, and only we can lead to our own mediocrity ; every time we blame others, make excuses, or open our mouths to complain, we are cutting off our chances of becoming rich.
  • "The things you focus on will expand" When you complain, you focus on the "bad things" in your life; since the things you focus on will expand, you will continue to get more "bad things" things”; that is, when you’re complaining, you’re actually attracting more “bad things” into your life.
  • Exercise: For the next 7 days, don't complain at all, don't even have the thought of "wanting to complain"
    ( Click here to download my "No Complaint Tracking List")

act like a rich man

  • Every time you find yourself blaming others, making excuses, or complaining, run your index finger down your throat as a trigger to remind yourself that you're ruining your chances of getting rich.
  • Before going to bed, write down one good thing and one bad thing today. Ask yourself, "How did I create these two situations?" If it involves someone else, ask yourself, "What role did I play in the cause of these two situations?" Life is responsible and allows me to discover which strategies work for me and which don't.
    I also prepared a "Daily Bedtime Review", please click this link to download!

Wealth Profile #2: Rich people play money games to win; poor people play money games to not lose.

The poor play the money game on the defensive, not the offensive.
If you play any kind of sports competition or game with no attack, what are your odds of winning the game?
I think most people would say, almost equal to zero.
  • Really rich people, what they want to pursue is to have a lot of wealth and prosperity, not a little bit of money, but a lot of money. So, what is the greatest goal of the poor? It's "Having enough money to pay your bills on time...it's a miracle to do that!" Let me remind you again, the power of the mind is amazing.

    When your idea is to have enough money to pay your bills, then you get that money -- enough to pay all kinds of bills, not a dollar more.
  • If your goal is to be comfortable, you'll probably never have money; but if your goal is to make a lot of money, you'll likely end up being incredibly comfortable.
  • If you aim at the stars, you will at least hit the moon.
    ⇒ I've heard similar meanings and it's just the opposite:
    If you aim at the moon, even if you don't hit the moon, you may still hit the stars next to you.
  • If you want to be rich, your goal has to be to be rich, not to have enough money to pay the bills, not just enough to live comfortably; rich means rich!

act like a rich man

  • Write down two financial goals that show that you really decided to create a rich life, not just a drug life or a poor life. Write down the words "must win" for the following goals:
  • Annual income:
  • Net worth (total assets - total liabilities):
  • Set a realistic completion time for both goals, and at the same time, remember to aim for the "moon"!

I have prepared a "Net Worth Tracking List", in which the "Assets" and "Liabilities" items can be adjusted according to personal circumstances, please click here to download !

Wealth Profile #3: Rich people try to be rich; poor people keep trying to be rich.

In fact, most people don't really want to be rich. Why?
Because they have so many negative wealth profiles in their subconscious that keep telling them that it's not right to have money.
  • If you haven't achieved the financial achievement that you say you want to achieve, then it may be because,
    First, you don’t subconsciously really want to be rich;
    Or second, you don't want to pay the price you deserve to create wealth.

The so-called "want" has 3 levels:

  • Lv1: I "want" to be rich I want to be rich : This sentence means "If money falls on my head, I will accept it". Just wanting it won't work.
  • Lv2: I "choose" to become rich I choose to be rich : The power of "choice" is relatively large, but it is not the highest level.
  • Lv3: I "commit" to becoming rich I commit to being rich : "commitment" means "contribute yourself without reservation", it means willing to do anything that should be done, and give all the time that should be paid. There are no excuses, no ifs, no buts, and no maybes; of course, no failure is allowed.
  • You have to believe deep down in your heart that you have the ability to create wealth and that it is totally worth it. This means that if you don't wholeheartedly and sincerely want to create wealth, you probably won't be able to create much wealth.

act like a rich man

  • Write a paragraph explaining why you think wealth creation is important to you, giving specific details.

Wealth Profile #4: The rich think big, the poor think little.

Your income is directly proportional to the "value" that the market thinks you are producing.
  • The market judges your value based on four factors: supply, demand, quality, and quantity.
  • If you want to live out the true meaning of the word "rich", it will not only be about you, but must add value to the lives of others. Now one of the greatest inventors and philosophers, Buckminster. Fuller once said, "The purpose of life is to add value to our generation and future generations."
  • God has given us talents for one reason: to use them and share them with others. One of your life missions is to share your talents and values with as many people as possible. This means that you have to be willing to play big.

act like a rich man

  • What talents do you believe you have? Write them down. I'm referring to things that you naturally do well. Then, also write down where you think you can use these talents, and in particular, how do you use them in your work?
  • How can you help 10 times the number of people you impact with your current job or career?
    How to help them solve the problem?
    Write it down, or get a group of people to brainstorm at least three different strategies.

Wealth Profile #5: Rich people focus on opportunities, poor people focus on obstacles.

The rich see the potential to grow, the poor see the potential to lose money;
The rich focus on how much they can get paid, the poor focus on how risky they are to bear.
  • Rich people, they are responsible for the results in their lives, and their actions are based on this idea:
    "It will work because I will make it work for him."
  • Rich people focus on what they want and poor people focus on what they don't want; what you focus on expands, rich people focus on opportunity in everything, so of course they are everywhere Chance.
  • If you want to be rich, focus on earning, saving, and investing.
  • Action is always better than no action; the rich start right away, believing that by letting them play, they can make smart decisions in the moment, then make corrections and adjust their practices along the way.
  • The poor are always the losers because they keep saying to themselves, "I'll take action when I've figured out all the possible problems and I know what to do" and never take action.

act like a rich man

  • Think of a plan that you've always wanted to do, then throw away whatever you've been waiting for, start now, start where you are, start with everything you have on hand.
    If possible, work for or with someone and find a way to learn the basics; if you've already learned those basics, then you have no excuses, do it now!

Wealth Profile #6: Rich people appreciate other rich and successful people; poor people hate rich and successful people.

  • Money is power, and you must have reasonable ambition to have it! You have to, because there are far more good things you can do with money than you can do without it. - Quoted from Cornwell's "Diamond Field"

    In response to the above sentence, I think it seems easy to understand, but it is really not easy to implement it in life. I am a living example. Rationally, of course, I know that I can do more good things when I have money, but in the past, more or less subconsciously, I still felt guilty because I chose food and clothing instead of the changes I really wanted to achieve (although both There are continuous donations, and the amount is not low), of course, when you look at yourself like this, when you look at those "rich people" externally, although you don't give hatred, but you still don't appreciate it more or less wholeheartedly. However, Speaking of which, it's time to talk about the important concepts in this chapter...
  • Giving hate to the rich is the best way to keep you poor.
  • Bless what you want.
    If you see someone with a beautiful home, bless that person and his home; if you see someone with a good car, bless that person and that car; see someone with a warm home, bless that person individual and his family.
If you give hatred for what someone has, in whatever way, attitude, or form you express that hatred, then you will never get him.

Wealth Profile #7: Rich people associate with positive successful people; poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

  • Successful people use other successful people as motivation, see other successful people as learning objects, and tell themselves, "If they can do it, so can I"
  • Rich people thank others who have been successful before them because they provide models to follow and make it easier for others to succeed. Why reinvent the wheel if there is already a proven way to achieve success that almost anyone can use?
    (reinvent the wheel: means an act of superfluousness)
  • If you are surrounded by negative people and bad situations, it is not easy to maintain positive thinking and stay sane, but this is your test; just like steel hardens in fire, if you are surrounded by doubt, Even the voice of condemnation, but you can honestly face your beliefs, then you will grow faster and stronger.
  • If you want to fly with eagles, don't swim with ducks!
  • If you want to be rich, you have to change your inner blueprint and believe from the bottom of your heart that you are just as good and worthy of wealth as those millionaires.
  • Don't make fun of rich people, use them as role models. Don't run away from rich people, get to know them.

act like a rich man

 Find a biography of a successful millionaire, like Carnegie, Bill Gates, Bezos... (I would also like to read Jobs and Musk)
Point out a situation in your life, or a person, that is particularly negative. Remove yourself from that situation or relationship.

Wealth Profile #8: Rich people are happy to promote themselves and their values; poor people view promotion and promotion as a bad thing

Aversion to sales is the most likely obstacle to success. For those who have difficulty selling and promoting, they are usually poor.
  • Wealthy people are usually good evangelists. They can and are passionate about promoting their products, services, and ideas, and they know how to package themselves in attractive ways.
    If you think that's wrong, then girls should be banned from cosmetics and men should take off their suits, because those are "packages".
  • The point is not whether you like to sell, but why you sell.
    This comes back to your beliefs: Do you really believe that you have value? Are you really confident in the product you offer? Do you truly believe that what you are offering will benefit the people you are promoting?
  • People who don't want to sell often don't really believe in their product, and don't really believe in themselves.
    So it's hard for them to imagine someone so convinced of their worth that they want to sell to everyone they meet, in every possible way.
  • If you believe that the services you can provide can really help others, it is your responsibility to let more people know!
    This way, you can not only help others, you can also make a lot of money!

act like a rich man

  • How valuable do you think the products or services you are currently offering (or planning to do) are? According to your opinion, give him a score from 1 to 10 (1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest), if you give it a 7 to 9, please fix your product or service to increase its value; if Your result is below 6, then stop offering those products or services, and please promote what you truly believe.
  • Whether it's by reading a book or taking a course in Marketing and Business, make yourself an expert in both fields, specialize yourself to the point where you can tell others about your value, and do it with 100% honesty. advertise.

Wealth File #9: The rich are bigger than their problems; the poor are smaller than their problems

If there's one big problem in your life, it's just one thing: You're tiny!
  • Poor people will find ways to avoid trouble. They see a challenge and push it away, ironically, while they are struggling to get no problems, they create their biggest problems - poverty and misery;
    The secret of success is not to run away from problems, not to shrink back from problems, the secret of success is to grow and let yourself be bigger than all problems!
  • The extent of your wealth growth is only limited by the extent of your own growth!
    Your goal is to grow yourself to a level where you can overcome any problems or obstacles you face in order to create and maintain wealth.
Your mind can usually only focus on one most important thing at a time,
So if you're either complaining about the problem, you're looking for a solution.

act like a rich man

  • Whenever you're feeling down and depressed about a "big" problem, point to yourself and say, "I'm tiny, I'm tiny." Then take a deep breath and say to yourself, "I can handle it, I'm better than any problem. powerful!"
  • Write down a problem you've had in your life, and then write down 10 actions you can take that will solve or at least improve the situation, which can help you move from thinking the problem in your head to solving it with action. The advantage of this is that, first, you're more likely to fix the problem, and second, you'll feel much, much better.

Wealth Profile #10: Rich people are great recipients; poor people are poor recipients.

Whether you think you are worth it or not, you can become rich.
  • The fact that you have no value is just a "story".
    No one will mark you as "valuable" or "worthless" before you are born, but you put it on yourself, it is a story you made up, and it is you who decides whether you are valuable or not. Totally your personal opinion.
    If you say you have value, you have value. If you say you don't have value, then you don't.
    Then you will live according to your version of the story.
If a 100-foot-tall oak tree has the same mind as a human, she can only grow to 10 feet at most.
  • Rich people work hard and are convinced that they are well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide to others. The poor also work hard, but because they don't think they're worth it, there is no reason to believe that their efforts and the value they provide to others are well rewarded. This belief makes them fall into the trap and make perfect victims.
  • Once the author met a man who came to him crying in class and told him, "I just can't see myself having so much money and others have nothing." The author asked him a few questions: "You become One of the poor, how does this help them? You are worthless, who can you help? Isn't it just a mouth waiting to eat? If you can create wealth for yourself, you can be in a good position Wouldn't it be more efficient to actually help other people?" Later, the author received an email from the man, saying that his current income is 10 times what he used to be, and he feels great! He said the best part is that he can help some friends who are having a hard time, which is awesome!

    ⇒ In response to this, I think that even if I didn't say it like the man, I often have this feeling in my heart, seeing those who lived harder than me, or the family environment and growth background. When people who are not very good live their lives, they can't help but think, how can this world be so unfair, how can I live a life like this one? But as the author said, it is useless to think like this. Instead, if you live a better and richer life, you will be more able to help those you want to help!
  • Money will only expand your existing self even more.
    If you are bad, money will give you a chance to be bad; if you are kind, money will give you a chance to be kinder; if you are generous, more money will only make you more generous; To tell you the opposite, he must be poor!

act like a rich man

  • Practice being a great recipient. When someone gives you a compliment, just say "thank you" to the other person, and don't return a compliment right away. This practice allows you to fully embrace the compliment and own it instead of "refracting" it. This exercise also makes the praiser feel the joy of giving a gift without it being returned.
  • Any money you find or accept, you should celebrate with joy, shouting, "I am a money magnet. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Remember, the universe is here to help you, if you Continue to say loudly to the world that you are a money magnet, especially when you have evidence to prove it, and the universe will just say "yes" and keep sending you more.

Wealth Profile #11: The rich choose to be paid for results; the poor choose to be paid for their time.

  • There's nothing wrong with having a steady salary unless it prevents you from using your abilities to earn the money you deserve, the thing is - the concept of "stable salary" tends to prevent you from making more money.
  • Rich people believe in themselves, believe in their worth, and believe in their ability to be valuable.
    This is not the case with the poor, so they need a "guarantee".
  • Don't put a cap on your income.
  • Encourage you to be your own "boss", start your own business, work on commissions, get a fixed percentage of dividends or company earnings, or subscribe for shares, whatever it is, in short, create a situation where you can get paid based on results.

Wealth File #12: The rich think: "How to have both?" The poor think: "How to choose one?"

The rich live in a world of abundance, and the poor live in a world of limitations.
  • Do you want a successful career, or close family relationships? Both! Do you want to focus on your career, or just have fun? Both! Do you want wealth or meaning in life? Both! Do you want to make a lot of money, or do a job you love? Both! The poor will only choose one or the other, while the rich want to take both.
  • From now on, whenever faced with an either-or choice, ask yourself a very important question: "How do I get both?" This question will change your life and will take you away from want and limitation mode and enter a world of abundance full of opportunities.

Wealth Profile #13: Rich people focus on their net worth; poor people focus on their work income.

The real measure of wealth is net worth, which is the financial value of all the assets you own, not work income
  • Net worth is calculated as: (all cash + present value of stocks/bonds/real estate/cryptocurrency/...etc + value of own business (if any)) - your debt = your net worth
  • 4 factors that determine equity:
  1. Income :
    🔹 Income from work (active income): It requires continuous investment of time and labor to obtain, and for business owners, it also includes the profit or income of the business.
    Work income is important, and without it, the other three net worth factors are nearly impossible to generate. Still, it's just one piece of the net worth equation.
    🔹 Passive Income:
    See “Wealth Profile #15” for details
  2. Deposits : This is also crucial, you may make a lot of money, but if you don't keep it, you won't be able to create wealth.
  3. Investing : Generally speaking, the more you know about investing, the faster your money will grow and the greater your net worth will be.
    However, what I want to add here is that when the principal is not large enough, the strategy with the highest rate of return on time is to focus on your "own business", whether your "original business" is an office worker or a business owner, because you can get more through your business. Only if the "work income" of the company has more money, it can achieve greater "compound interest" results through "investment".
  4. Simplification: This factor can be said to be a "dark horse", and few people know its importance for wealth creation.
    This factor, combined with "savings", allows us to consciously live a lifestyle that requires less money; by reducing living expenses, your savings and the amount of money you can invest can increase.
  • Track your net worth, your focus will be on it, and your net worth will expand as the things you focus on expand.
    Not sure how to get started? Don't worry, I have prepared a "Thank You List", please click this link to download!

Wealth Profile #14: Rich people are good at managing their money; poor people are good at losing their money.

The biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is your ability to manage money.
  • You have to develop the habit and ability to manage small sums of money in order to have a chance of getting big money. The habit of managing money is more important than the amount of money you have.
  • Open a Financial Freedom Account *: Every time you receive money, put 10% into this account. This account is our golden hen, and this money can only be used for investment and passive income creation, never for consumption!
    Wait until retirement (when there is no active income) to use the fund's "earn for us" (eggs), not the principal (hens). This way the money keeps growing so it never ends up broke.
  • In addition to opening a financial freedom account, it is also necessary to set up a "financial freedom tank" at home, and put money into it every day. There is no limit to the amount, 1 yuan, 5 yuan, or 10 yuan. The key is this habit.
    The secret is to put your "attention" every day on the goal of achieving financial freedom.
    Money attracts more money, make this simple money pot your money magnet, suck more money and opportunities into your life, and help you achieve financial freedom.

Wealth Profile #15: Rich people let money help them work hard; poor people work hard for money.

Hard work is important, but hard work alone will never make you rich.
  • Money is energy. Most people put energy into work and earn money; those who were able to be financially free learned to replace the energy they themselves penetrated into at work with "other forms of energy" that included : Someone else's work, a well-run business, or the right investment.
  • To win the money game, you need to earn enough passive income to support the lifestyle you want.
  • There are 2 main sources of passive income:
  1. Let "money" help you work : mainly the income from investing in financial tools, such as stock dividends.
  2. Let the "business/system" work for you : The premise is that this "business" will allow you to receive profits without having to personally participate in the operation, such as renting out real estate (someone will help you escrow or long-term lease), royalties from intellectual property rights, patents Earnings...etc, and organizational marketing.
  • Choose the job opportunity that generates immediate or ultimately passive income, and you can have two types of income, first from work and then from passive income.
  • Rich people think far. They balance current spending on play with investing in the future; the poor only want the present, and their lifestyle is based on immediate enjoyment.
The rich collect the land, the poor collect the bills.
  • The poor treat 1 yuan as 1 yuan, and exchange money for what they want in front of them; the rich regard every 1 yuan as a "seed", and after planting it, they can earn an extra 100 yuan in the future , and then plant these earned money, and you can recycle 1,000 yuan more.

act like a rich man

  • study. Take an investment course, or read an investment classic, and get in touch with investment knowledge through blog posts or podcasts.

    Taiwan's financial KOL I would personally recommend Mr. Market and ** M's opinion Miula , **Mr. Market's blog has quite a wealth of information, if you are a complete investment novice (never invested If you have never invested according to your own judgment), you can refer to Mr. Market's "Introduction to Investing and Financial Management from 0 to 1 Indexing Guide" , which for newbies, focuses on financial management concepts, investment concepts, risk, rate of return, etc. , all provided his personal investment experience and insights for many years, I think it is quite practical!

    For Miula, he has opened a Youtube channel called M Viewpoint , which has a playlist called [M Finance] . The first 15 episodes are for beginners, I think they should be very helpful in terms of investment and financial management! In addition, if you already have some investment experience, I also strongly recommend Miula's M-View Podcast . There is a series called "Investing is Difficult". Basically, it will be updated after every Friday afternoon. It mainly talks about what Miula thinks that week Important or interesting investment topics, if you are not sure whether you will like this type of content, you can listen to the latest episode of this week - [Investing is so hard] #92 Game graphics card price cut + factor investment is feasible ?
  • Shift your focus from "active" income to "passive" income. List at least three ways you can generate income without working. Start doing research and take action to implement these strategies.

    ⇒ Here I would like to add, remember the two major sources of passive income? "Let the money help you work" and "Let the business/system help you work", think back to these two directions, choose the field you are more interested in to study, and practice, although passive income can be "passive", However, it still takes a long period of hard work ahead, "it's not that you don't need to invest in the beginning"!

Wealth File #16: Rich people act even in fear; poor people let fear stop them.

  • The biggest difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich act in fear, but the poor hold back because of fear.
  • The big mistake most people make is to wait until the fear fades or completely fades before taking action. These people usually wait a lifetime.
If you are willing to do only the easy things, life will be difficult; but if you are willing to do the difficult things, life will be easy.
  • Why take action even if you feel uncomfortable? Because "comfort" is where you are now, if you want to move to a new level of life, you have to break out of your comfort zone and try something that you don't feel comfortable with.
  • Being comfortable makes you feel warm, fuzzy, and safe, but it doesn't make you grow; the only time you can grow is after you step out of your comfort zone.
  • If you want to be rich and successful, you'd better get used to "feeling bad," and practice consciously stepping into your discomfort zone and doing things that terrify you.

    ⇒ This reminds me of what Ryan talked about in his podcast "One-Man Company Practical Handbook" before, entrepreneurs should be able to "get used to embracing uncertainty and moving forward", because there are many uncertainties waiting for you every day, If you can't embrace them and move forward, you'll just stand still.
  • Your Comfort Zone = Your Wealth Zone CZ = FZ (Comfort Zone = Wealth Zone) Assuming you can expand your comfort zone, you will expand your income and wealth zone.
  • The more you base your choices on "comfort", the more you are bound by fear.
  • No one will ever die because of discomfort. Instead, living in the name of comfort kills new ideas, opportunities, action, and growth more than anything else. "Comfortable" is a killer!
  • You are not equal to your heart. You are bigger and stronger than your mind! Your heart is only a part of you, just as your hands are only a part of you.
  • As far as the pursuit of success and happiness is concerned, the most important skill you should learn is to train and manage your own mind.
  • How to train your mind? In the beginning, watch and notice how your mind keeps generating thoughts that are not good for your wealth and happiness. When you find them, you can soberly remove these thoughts that will weaken you and replace them with Ideas that empower you.

    Where can one find ways of thinking that enhance inner strength? It's every get rich manifesto in this book!
    To download the English version provided in the book, click here .
    I also prepared a Chinese version of the "Declaration of Getting Rich", please click here to download !
  • Make a decision, from now on, you will not let your thoughts control, but you will control your thoughts. From now on, your mind is not the captain of your ship, you are the captain, and your mind is helping you in your work.

act like a rich man

  • Practice stepping out of your comfort zone and deliberately making decisions that make you uncomfortable.
    Talk to people you don't normally talk to, ask your boss for a raise (please assess the situation yourself), or raise the price of your services, get up an hour a day, go for a walk in the woods at night...etc
  • Challenge the voice in your head that keeps saying, "I can't" or "I don't want it" or "I don't like it." Don't let this fear-driven, comfort-oriented voice prevail.
    Make a promise with yourself that whenever that voice tries to stop you from doing something that can help you succeed, you will do it, and let your heart know that the master is you, not her.

Wealth File #17: The rich keep growing; the poor think they already know everything.

If you think education is expensive, try the price of ignorance.
  • There is only one way you can get yourself the money you want, and that is by learning how to play the money game from the inside out. You must learn a variety of techniques and strategies for increasing your income, managing your money, and investing effectively.
  • Every master has been a big failure at one time or another. "Every master was once a disaster"
    No one is born a financial genius, every rich person learns how to win the money game, so you can too. Remember this motto: "If they can do it, so can I!"
  • The fastest way to make you rich and keep it is to work hard to develop yourself !
    If you allow yourself to grow into a successful person with a strong character and mind, you will naturally be successful in everything you do. You'll have the strength to make clear decisions; you'll have the ability to choose the job, career, or investment field you want, knowing that you're going to succeed.
To get the best salary, you have to be the best.

act like a rich man

  • Strive for growth. Read at least one book a month or take a class on money, business or personal growth . These will get your knowledge, confidence and success soaring into the sky!

Thank you for watching this all the time. If you haven't read the book "The Rich Think Differently from You", I hope my reading notes can build a bridge between you and it, and make this book useful Your life brings positive changes ^^

The structure of this reading experience is my first attempt. I refer to the methods of several foreign KOLs who love to read books, and adjust them to suit me and the information that I think readers may need. I hope it will help you!

Reference source:

Nathaniel Eliason: https://www.nateliason.com/notes

Derek Sivers: https://sive.rs/

Ali Abdaal: How I Remember Everything I Read

I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

If you want to see more of my sharing,

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Email: johnson@growthlab.com.tw

See you in our next article!


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