Movie|The Monster and Dumbledore's Secret, it turns out Dumbledore is...

Found out... I didn't watch the second installment of Monsters and The Crimes of Grindelwald and thought I was a big fan when my memory was actually of monsters and where they came from, which is so dumbfounding.
Monsters and Dumbledore's Secret poster (Pic: GOOGLE)
plot outline

Start: The mother unicorn gives birth to twins, one of which is kidnapped and killed by Grindelwald, and the other is brought back to take care of by Newt.
Inheritance: Since Dumbledore and Grindelwald were lovers in the past, they made a blood pact and vowed to change the world, so they couldn't kill each other, and they each teamed up to find allies for help.
Turn: Grindelwald was nominated for the election of the supreme leader of the wizarding world, and Dumbledore wanted to stop everything from happening, and even Newt and his party did not know the actual action.
Together: The Supreme Leader of the Wizarding World is elected in Bhutan, Grindelwald's blood pact with Dumbledore is finally broken, and Grindelwald escapes the judgment of everyone...


Although my colleagues feel that this movie is very pointless, it is just explaining things, and there are many bugs, but I like it very much, and even a few paragraphs make my nose sour... (Maybe I cry a little or I'm in a bad mood recently XD).

Dumbledore's relationship with Grindelwald

OMG, it's because I didn't watch the movie seriously in the past or this is the reason why Dumbledore is GAY.
When they were in love, they made a blood pact. As long as they attacked each other, the chains would be tightly wrapped around them, making it uncomfortable, like being cursed.


From the perspective of the characters in the play, Dumbledore is resourceful, while Grindelwald is the one who enjoys it. Although it is said in the movie that the righteous side will win, but in real life, a person who just wants to sit back and enjoy the success will always order his subordinates to do ( Bad) things, never get popular, to say that Grindelwald just didn't get popular, that's why he lost so badly.

Dumbledore's family

Credence is the son of Dumbledore's younger brother, but for some reason he can't recognize his ancestors, but they can convey their inner words through the mirror, like a conversation in the air. It makes me feel that family love in this world is really hard to break, I don't know if it is the same, ha!


Among them, Dumbledore's younger sister - Arianna, Dumbledore and Grindelwald had grand dreams for the world when they were dating, which made his younger brother dissatisfied. In a dispute, the three of them fought, and Arianna was unfortunately affected by magic and died. , became Dumbledore's heartache.


When I watched the movie, I didn't understand it very well. Later, I did some popular science online. It turned out that both my sister and Credence suffered from a genetic wizarding disease, that is, "Dark Wraith", which means that although they have magical talents, their minds cannot be controlled. Is Arianna's death an accident or..., but I feel that it may also be because of this that they cherish Credence more and don't want him to become someone else's pawn.

Dumbledore vs Grindelwald fight

In the elections in Bhutan, Dumbledore and Grindelwald had to settle (if not, I might think this is a waste of my time XDD), and finally the blood pact was lifted, which can show who is the real They are qualified to rule the world, and at the last moment, Dumbledore also wants to protect their promise.


What I like about this scene is that the fight scene goes into another dimension, there is a metaverse feeling? ? ? Directly into their own little world, but everyone can see them dueling.

 A little funny thing, recently my colleague asked me what type of boy I like, but since I'm not an appearance association, I can't say why, but... Newt's brother actually makes me think it's okay XDD, a bit rude It's funny, but it's very elegant, and then the part where Newt goes to save his brother is really funny.

> It took nearly half a month to publish an unprofessional film review, please give me more advice > I will want to review it again after a while to discover the Harry Potter meme

Movie viewing date: April 15, 2022


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