[Viewpoint] Why are Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, and Chinese people not Chinese?


First of all, let me introduce my own background. I am a rebel of the Republic of China in exile in mainland China, a Three People'sist, a Sinicist, and a left-wing Han nationalist, so my interpretation of China and the Chinese is relatively profound and unique. This allows me to look at the boundaries between people from Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the mainland people from a relatively special angle, and in the current de-globalization, after a series of social hot events in Greater China: the return of Hong Kong, the election of the Hong Kong District Council , Taiwan's election, the emergence of the new crown virus has ravaged the world , and the differences in the living conditions, ideological status quo, cultural environment, social structure, and political environment of Hong Kong people, Taiwanese, and mainlanders are exposed at a glance. This difference will inevitably give birth to their respective identities The insurmountable gap between identity and ethnicity creates national boundaries and thus forms a new concept of nationality.

At a time when the epidemic is accelerating de-globalization, the concept of nation and ethnic group has changed from being given and inherited to subjective ethnic self-identification.

No matter what political views you hold, small pink, public knowledge, democracy movement, Hong Kong pan-democratic, reasonable and non-conformist, valiant faction, Taiwan independence and founding, Korean fans, mainland anti-thieves, mainland "reasonable people"...

Everyone will think that the most powerful nation in the world today is the American nation . This nation is completely based on the concept of citizenship. This is a kind of civic nationalism.

It is a form of nationalism that obtains political legitimacy for the country through the active participation of civil society and the generation of "will of the whole people".

It goes beyond lineage, beyond language, and even cultural background. No matter what ethnicity you are, no matter what language you speak, no matter what color you are, as long as you become a U.S. citizen by taking the oath of naturalization, you are a member of the American nation.

Since Trump came to power, he has built a wall on the southern border of the United States, and set off a trend of de-globalization with a campaign slogan of "Make America great again". Europe. This further exacerbates the degree of American nationalism. Trump also publicly admitted that he is a nationalist (nationalist) and is proud of it. Trump's series of economic strategies after taking office have enabled the US economy to recover, before the outbreak of the epidemic. , the unemployment rate in the United States has dropped sharply, and the stock market is also doing well, which makes civic nationalism more recognized by more Western politicians and people.

Therefore, if the national structure can be based on the concept of citizenship, and it can be very successful, the nation obtains legitimacy with the will of the whole people as the core, which gives the traditional concept of nationality

a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. By google definition
A nation is a stable community of people formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. A nation is more overtly political than an ethnic group; it has been described as "a fully mobilized or institutionalized ethnic group. (A nation is a stable community of people who share a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, spirituality, and a proven common culture, with a political orientation higher than that of an ethnic group, and also Once described as "a mobilized or established ethnic group" concept.) from Wikipedia

It provides a new field of national division, and leads the objective concepts of blood, history, culture and language, territory and country to the subjective will, and the "will of the whole people composed of individual will" has obtained political legitimacy, The resulting ethnic identity and the national concept of the convergence of will and appeal.

Two Chinese people are Chinese free people who have the same Chinese cultural background, moral identity, and similar political demands, and have the ability to mobilize and organize voluntarily.

I have a detailed discussion in my last article "[Discussion] At the moment of deglobalization, try to give a definition of Chinese" , I describe the ideal Chinese based on a sample of Chinese society during the Republic of China state, thus giving the definition of Chinese.

The concept of modern Chinese, China officially uses the name of China as the official name of the country. It is the establishment of the Republic of China in 1912. After experiencing the structure of the Chinese elite in the Republic of China at that time, I use the Chinese society of the Republic of China as a reference and try to give me The definition of the Chinese people think: The Chinese people's structure must be built from the bottom up , not designed by external forces from the top down, there is freedom of association, and various associations, organizations and political groups are formed from the grassroots level to achieve the status of a group. The Chinese must be a group of people who spontaneously and voluntarily aggregate (a fully mobilized), so the Chinese represent the political legitimacy of this group of people to a certain extent, the direction of identification with Chinese culture, and the relationship with this group of people. People share a common view of Chinese history. The Chinese must be free people who cannot be manipulated, have the same Chinese cultural background, and believe in the same set of moral values. The private sector controls the media, so the free media serves the Chinese people and becomes a channel for the Chinese to speak out.
The Four Books and Five Classics provide belief, morality, etiquette, character and integrity, which have become the moral and spiritual core of the Chinese people. The history books of the various dynasties solved the question of where the Chinese came from.
Because the Chinese are free people who gather voluntarily, the political proposition formed by this spontaneous bottom-up national structure must also be bottom-up, such as the Three Principles of the People based on nationalism, democracy, and people's livelihood .
Nationalism guarantees the demands of national independence; democracy guarantees the rights of the people; people's livelihoodism guarantees the people's living standards and material security.
The Chinese world outlook: it is derived from the Datong thought of the Book of Rites, and the world of freedom, equality and fraternity is public and the universal value of the world is connected.
Therefore, Chinese people use associations, constitution, media, etc. to protect civil rights, use bottom-up livelihood principles to ensure a prosperous material life, and have the ability to determine the future destiny of their own ethnic groups, and have roughly the same Chinese morality. , world outlook, cultural background, historical outlook and political aspirations and voluntary gathering of "Chinese free people."

Third, the Chinese people do not have the ability to generate the will of the whole people, and they do not have the ability to organize. They are an ethnic group specially designed to facilitate the CCP’s rule.

The following is also an excerpt from my previous article "[Discussion] In the Present De-globalization, Try to Define Chinese People" , my observations on the modern Chinese society, and then the current situation of the Chinese people's deprivation of various human rights. Provide a detailed discussion and definition.

The Chinese people are an ethnic group that is absolutely controlled by the CCP. Residents with CCP nationality living in the CCP (China) within the physical range are considered Chinese. This ethnic group is played by the CCP, and this ethnic group is more like An ethnic group specially designed for the convenience of the CCP’s rule , the grand narrative created by the Hammer Party empties the Chinese people’s ability to write their own memories. Personal feelings and individual senses are controlled by authoritarianism, and the Hammer Party controls their freedom of speech. The freedom of information has been completely deprived, so that when people in this group are oppressed by the system, unfair treatment, severe existential crises and various unexpected hardships, even their cries will be covered up . Many examples have been exposed in the epidemic. Bermaner on Weibo was forced to read a "repentance letter" before his death, such as a woman sitting naked on a balcony beating gongs for help, such as setting up a group of dead victims to communicate about collecting ashes. The group owner of the group was warned by the police... There are too many silent tragedies in an epidemic, unknown and numb-eyed faces queuing up in the crematorium to collect the ashes of their relatives.
The Hammer Party covers up those helpless cries to prevent this group from developing a kind of empathy based on national consciousness and ethnic identity. What the CCP promotes within the CCP is the trinity monotheistic religion of "CCP = China = Chinese" to rule the Chinese people. Since the birth of the Chinese people , they have been shaped by the Hammer Party, brainwashing and educating the Chinese people to shape the Chinese people's view of history and the "national view" of the Trinity , building walls, using news monopoly to incite hatred and information blockade to cover up the truth , and finally to shape the CCP. The purpose of the Chinese people's world outlook , family planning to control the Chinese people's reproductive system, and the cultural censorship of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television to influence the Chinese people's aesthetics and tastes. Control the "Internet" within the monopoly wall to divert attention, promote nipple music and online games to paralyze young people; use big data, the Internet real-name system, and face recognition to monitor and deprive Chinese people of freedom of speech. The community neighborhood committees and the grass-roots police are used all over the grassroots to achieve a comprehensive number of households and people. The three powers of "executive power + judicial power + legislative power" are highly integrated under the party, and the constitution is completely empty to achieve the purpose of centralized rule.
Therefore, the Chinese are an ethnic group that is absolutely controlled by the CCP and specially designed for the convenience of the CCP’s rule.

To sum up, when a Chinese person claims to be "Chinese", he is actually expressing his "forced concept of identity", what they call "Chinese", which is divorced from the will of the individual The legitimacy of the will of the whole people is authorized, so the Chinese people do not represent the political demands formed by the gathering of individual demands, nor do they have the ability to organize and mobilize voluntary gatherings, and they do not even have the ability to write ethnic memories. Everything about the Chinese people is forcibly indoctrinated after being censored from the top down, which is why Chinese people are not Chinese: Chinese people are not Chinese free people, but Fei Lamin enslaved by the CCP. Only after the Chinese people strive for national independence and completely rely on the CCP's enslavement can they have the possibility to be Chinese.

Four Hong Kong people's organizational ability, political aspirations, modern civic consciousness and ability to influence politics constitute the core of the Hong Kong nation

As a Chineseist, I do not agree with what some Zhuxiaists say, "Hong Kong people are a city-state nation, a maritime civilization, and the concept of a nation formed by the British legal environment and political framework."

I think the Hong Kong people are also a group based on the Chinese cultural identity, the same Chinese historical view, and the same Chinese cultural background. However, the Hong Kong people's modern civic consciousness, organizational ability, ability to make political demands, the ability to express and implement the will of the whole people, and their sense of ethnic identity reflect the legitimacy of the Hong Kong people (ethnicity).

After nearly a whole year of fighting during the return , which lasted from last year to the present, brothers and sisters supported each other and fought side by side, resisting at all costs for political demands (five demands) and the future of Hong Kong, it has been shown that Hong Kong people have mainlanders (Chinese people). ), the ability to organize and mobilize , and the civic consciousness that mainlanders do not possess, also reflect the strong sense of ethnic identity of Hong Kong people. The results of the subsequent 2019 Hong Kong District Council elections demonstrated the ability of the Hong Kong ethnic group to influence politics, a channel for expressing the will of the people, and the ability to determine the future destiny of the nation. These are also completely absent from mainland Chinese (Chinese people). This is the boundary between Hong Kong people (Hong Kong people) and Chinese people. This boundary can be regarded as the boundary of the nation in today's social world.

Mainlanders (Chinese people) always accuse Hong Kong people of their political aspirations and mobilization ability with the religious view of the trinity of "uniformity" instilled from top to bottom and "CCP = China = Chinese " brainwashed by the CCP. Calling the demonstrators in Hong Kong's return " Hong Kong independence ". The unification of the Chinese free people is a spontaneous cultural self-confidence around the cultural centripetal force of advanced civilization . However, the "great unification" implanted by the Chinese is a Nazi act that deprives Hong Kong people of their legitimate political aspirations and deviates from modern civic consciousness.

Therefore, the word "Hong Kong independence" has become a touchstone for the Chinese people's belief in "CCP = China = Chinese" piety index and the degree of brainwashing. If a Chinese person opens his mouth and shuts his mouth to "Hong Kong independence," he must be a devout believer of the "CCP religion" created by the CCP system, and a patient of leek poisoning from top to bottom.

Five Taiwanese who enjoy universal suffrage, a complete constitutional system, legal protection, freedom of association, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, owned by the people, ruled by the people, and enjoyed by the people

As a member of the Three People's Party and the Republic of China, my feelings for Taiwan are very special and somewhat contradictory. Emotionally, I would like to use the Republic of China, the Five Powers Constitution, and the Three Principles of the People to describe Taiwan. But it is clear that those words have been more or less rejected by Taiwanese and are no longer accepted by Taiwanese, so they are "outdated".

Taiwan has entered a democratic society with universal suffrage after the Kuomintang opened the party ban and newspaper ban. Under this perfect democratic society, a civic consciousness of people for the people, for the people, and for the people has arisen. local consciousness. Taiwanese used this local consciousness to criticize the "white terror" during the martial law period of the two Chiangs. I will not discuss it here for the time being.

Today, I mainly analyze the characteristics of Taiwanese ethnic groups in Taiwan's civil society. First of all, Taiwanese have absolute freedom of speech, freedom of party formation and association, freedom of the press, a sound society under the rule of law, and a system of universal suffrage. Taiwan can be said to be the Chinese society with the most complete democratic system, and also the political entity with the most development prospects and future. Every Taiwanese general election has become the focus of attention of Chinese people all over the world. Because the election in Taiwan actually expresses a channel for the Taiwanese to express the will of the whole people through political means.

The Taiwanese promoted the democratization process of Taiwan through the non-Party movement and the Beautiful Island incident, and finally forced the Republic of China government to lift the law and realize a democratic society. It can be seen from this that the ability of the people in Taiwan to pursue political demands and to mobilize has always accompanied Taiwan's development.

In Taiwan's 2020 general election, the result of Xiaoying's re-election is the result of the aggregation of the political will of every individual in the civil society. Therefore, the word Taiwanese reflects a convergent political appeal. Under this kind of civil society, the ability to determine the destiny of one's own country is something that the Chinese people do not possess. Therefore, the boundary between Taiwanese and Chinese people is the difference between civil society and authoritarian society.

The ethnic consciousness of Taiwanese and the sense of self-identity spawned by the local historical view determine the rationality of the Taiwanese nation, which may also become the biggest driving force for Taiwan to abandon the title of the Republic of China in the future. (Although I do not agree with the historical view of Taiwan's indigenous consciousness) This has also become the national boundary between Taiwanese and Chinese.


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