Fun to eat! ? Eat and Drink in Taipei [55] Taipei Sheraton Anton Hall Top Steakhouse

Anton Hall specializes in top-quality steaks. August is C’s birthday month, so a group of people went to eat delicious food to celebrate his birthday.

Anton Hall specializes in top-quality steaks. August is C’s birthday month, so a group of people went to eat delicious food to celebrate his birthday.

Sheraton Taipei

The Sheraton in Taipei is located in the bustling Zhongshan District, and its guest rooms have been rated as top-notch comfort by the Michelin Guide [Eh! ? The scope of the Michelin review seems to be quite broad]. There are 8 other restaurants recommended by Michelin, with the highest being two stars [Jingkelou 2018-2022 Taipei Michelin Guide Two-star Restaurant], and Andong Restaurant is recommended by the Taipei Michelin Guide 2018.

Andong Hall

Anton Hall specializes in top-quality steaks, and its current consultant is Wu Xiaofang, the executive chef of a Michelin-starred restaurant. Therefore, it has also changed its menu this year, which also includes Japanese A5 Wagyu and Australian M9 Wagyu, although we did not have them this time. Ordered Wagyu beef. We mainly ate American beef this time. Because I have never eaten dry-aged beef, I ordered one dry-aged and one ordinary. After a little calculation, the current menu should be the set menu. It's more cost-effective, because if you order a la carte, you usually only need to order the steak and anything else, which is almost the same as the price of the set meal. If you order the main meal of steak that can be shared by two people, it will be more cost-effective to split it, since you can try different things. The four of us tried our best to order different appetizers and side dishes.


There are two types of bread at Andong Hall, one is rich in milk, and the other is onion bread with a little salty taste. The butter that comes with it is super delicious. Later, the service staff said that the butter is freshly made every day. No wonder it is so delicious. Same.

Appetizer. Scallops, sea urchin, scallop lemon foam

This dish is the scallops at point E, stacked with sea urchin and topped with lemon foam. It looks cute? It also tastes very good. The scallops are very sweet and the sea urchin is very fresh.

Appetizer. Seafood plate (oysters, shrimp cocktail)

S and I both ordered this appetizer. The most amazing thing is the sauce. It really goes well with seafood. Of course, the oysters and shrimps are very fresh, and they are kept cold with ice cubes. [It was solved immediately and it seems that there is no need for ice. ? 〕

Appetizer. Spanish Ibérico ham aged 48 months

The one ordered at C costs an additional 300 yuan, but it is a big plate and has a strong salty flavor.

And the onion bread that comes with it is really delicious.

Soup. Mushroom cappuccino

There was no sharing of the soup, only photos.

The mushroom cappuccino at point C really looks like a cup of coffee.

Soup. Baked Onion Soup

The one ordered by S looks delicious, with a layer of cheese on top Rrrrr

Soup. Chicken clarified soup

Chicken clarified soup tastes very refreshing

When it is served, there are only ingredients, and the soup is poured in by the table service. Is it a sense of ritual?


Because there were exactly four of us, we ordered two 16-ounce steaks. The order in which the steaks were served was recommended by the waiter. We had the dry-aged steak first and then the American Eye Steak, both of which were medium rare.

Taiwan’s 14-day dry-aged Angus beef helps eyesight

C said that although the name is Taiwan’s 14-day dry-aged Angus beef, the beef itself is American, but the beef is matured in Taiwan. The dry-aging in Anton Hall uses electrostatic dry-aging. About electrostatic drying The menu on their official website has an introduction to dry-aging, so I’ll link to it. The main reason is that after dry-aging, the gravy will become less, which will transform into a rich aroma and lock into the meat, and the meat will become tender. In short, even if it is very undercooked, it will be dry-aged. The steak is matured in a traditional Chinese style, and there will be no blood when you cut it.

When the steak arrived, it looked like it was slightly fried. The waiter also helped us cut it, because a small part of the steak had a texture close to that of a gourmet, because he also helped us separate it and then cut it into four parts. There is a crackling sound when it is cut (because the appearance is slightly crispy).

Video of cutting steak, preceded by soup:

Me: Hey! How long has it been since someone cut my steak?
Crowd: Laugh!

steak cut

American Eye Steak

This steak is also delicious. The one that has not been dry-aged has more gravy. It seems difficult to say which one is more delicious, but this one is more in line with the texture and taste of a delicious steak in my mind. It also has moist gravy. In the mouth, the dry-aged one is really more fragrant.


Side dishes. French fries

The French fries are really delicious, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Side dishes. asparagus

This asparagus is really big and tastes very sweet.

Side dishes. cauliflower

Side dishes. Maitake mushrooms

The maitake mushroom is also very sweet, not too strong in mushroom flavor, and is it a whole mushroom, right?

dessert. Apple Crisp Pie

As long as the seasoning is not too sweet, it’s hard for apples not to taste good!

dessert. brownie

The ice cream that comes with the brownie has a wonderful miso flavor, but it goes surprisingly well with the brownie. The salty miso balances out the sweetness of the brownie, and I really like the mousse on top, which has a tea flavor [ It seems to be Earl Gray tea] In short, it also has the effect of relieving tiredness.

dessert. Cheese mousse

This dish is just okay, and the strawberries may not be in season, so they are sour and not fragrant XD.

Small square service bell

We booked a small box that day, which can seat four people, and there is a low discount [like 8,000? It looks like], but four people don’t seem to be afraid of not being able to order. There is a service bell in the box to call for service. However, the high-tech nowadays is not a real bell, but an induction type. The required service category on the box is turned towards Just put it on. No wonder I was wondering that day why they all knew that we needed to pour wine. It turns out that one side of the square is for wine service [laughs, maybe I am drunk], right... I am not turning the square... .laugh, but this little square is really convenient! It seems that a few restaurants are using it, especially the ones with private rooms.

Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel - Anton Hall 2nd Floor, No. 12, Section 1, Zhongxiao East Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

Peace on Earth

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