That's that person's life

Strange, I suddenly feel that this article is a bit long... Although it is recorded with momentum, I hope you will read it with a smile (there is nothing to lose...) (Well, there is nothing to lose? Then put your cheese down, That's for breakfast tomorrow!)
Photo by Alfonso Rodríguez on Unsplash

1~5 years old:

The child touches the toy and laughs happily, eats snacks, and rolls around aimlessly in the same place. When he is in pain, his parents will help him apply medicine to see the doctor, go to kindergarten, play with friends, and be reprimanded by the teacher, although the teacher He can be fierce, but because he is young, he can still reconcile with the teacher because the teacher gave him a packet of biscuits. For a child, the world is in front of him, and his parents will take him to the new world to see the scenery, and the child also believes that the bright future will continue. . . .

6~11 years old:

Primary school students who began to think of themselves as adults and gradually explored their own growth direction. During the standardized teaching process, they experienced new knowledge, but they did not want to take exams and were restricted from playing time. Small society requires children to learn self-control, and a small number of primary school students are already in This small society becomes leaders, bullies, snobs, arrogant, small circles, weak and so on. However, what elementary school students don't know is that in the future process of the ecological environment of this small society, everyone will gradually transform into one of different types of people, and they will also choose to become a member of it. There is no choice not to choose .

12~17 years old:

Coming to the age of teenagers, middle school and high school students have already shown the so-called violation of rules in human instinct, sleeping in class, smoking, stealing and skipping classes, exploiting loopholes in legal regulations to avoid rules, and going to places that do not fit their age to experience and explore, and be dangerous. crazy things. There are also some people who maintain their own bottom line, maintain their attitude in class, pass exams well, and reap the results when they wait to enter the society. For most people, this is called youth , and a few people call it hell . They are collectively bullied in private, or openly ignored and indifferent. The teacher does not notice, and even the teacher becomes a member of the bullying. The person who supports it either leaves the bully’s range of activities forever, or finds the bully at that time to retaliate, or before graduation, has disappeared, and only the family of the bully knows whether he is alive or dead. From middle school students to high school students, young girls see that they have become a member of society, but they still don’t know whether the next stage is to step into the bottomless social abyss, or to enter the university haven that used to be a symbol of freedom. Upgrading your education...was a symbol of freedom ?

18 years old ~ now

Entering the university, saying goodbye to the classmates of the past who are already in the abyss of society, and coming to the free university, and the irony is that this is also a trap. At the beginning of course selection, everyone chooses their favorite courses, puts the graduation threshold aside, and spends a year, or even two years, until the topic fails and the credits are insufficient, and some people decisively give up their education and prefer to choose social work. Some people choose to stay and try to make up all the conditions within two years, but the so-called freedom is only the illusion at the beginning.

I am already in the fourth year of college, and social knowledge and foreign news have broadened my horizons. The constantly advanced science and technology force us to catch up. If we stop, we will be left behind, but in the process, we have lost classmates and friends. , The values that have always been broken are constantly broken again, and when they are repaired, they are broken again, and the fragments are stabbed in the heart and head again. When I come back to my senses, only strangers who I don’t know are left chasing ahead like me. Strangers have friends next to them, but I don't have any.

"I'm tired, I don't want to chase anymore."

He fell on the spot, but some passing strangers ignored it, some wanted to pull up and force him to continue running, and then gave up after a while, and continued toward the light in the distance, moving forward like a headless fly.

I stayed where I was, started to seek happiness, and then, I killed myself.

"Does it take hard work to get results?"

No, some people have been laughing at the bottom of the light above us who are trying to catch up, and sprinkled his one month's salary, and we think he generously donated the income of two years of struggle.

"Then we can pull them down by lying flat on the bottom?"

They will probably come up with clone technology to act as labor, right? Otherwise, let the machine do it.

"Why can't everyone be rich?"

Thought it was communist ideology? In history, whether it is a dictatorship, communism, or a republic and democracy, the superior will always have money, and the people will have no money. Once they become the superior, no matter who they are will fall, even the saints.


Don't want to talk anymore?

"What about you? Another me, so where is my next place after I die?"

In the familiar room, I looked at my dead self. I hadn't seen this kind of dream for a long time, but I ended up talking to myself. I turned on the laptop that I had been using for four years, and I showed him my current life and past experiences, and after he read it, he coldly gave the answer I already knew.

"That's your life, not mine."

I put down the laptop, and then simply spread my hands to respond.

"That's right, that's me, not your poor trashy life."

"Did you just say that my life is garbage!"

He grabbed me and punched me hard in the face, but I still commented and guarded against his powerful punches every time.

"That's right, your life is really rubbish to the extreme. You study hard and study hard, and you get good grades every time. Even if you get bullied, you just swallow it all up and start over in a new high school environment. Continue your glorious grades. Nothing happened inside, peace and health! And then! Your entertainment turned out to be to find those who like to play, sing and watch movies! In my life, I thought that the most money-wasting thing in my life, you and his X actually did it, Then why did you choose that lousy department when you got to the university! You can see that when you go out of that department, you are a professional. , but you fell for me later, do you think you are the ups and downs of the stock market? And then I looked in the mirror, I can't believe that after I lost weight and took care of it, I was actually this little white face and now a scumbag, obviously You have already played the game of life to the extreme rubbish full marks, so why did you commit suicide! You obviously have everything, don't you! Why didn't you hold on at the last moment! If it were me, I would hold on and look for opportunities later !"

When I suddenly seized the space, I also gave him a punch in the stomach. Because of his continuous blows, my fist was weaker than usual, but he fell to the ground with his stomach as if he had been hit hard.

" don't even know..."

"I don't know? The guy who is so cool in the first draw is still complaining? And my life is obviously the same at the beginning, but my parents don't allow me to go out to play at will, and then they also have some genetic diseases, which lead to serious illness in the future, I have to choose Fun without spending money, and then I gradually couldn’t focus on my studies, played games and abandoned my studies, and was scolded by my parents badly! At that time, I was depressed for a whole month! It led me to go to vocational school, although it was not high school, but I had a good time, After I learned some techniques and got good friends, I finally returned to normal. I found a good-looking department in the University of Science and Technology. Although it is an undeveloped industry, and even the teachers left one by one, I can still seriously look at the countless future Path! No matter who does anything to me, I will definitely repay it twice, and let them lose terribly!"

I shook him, but he didn't seem to have the feeling to answer, I threw him aside, I looked at him and still didn't feel it, and then realized the three choice blackboards, the chalk on it wrote what I thought, and then the three blackboards stand before him.

"Then choose, let you choose, let me see what I will choose as the current charge."

On the blackboard were three places where I thought I was dead.

The first: Go to another world to live a happy life every day, and have all invincible abilities.

Second: It's just heaven and hell, or the underworld, and after that it becomes human, or inhuman.


"Why... the third one has nothing? Aren't you the one who tried me for suicide! Why did you deliberately give me a blank choice!"

I sat back on the bed in the room, I'm not the judge, but I'm too lazy to argue with him now, I just don't care about the perfect me and respond like this.

"The person who stopped, of course, is blank."

"Then why am I here! Isn't my consciousness still here?"

"Are you sure you are real? It's not because of my dream that you, a phantom that only exists for one night, came out to mock me."

"Then tell me! Tell me the answer to this phantom!"

A lot of different people came in long before this poor guy came, and I made different responses to different things, and now I have to respond and give answers in order to end this dream.

But this time, although I gave a choice, I deliberately left a blank, I want to look at myself... No, it was "this person"' s choice. ruthless? Because I still know one thing, which is the most basic thing for everyone, but the things that are often destroyed during the growth process and the cruel reality have been shown in the previous people.

And he must show it now, because intuition tells me that that is the right solution for him.

"Then, give yourself the answer, what do you want the most! Don't ask me to ask others to give you the answer! Choose me, if you don't like the first two, just engrave you in the blank space. s answer!"

In the end, I put that pen, which I have been reluctant to throw away since I was a child, and put the old mechanical pencil that I had secretly hidden for more than 10 years in front of the blank blackboard. The answer, I silently looked at the "that person" who was staring at me, and then transformed into coated glass, isolated in the middle, I could see him, but he could not see me.

I watched during this period. When he was just isolated, he was stunned for a while, and then he wanted to break the glass, but he seemed to gradually lose his strength and fell in front of the glass. Because time is meaningless in a dream, if you count it carefully, maybe your reason will collapse first.

Finally, the man got up and looked towards the three blackboards, he muttered to himself.

"Going to another world... There is also the ability to plug-in for free, and you promise me that I will have a happy every day... Show it to my former classmates and friends and I will definitely choose."

Nonsense, I must choose that one... But considering the level of technology in another world, I don't want to go, unless you give me a mobile house, full of modern furniture and equipment, and I will consider it again.

"This is really old-fashioned. I've watched so many movies, and I don't want to go to hell with so many looks, not to mention that I might not be a human anymore! But I might be the second customer, maybe. After all, suicide can be reincarnated or transformed into something else tolerable.”

Yes, suicide is the worst felony that cannot be tolerated, unless it is a " special case" .

Finally, he looked at the third blackboard, walked over, picked up the mechanical pencil, and pressed the refill button, but it was empty, after all, I kept it privately.

"It's so stingy! I really want me to use the engraving. Although the blackboard is originally made of chalk, it can only be engraved without chalk."

The moment he engraved the pen on the blackboard, I saw it again, the day he committed suicide.

------------------First meeting, I'm the dividing line, shouldn't this be my last appearance? --------------------

"Remember to pay attention to safety when you go out. If the situation is strange, leave as soon as possible, you know!"

I didn't remember what my mother said, because today I made an appointment with my girlfriend to play for two days. I lied to her that I was playing with a friend, hoping to surprise her one day. I quickly got to the meeting point, took the train with my girlfriend to the mall, ate there, watched the latest movie, and everything was so normal.

"Tonight, let's find a hotel, this time it's my choice, so stay tuned!"

I followed my girlfriend to a high-rise building. My girlfriend said that there was a hotel in this high-rise building, and she got here only after getting a discount from a friend's regular customer. I was already looking forward to the wonderful evening. However, I didn't know at the time that this was where I committed suicide.

The messy bed was all the result of a group of people crushing me and crushing me. I even felt that the bones in my body were broken, and blood flowed from the corners of my mouth, while my girlfriend sat on the sofa and said she wanted to Survive safely and hand over the valuables at home.

I was very aware. I didn't expect my girlfriend to come here because of my family's money. It was clearly because I was handsome and good grades. It seems... Am I still underestimating society... Or is it me? Bad luck?

"I know? You have a few stocks in your name that have been very profitable recently. Just give them to me, and I promise not to trouble you again."

"As the saying goes, people who say this are greedy slaves, or, bitches, right?"

"Do you want to die?"

"This is your site, right, so you want to call my mobile phone home to report safety, right?"

"If you wait a minute, I'll let them continue to beat you up and give him the phone!"

The phone was thrown on my stomach, didn't you say give it to me? Damn guy. I picked up the phone with difficulty, and then dialed the home phone, the voice on the opposite side was my mother.

"Ah, do you want to come back? If so, ask Dad to take you?"

"No, what did you eat today, mom?"

"Fried meat, do you want to come back to eat?"

"Yeah, I really want to come back to eat..."

"Ah, why are you crying? Did you just confess to being dumped by your girlfriend?"

"No, it's just something that makes me cry even more."

"Then go back to sleep after crying, don't forget that next week is the graduation ceremony!"

"...Okay, Mom, bye."

"Okay, it's okay to come back tomorrow, hang up."

If ignorant lying as a child doesn't count, this is my first and last lie....

Sorry Mom, I lied, I won't be coming back.

From the outside, a man jumped from a high-rise building. No one knew that he was threatened to make this irreversible decision, and no one knew that he sent himself to a dead end in order not to be violated at home. When the man landed, At the last second, I was still talking to my family.


------------------Man will eventually die, but this kind of death is not the best answer. ------------------------------------

He finally finished engraving, I put down the glass, leaving only the simplest four words on the blackboard.

"Go home for dinner."

Finally, I looked at these four words, the simplest wish, but it was also impossible for him to do.

"So, you'll be satisfied, another me."

"You are wrong, you are not me at all, you are 'the other person' from beginning to end, and you make choices."

This time, the four walls of the room were broken. When I looked up, the giant four-armed tyrannosaurus held one wall in each hand, walked towards the road, and awkwardly created another square-shaped room without ceiling on the road in the same way as a child building blocks. , and there is a black hole inside, and the road is full of flowers with coins. I think that is the entrance he should enter. Is it really the entrance of "success"?

"Then, goodbye! Don't come here after you die, I have to get vaccinated tomorrow! Go go, I hope that disgusting bitch will be treated worse soon."

"Then, goodbye! Although it took a lot of time, you still helped me. Thank you. I hope you can live a life without wearing a mask as soon as possible."

He walked to the edge, then jumped down, right into the black hole, and my eyelids finally started to get heavy, and the surrounding scenery gradually separated.

"Remember...Only you can"





I woke up in an instant, I saw my whole body, no damage, and the date was the date the damn guy made an appointment, I called the guy directly, and then canceled the plan to go out.

"Ah~ why is it canceled today? Today I have..."

"Yeah, are you going to fix me severely today?"

"...I don't know what you're talking about?"

"We won't see each other again, let's break up, and I'll replace all contact information."

"So what are you talking about..."

"And then I'm going to call the police, so you're ready to run away~ You stinky bitch!"

Then it took two whole days to change the mobile phone number and social software account, delete all friends, and report to the police that there was a certain floor of the building that threatened the safety of others and seized money. After a few days, it was reported in the news, Many victims also came out and demanded sanctions, and among the women arrested by the police was that bitch, and she was in a good mood, because in the videos recorded privately by netizens, she was also punched several times by several victims, although she was still beaten by the police. Driven away, but at least it was another form of revenge.

What I didn't know later was that my parents were already scheduled to move, so I would probably alienate myself from the relationships I had established? But...he also said that those people weren't helpful, so I could let go so that bitch wouldn't find it easy to find me through them for revenge.

"Have you decided what you're going to do next? Do you want to be the kind of thing you learned... a programmer? It seems like a lot of trouble."

"I want to take a year off, finish learning something and then work."

"Although you can rest for a while, don't rest too long."

"Well, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Then eat the air."

"It turns out to be air, so that's fine too."

End the inexplicable dinner topic. In the new home, the peaceful daily life made him feel very grateful for the first time. He later returned to the new room, the sound of the newly installed program sounded, and sat in front of the computer, next to the package of a book. After unpacking, the title was Is it the "Game Program Development Guidelines" or the latest version.

"Okay, it's time to work, I have to make a great game that doesn't exist in your world, and make you regret that you locked me up for so long and made me almost give up! Another me... Or say "another person" All right."

Think about it, how do you feel when you know that your other self is better and richer than you, or that he is more miserable and poorer than you?

Of course, everyone has their own answers. In my case, I'd still help him take revenge on the cheating girl, and then show her who I am. Anyway, she doesn't know that I am fat~ Right?

The other self is someone else after all, so I still won't say anything, because it is me, I think he must have considered the things I have thought about and the choices I have made, but he must make his own decisions, not me, so He can continue to maintain his " other" identity wherever he goes.

In short, I won’t say that everyone should live with hope and optimism, but if you continue to live, you may have a chance to see what you want you to see in your life. . . .


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

凡星最容易生存,卻又是最難生存,平凡要不沾與極端之間取得平衡。(裝厲害)(你就不會乖乖吃起司嗎) 那麼今天想看什麼故事呢?
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