The coolest dog days | The summer is quite cool


This summer is really unpredictable. From mid-June to mid-July, it was hot and hot, and then it started to rain just after the dog days. Just when people thought that the rain would stop and then enter the extremely hot stage, they did not expect that the weather would be cool for several days. Last night It started to rain again.

The wind was blowing at night, and it felt a little cold in the house. I got up, closed the windows in the house, and covered the child with the quilt. The wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, and even knocked down the electric car. Upstairs, I could hear the siren of an electric car, and I slowly fell asleep to the sound of rain.

I got up at 6:30 in the morning and went downstairs to do the nucleic acid rain. It was still a bit cold. You must know that this is a dog day, and it's head down, it actually makes people feel like autumn is coming. Although it is cool, it is not necessarily a good thing for crops. The rainfall in summer is very large, which can easily cause natural disasters such as mudslides and landslides. Last year, on July 20 in Zhengzhou, the city was flooded, and many people were unfortunately killed.

Remind everyone to check the weather before traveling in summer, and take shelter in time for thunderstorms.


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