A Challenge of the Day/August 9th


This week will be quite busy. Today, after work, I went back to Taipei to help my relatives get the iPad. It was almost midnight when I got home. Although it will be a little annoying when the schedule is full, it seems that every time is just right, and I have been worried about which link will go wrong, but on the other hand, if everything is fine all day, it seems that I will panic. Such a contradictory mentality is indeed a bit troublesome. How can I be in a comfortable state? Sure enough, I am actually a workaholic, maybe I have to do something to prove the value of existence.

Teaching children this job has made me a little more curious. I feel that I have to know more to answer more. I hope I can maintain this motivation after school starts. I think this job is very suitable for me. I can observe a lot of my own shortcomings from the classroom, and I can also get first-hand experience about education in the teaching field. Of course, I also benefited from the social interaction and interaction between colleagues. Although I was young, other colleagues did not have much thought to relax the standards for me. How to get familiar with the operation of the system in a short period of time is also a very valuable experience.

Maybe I'm already a lucky person. Although I still often feel that something is not going well, it would be better if I could make it easier, but it may not be smooth, because I will always find troubles for myself. If I have to say that there is really no progress, it is probably the part of love. It is not that I have not liked anyone, but there is no result so far. It is inevitable to wonder if I am really not good enough, if there is no attractive place on the outside and on the inside, but maybe the time has not come, or maybe God just thinks it is not now.

I know it will only be more tiring, and how can I let myself go with my personality, so please forgive yourself a little.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

潛意識怎樣都好,怎樣都不好。 只是日記,學會整理自己,顛波崎嶇的路上總有收穫。
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